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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. my future wife is really close with her brother. can i add him onto her visa?

    In Form I-134, you will have to prove support of who you petition. This also includes being able to provide proof of enough chairs to accomodate everyone in the home. :thumbs:

    Her next excuse will be, "we were only playing musical chairs, and i lost" :devil:


  2. my future wife is really close with her brother. can i add him onto her visa?

    In Form I-134, you will have to prove support of who you petition. This also includes being able to provide proof of enough chairs to accomodate everyone in the home. :thumbs:


    Stop that! We already got in trouble on the other post! *giggle*

    Okay! Okay! It was fun while it lasted! ;)

  3. my future wife is really close with her brother. can i add him onto her visa?

    In Form I-134, you will have to prove support of who you petition. This also includes being able to provide proof of enough chairs to accomodate everyone in the home. :thumbs:

  4. Well if the reason she sat on his lap was because of the lack of furniture........I dont even want to think who sleeps on who.

    Im sure you paid gringo iva when u were there.

    get a clue hp

    Maybe the "brother" paid for a virtual lap dance :lol:

    This chump is marrying someone w/o even knowing for certain if thats her brother. lol

    homie my girl is fine colombian. were did u get urs? booya.

    A fine colombian girl who enjoys the pleasure of sitting on her "brother's" lap. Do you have today's newspaper? Can you clip yourself a cluepon? It's redeemable at any time...preferably at the time you actually meet her in person! Then maybe you, her, and her brother can sit on each other's lap and have a gay ol' time! :lol:

    why you wanna get all in my face??? do u know your girls family? do u think u can stand in their way??? get your own clue son.

    How can I be in your face when I'm looking at a computer? Actually, I do know ALL of my girl's family. That was the one of the many points of actually GOING THERE. To meet my girl's family. I've been there many times and enjoyed many celebrations with them. And everyone had their own chair to sit. Next please! ;)

  5. Well if the reason she sat on his lap was because of the lack of furniture........I dont even want to think who sleeps on who.

    Im sure you paid gringo iva when u were there.

    get a clue hp

    Maybe the "brother" paid for a virtual lap dance :lol:

    This chump is marrying someone w/o even knowing for certain if thats her brother. lol

    homie my girl is fine colombian. were did u get urs? booya.

    A fine colombian girl who enjoys the pleasure of sitting on her "brother's" lap. Do you have today's newspaper? Can you clip yourself a cluepon? It's redeemable at any time...preferably at the time you actually meet her in person! Then maybe you, her, and her brother can sit on each other's lap and have a gay ol' time! :lol:

  6. Well if the reason she sat on his lap was because of the lack of furniture........I dont even want to think who sleeps on who.

    Im sure you paid gringo iva when u were there.

    get a clue hp

    Maybe the "brother" paid for a virtual lap dance :lol:

    If he paid, I hope he got a good sackwashing out of the deal! Now she can buy another chair and make things right! ;)

  7. look im no idiot, i wuz just asking for advice. she's a great girl and loves her family. they are poor so they had to share a room. her brother lives away now but he came by to visit when we were chatting. i love her and i dont want to break it off just because of that, they dont have alot of furniture.

    So they share a chair and talk about the first thing that pops up? He's taking her temperature? Doing the dipstick test? :lol:

  8. Its currently not illegal for banks and credit card companies to provide finacial services to illeagal immigrants, provided that they are not on the terrorism watch list.

    I understand that since businesses are there to make money. It is up to the government to enact the appropriate laws to stop companies employing or profiteering from people who are in this country illegally.

    Absolutely! :thumbs:

  9. My name is Joe. I was always wondering what I needed to do to get rid of this damn constant migrane! Oh yeah! I got divorced and that solved the problem! I didn't need to have my testicles removed! :lol:

    Bet it fixed other problems too ... :thumbs:

    You got that one right! Life became easier and the excessive credit debt went with her!


    Focking A!!!!!!!

  10. My name is Joe. I was always wondering what I needed to do to get rid of this damn constant migrane! Oh yeah! I got divorced and that solved the problem! I didn't need to have my testicles removed! :lol:

  11. Sick fuc should have his ####### cut off then shoved up his azz.

    With Tabasco sauce! Right Charles? :thumbs:

    i think he should get a free upgrade to Habanero :thumbs: and supersize it :lol:

    I would suggest sulfuric acid. But it would leave a Grand Canyon of a rectum for him. The guys in prison won't be able to get their full satisfaction out of him! :lol:

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