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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Debt relief and the IMF are global issue, but not immigration? :unsure:
    Slowly but surely you're getting there, Steven. Immigration is still a matter that each souvereign nation handles and regulates as it sees fit. Which is why different countries have different immigration laws.
    You're point is well taken. :whistle:
    No offense but this has just gone on into pointlessness. It really boils down to a difference of opinion. I personally don't think that the application of laws, particularly immigration laws should be black and white. I also think this woman - the length of time she's lived and worked here and that she has an 8 yr. old son who is a USC should weigh in on any decision on allowing her to stay or deporting her. That's all. I'm finished arguing about this for now. :star:

    Since your keep refusing to accept the fact that she was afforded due process and that those factors were taken into consideration when the decision on her case was made, there's really nothing else to talk about. Her case wasn't black-and-white but was weighed on it's merits. A lawful order was issued as a result of the due process she was afforded and she chose to demonstrate her belief that she is above our laws and courts. That is why I hope that the government will demonstrate to her that she isn't.

    Yep. Time to send her back where she belongs. I'll even pay for the transportation! Only one-way though! :thumbs:


  2. Elvis Presley never wrote 1 song he recorded in his lifetime. The man had the voice to do it all. On this date, August 14, 1997, I was 10 years old. I was in San Francisco at a KISS concert with Cheap Trick. I remember the dedications being done. But I wasn't into Elvis' music at the time. My favorite song is "Suspicious Minds". Loved the fat Elvis :thumbs:

    You're 20?

    #######! I wish I was 20! Unfortunately, take off another 20 years off 1997. I'm 41 now :blush:

  3. After reading through this thread, why in the hell are the victim and their families being blamed and chastized for what the perpetrators, illegal aliens, did to this girl? We have a right to feel and should be safe in OUR OWN COUNTRY. This young girl didn't deserve to happen this happen to her. It's not what the girl or her family did or did not do in this situation. It was solely the fact that illegal immigrants have invaded the US. Our laws, our standards, our rights, mean nothing to these invaders. They're doing whatever in the hell they want at the expense of all those who rightfully deserve to be here. The government fully shares the blame in this girl being killed. The blood is on their hands. Simply because they are NOT enforcing immigration laws. For illegal immigrant advocates, you can kiss it where it stinks! I want illegals out of MY country before another American citizen is killed! :ranting:

  4. Elvis Presley never wrote 1 song he recorded in his lifetime. The man had the voice to do it all. On this date, August 14, 1997, I was 10 years old. I was in San Francisco at a KISS concert with Cheap Trick. I remember the dedications being done. But I wasn't into Elvis' music at the time. My favorite song is "Suspicious Minds". Loved the fat Elvis :thumbs:

  5. As mention in another thread:

    John Wilkes Booth was another (in)famous activist that had a cause he felt was right and just and worth fighting for :whistle:

    Yet, he was undeniably a US citizen :D

    Actually, he was a confederate :blush:

    Born May 10, 1838 in Maryland, It was still the US at that time. :D

    He was only a confederate sympathizer who expressed vehement dissatisfaction with the South's defeat in the Civil War and Lincoln's proposal to extend voting rights to freed slaves.


  6. You got that one right BD. That seems to be the popular way of life amongst illegals in the US. It's all about them and what they can do for themselves. "What is yours, is mine. What is mine, is mine". :rolleyes:

    maybe time to drag this pic out........


    I was going to use that pic in my last post. I was too lazy to search for it again after I deleted it the other day. Thank ya Mr. C ;)

    i snagged it when you posted it and filed it in the bucket :D:thumbs:

    :lol: Cool! Glad it could be put to use again ;)

  7. You got that one right BD. That seems to be the popular way of life amongst illegals in the US. It's all about them and what they can do for themselves. "What is yours, is mine. What is mine, is mine". :rolleyes:

    maybe time to drag this pic out........


    I was going to use that pic in my last post. I was too lazy to search for it again after I deleted it the other day. Thank ya Mr. C ;)

  8. I think you do have blinders on.

    You are so very wrong Gary.

    How can you tell? The blinders you have on about Hillary don't let you see the truth about her. She is a lying, pandering, controlling, power hungry, bitter woman. I pray you see the truth before you invest to much of your time in her.

    I think just about every politician out there has all those traits. But I agree with you Gary. It cracks me up that when her husband took the presidency, her last name changed to "Rodham-Clinton". Okay. Now that she is running for president, where's the "Rodham"? It so conveniently disappeared :lol:

  9. What we are doing to mitigate that problem is to start the wedding planning process by picking our favorite venues, djs, photographers, caterers, etc.

    Once we get the K-1 Visa on her passport, I will be making frantic calls to finalize everything based on whatever is available at that time.

    That's smart. I think picking a date is crazy if you havent been interviewed yet. Like buying a nonrefundable plane ticket and missing the bus to the airport. Hmm...

    It's the roll the dice and see what you get. I started working on wedding plans for October 20th. My fiancee' was approved for her visa only 2 days ago. I'll be with her next Friday. I rolled the dice with the advanced purchases of our plane tickets and setting the wedding date before she was interviewed. What gave me the confidence was knowing that I covered every conceivable possibility of the paperwork she needed. I didn't realize how much documentation I had given her to take the interview, until she showed me through the webcam. I almost felt like sending a mule over to help her carry all of it :wacko:

  10. If the argument against illegal immigrants is simply because their presence here is outside of law, that our laws, particularly our immigration laws are not a necessary indication of what is just. (see the red tex) That's the meat of my argument. I compared the actions of Abolitionists as activists who acted OUTSIDE the law. That's the only necessary comparison you need to follow (activists acting outside of the law). It was in response to Kez who questioned how someone could be breaking the law and still consider themselves an activist. Hopefully most can extract that without simplifying into a one on one comparison. ...sigh.

    Steven, it is interesting how yo keep forgetting that immigration is a privilege not a right. Besides, if this "activist" of yours was truly concerned about what is and isn't just in how illegal immigrants are dealt with, she'd have a much bigger cause in her dear home country where illegal immigrants are subjected to inhumane treatment and where they are denied due process. I don't think your "activist" is too concerned about the plight of illegal immigrants - not here and not in her country. She's concerned only about one illegal immigrant. Herself. That does not an "activist" make.

    You got that one right BD. That seems to be the popular way of life amongst illegals in the US. It's all about them and what they can do for themselves. "What is yours, is mine. What is mine, is mine". :rolleyes:

  11. I'm going to start protesting against keeping murder illegal.

    It's a matter of one following their conscience for what is right or just. Blind obedience to civil laws simply on the grounds that it is the law has never led to any social reforms.

    Laws are there to maintain order. They are written to give protection of all citizens. Which, we, as US citizens, rightfully deserve. The majority of US citizens have spoken. It is clearly stated that we do not to create a social reform for illegal aliens. Which, they have exactly ZERO rights being in the USA. ;)

  12. You cannot liken the plight of ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO WILLFULLY, KNOWINGLY break United States Law for their own selfish gain by a. unlawfully entering the country, b. committing fraud, c. having a child in the states in an effort to remain in the usa to that of African slaves over 150 years ago. Not only does it cheapen the horror of slavery, it attempts to endear the plight of ILLEGALS to mainstream America, and that is just despicable. They deserve no sympathy, they deserve no understanding. They are criminals. Do you feel sorry for the 34 year old man who was abused by a priest as a 5 year old child, who then goes on to sexually molest hundreds of children? You can't differentiate criminals based on crimes. Wrong is wrong, and wrong should be punished accordingly by due process.

    THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO NOT ENTER THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY, TO IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. I have saved, struggled, and worked 2 jobs to be able to afford immigration for my hubby and son. I am sick to death of hearing people make excuses for illegals, I'm sick of hearing sob stories for illegals. Legal immigration is much more heartbreaking than someone entering illegally. I cannot fathom anyone who has gone through this process legally having any sort of understanding for people who do not, considering the amount of bullcrap we have had to endure for real, true love and family.

    I'm right there with ya! :thumbs:

  13. if this woman flat out said to you, "i had my son here on american soil just so that the govt wouldnt deport me, even tho i am here illegally" would you still feel the same?

    i find it distasteful and frankly unethical for her to be using her son as a pawn

    I don't know this woman's intentions but I'll never feel threatened by a foreigner who wants to come here and work in childcare or clean planes.

    You feel comfortable enough to leave your children in daycare with people that are here under an assumed identity? It must be nice knowing that you can entrust illegal aliens with the care of our children. Which they have no background checks, etc. Next thing you know, we'll have children dying at the hands of people that were breaking US laws in the first place. :blink:

  14. Josh was hilarious .. I don't think he did one good thing all season but he kept saying how good he was...

    supposedly he was a sous-chef in real life :blink:

    maybe he does better in a more slower paced environment :unsure:

    I believe he is a chef that gets sued for his bad cooking skills ;)

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