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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. I can't believe this stuff about signing for an NOA2. When ours arrived is was just in an USCIS envelope. No special signing, no other requirements, etc.

    I just made sure I printed the notice off the computer. It was as least my assurance that something had been done.

    Joe, if your case is in the embassy in Kyiv, I'd say you don't have much to worry about. Just in case print out the one from the USCIS web site for safe keeping. They accept copies for so many darn things that you probably won't ever need the original.

    Printing a copy would be nice. The only thing is that I haven't received an e-mail about it and the USCIS website says that the case was only updated on 05/23/2007. It says nothing about an approval. I'm gonna keep trying to get through the best I can. I don't want to pay $200 for something they're saying they've done. :rolleyes:

  2. I find this sooo hard to accept. I also never received the NOA2 and spoke with USCIS today who insisted my only option is to pay $200. If they are sending us documents worth $200, don't you think they should send them with a way to track them. I didn't lose my NOA2 as they are suggesting.

    Is this happening to a lot of people lately? Is there anything else we can do?

    The lady I spoke to on the telephone from USCIS said that I should've signed for it when it was delivered to my home. She was throwing out so many excuses to point all the fault at me! I am at my home each day whenever the mail is delivered. There has been nothing to sign for. I just sent an inquiry over to my Congressional Representitive. I'm hoping that something will derive from this angle and not pay the $200. It's ridiculous that this is happening to all of us!

    You can find out who your Representitive is by going to: http://www.house.gov/writerep/

  3. I haven't received my NOA2 like a lot of you on here who have not received it yet. I contacted USCIS today. They said it was sent 30 days ago. My #######! I haven't moved anywhere and I received the NOA1 within a week of submitting my I-129F. They even tried to convince me that my case hasn't been approved yet as a reason for not receiving my NOA2. They couldn't dispute the fact that my case is already at the Ukraine U.S. embassy and my fiancee' has her interview 08/14/2007. :rolleyes:

    With as many people here stating that they haven't received their NOA2 either, it's gotta be a damn conspiracy! To obtain a copy of the NOA2, they want you to pay $200.00 and submit the I-824 to obtain the copy. Come July 31, 2007, that amount will be increased drastically. Just a word of warning! Whatever their scheme is to obtain more money, get it done before the July 31st date. You'll need to fill out and send in I-824. Cover all the angles! Send with "Delivery Confirmation" and use a personal check which is your proof they received your I-824 and cashed your check! :ranting:

  4. The studies are still ongoing but there is mounting evidence that the huge spike in obesity in this country over the last 20 years coincides with the introduction of HFCS and trans fats into the food supply.

    Again I ask:

    Why are Europeans getting fatter? You won't find HFCS in European food.

    Because of this man:


    or is it this man?


  5. Mark's got a long way to go to get that first red heart that he so desperately craves ;)

    If he keeps it up at this rate, he should have it in no time at all :D

  6. Flight attendants tried to get the man into his seat, but Stanley said when he "reached up to pop open the door," the deputy intervened.

    Why do they always seat the guy with issues in the exit row? ;)

    Seriously though, the last flight I flew on the guy in the exit row in front of me clearly had some mental health issues, he kept fidgeting, getting up and down constantly, talking to himself etcetera. Shouldn't the stewards be trained to maybe reseat someone acting up like this near the door?

    They should have one seat within a padded room that locks from the outside for passengers like this. Get 'em away from the exits and other passengers. ;)

  7. :unsure: am I seeing this or am I still sleeping?

    i think we just had a drive by posting :lol:

    You missed some good laughs last night. This clown showed up out of nowhere. There was another dude who was questioning why his girlfriend was sitting on her "brother's" lap while talking to him via webcam. Somehow, not having enough chairs in the home came into play. Anyway, I'm sure you'll get caught up! :lol: G'morning to ya! ;)

  8. Buy the family some extra chairs for god sakes lol

    I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of not enough seating throughout the world, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream by way of Columbia.

    I have a dream that one day this world will all be seated individually and live out the true meaning of it's seated position: "We hold these chairs to be self-evident: that all men are seated equal."


  9. Its been awhile since I've been here! I see nothin much has changed other than ppl postin shite to get the HEART thing! nice to see the boredom has taken hold of you!

    Where would you be without VJ?

    Probably on my 5th bourbon. But that's just a guess ;)

    Erekose, watch your mouth! I am sick of your acusations!

    Must have missed that.

    Board mofo's can't see it all ;)

  10. I think we should ban anything that makes people fat that wouldn't cause too much of an uproar. (I doubt banning donuts would go over well with the general population.) We're having a health crisis here and we need to do SOMETHING.

    IF YOU eat to much of anything your gonna get FAT! Lets regulate Grocery shopping! YAY!

    :lol: Love the use of the word "YAY!"

  11. Its been awhile since I've been here! I see nothin much has changed other than ppl postin shite to get the HEART thing! nice to see the boredom has taken hold of you!

    Where would you be without VJ?

    Welcome back! You're now another step closer to getting your heart finally! Glad to see you're giving it the old college try at it again! :thumbs:


  12. Does brother and sister like like swimming in the river neked too? :whistle::blink:

    Silly rabbit! If they can share a chair, a river is certainly big enough for the whole family! ;)

    If the whole family is swimming neked in the river hopefully they are prating safe sex lol. :jest:

    Is that praying for safe sex? Or practicing safe sex? I'm not fully educated about this culture. That's why I thought I'd ask :lol:

  13. You must have a seat on your bicycle if you are going to ride while sitting down.

    The little town I grew up in, most people didn't have a seat. It was just a seat-post sticking up. I guess they liked the pleasure of not having a seat did for them. No wonder those people rode their bikes often! ;)

  14. i didnt know sitting on a brothers lap would get so much #######, damn. im still getting used her culture like swimming in the river neked. it is tabu here, sorry i cant spell sue me.

    Sense of humor is a must here. Someone will come along soon and blow away the "sister sitting on the brother's lap" story. It's destiny! You can join in with us and all the other funnies! :lol:

  15. It's close to other larger cities like Brownsville

    In Brownsville, there's a station there. I hear they do a lot of smoking in the boy's room there. Any truth to that? :D

    Being that close to Mexico, you better believe it, esse. B)

    :lol: I was wondering if you would catch the music group and song,


    Brownsville Station - Smokin' In The Boy's Room. It topped Billboard's Chart at #3 in 1974.

    The same year Kiss released their debut LP "KISS" and "Hotter Than Hell" ;)

  16. It's close to other larger cities like Brownsville

    In Brownsville, there's a station there. I hear they do a lot of smoking in the boy's room there. Any truth to that? :D

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