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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Visine, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, body spray, anti-bacterial soap, hair gel, one change of clothes including socks & panties, iPod, pen, washcloth, small towel, bedroom slippers, light jacket, Q-tips, & a couple of breakfast bars. There's more. But I like to be prepared if I get stuck at an aiport or I arrive and my luggage didn't. It's happened before. Experience has made me the wiser! ;)

  2. Wow! I am glad everyone had a great time! :):)

    we kept looking around for a short hairy guy too :D


    Didn't spot any of those types, and we were looking...

    A reconnaissance UAV was circling over the restaurant. You have all been made.

    so that's what i shot down with my shotgun :D

    We got that ####### y'all! :D


    Glad everyone had a good time. But I'm with everyone else about the photos! And with as easily accessible digital cameras are these days, they do exist! :yes:

  3. I, too remember when you first became a member, and you sort of got picked on. I felt very sad for you, and when it was your birthday, I went to one of your threads and wished you happy birthday. Now Iam not sad but very happy for you!

    Yes, now I remember that someone said happy bday to me! I replied that post but not sure if you ever saw it. Yea, those were hard days when picked on but I never took it personally, I just needed visa help and moral help and I did get it from many members, starting with you...thank you! :thumbs: Now on to the next step

    Now that you are moving onto the next step, can we start picking on you again? :lol:

    Sure, why not, I'll make it easier by asking simple question with easy to find asnwers! lol :dance: Ready? Go! "what does touch mean?" :blush:

    A "touch" is something that George Michael will do to you when you're alone with him in a public restroom! :lol:

  4. So does anyone see a benefit for the Petitionary to go to the Embassy with the Beneficiary?

    Just trying to plan if I should not arrive in Kyiv for the interview, but instead arrive 10 days later to accompany her to the USA.

    Based on the current plan, her interview is on Monday July 16, I arrive on July 15. The tickets for both of us to the USA are for July 21.

    So I am wondering if I should plan on going there maybe July 27 and we both leave July 29 or something like that.

    I think it would be more important to accompany her to the US since she has never flown before as well as going through that travelling process.

    What do you folks think based on your experiences and recommendations.

    It would be great to get the Visa prior to July 21 but if it is not going to happen, I may need to change some plans.


    I'm going there about 2 weeks after the interview date. I wanted to give a little leadway if there is a small delay. Which I'm hoping there is not. You can see what I have lined out in my signature. Best of luck to you! ;)

  5. I, too remember when you first became a member, and you sort of got picked on. I felt very sad for you, and when it was your birthday, I went to one of your threads and wished you happy birthday. Now Iam not sad but very happy for you!

    Yes, now I remember that someone said happy bday to me! I replied that post but not sure if you ever saw it. Yea, those were hard days when picked on but I never took it personally, I just needed visa help and moral help and I did get it from many members, starting with you...thank you! :thumbs: Now on to the next step

    Now that you are moving onto the next step, can we start picking on you again? :lol:

  6. Good day to all. I am just curious about the documents needed since my fiance and I usually talked using voice chat ( yahoo conference ) everyday . Is this enough ? we hardly send emails actually since we talk everyday on yahoo.. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. And God bless to us all..

    Riza and Ed

    emails, chat logs and all messages may help as a proof of genuine relationship...what about mails?or letters?

    Absolutely! Postal mail is great! I'll be sending my fiancee the mailing labels back to her from packages she's sent to me. ;)

  7. pregnant? Sounds like fun.. I always want a baby but it takes 2 to make one and my wife refused to cooperate. When I finally tricked her into it, the timing was off.. now back to 0.. Congrats though..!!! :jest:

    Thank God for alcohol! ;)

  8. Please ,I need advise from someone who could enlighten me and my fiancee regarding our K-1 petition problem..I had been interviewed after my medical exam (first) by U.S. embassy last january 2007,then another by FPU on the last week of february..I was totally surprised why I was subjected to such scrutiny..in the end I was told that someone made a complain about me about having a child or fathering a child from someone..I explained everything about the acussation and the truthfullness of the child, because I am not really aware of such child and the woman's questionable character ( so sorry if I cannot elaborate further the detail on her character)...Something that has made both of us suffer till this date ..Until today we haven't received anything or a clear path as to where this relationship will lead us.( they will just say for further review).I am just so glad that she continously wait patiently and find solution to end all this ..I am soliciting any advise to help us ease or formulate something of good solution to our problem...

    Note...We are on our late 40's,,spending more time in waiting is something that we cannot afford icon7.gif

    You should include ALL the details. Not that most of us are nosey bastards. But it will give those of us willing to offer help, a better picture to actually offer help in your situation. ;)

  9. I love California drivers especially when they tailgate your azz sticking there bumper almost on mine as if they are trying to push you out of the way lol and talking on the cell phone at the same time speeding up on your azz lol scary.

    You want to make some money off that? Just slam on your brakes and let them rear-end ya! It's automatically "THEIR" fault for following too close! ;)

  10. July 4th, I'm taking my girls to watch the fireworks show since I can only buy "safe & sane" products. We even have an "illegal fireworks taskforce" where I live. I was reading in the paper this week they were going to step up the patrols and the fines have increased to $750 if you're caught lighting off the "dangerous & insane" stuff. :(

  11. I did!

    Edit: This post was supposed to be under my last one, not the gas one :)

    Remember- I can't hit reply/quote I get booted off :(

    We all have gas! There's nothing to be embarrassed about! ;)

    It is friday night frog party in our pond. They are so loud.

    I you should offer them a 12 pack of bud that might quiet them down lol.

    That only worked in the Super Bowl commercial! :lol:

  12. :lol: neither of you fit the definition of homely.... so don't worry.

    The women who frequent the bars looking like this is who I am referring to:


    I remember her! She was laying on my leg the next morning! I had to chew my leg off the next morning! She ruined my dream of becoming the champion in an a$$-kicking contest! :(

    C'mon Joe, you know the rules: Smash-n-Dash, never Smash-n-Crash. :lol:

    Don't you mean "Sniff-n-Dash"? :lol:

    Alcohol dulls the senses...sometimes one too many senses :(

    Well I think that is just your body telling you "I won't let you do it!" :lol:

    Man, those were good times. Damn good times! Especially, being in a band! :lol:

    My heyday ended some time ago when I set down my guitar and retired from live performances and gave up the prowling. It was good while it lasted ;)

  13. :lol: neither of you fit the definition of homely.... so don't worry.

    The women who frequent the bars looking like this is who I am referring to:


    I remember her! She was laying on my leg the next morning! I had to chew my leg off the next morning! She ruined my dream of becoming the champion in an a$$-kicking contest! :(

    C'mon Joe, you know the rules: Smash-n-Dash, never Smash-n-Crash. :lol:

    Don't you mean "Sniff-n-Dash"? :lol:

    Alcohol dulls the senses...sometimes one too many senses :(

  14. How do these things happen? Did I miss something in Health 101? :huh:

    what do you mean how did it happen LOL i know how it happend. Its just funny because i spent 2 months in cuba after we got married and i didnt get pregnant now i go to cuba for 4 days and i started taking birthcontrol right before so that this wouldnt happen and boom im with child life is funny.

    I was joking with you! I know how these things happen. I've got 3 daughters. Believe me. I know very well! :lol:

    Congratulations! :thumbs:

  15. :lol: neither of you fit the definition of homely.... so don't worry.

    The women who frequent the bars looking like this is who I am referring to:


    I remember her! She was laying on my leg the next morning! I had to chew my leg off the next morning! She ruined my dream of becoming the champion in an a$$-kicking contest! :(

  16. Oh...most people think it's visa. Vismaster is the master specification book we used at work (visual master). LOL... But since I've been on this board, it is mistaken for visa master. I can see how that mistake could be made. I guess it doesn't even really matter....but at same time I'm hardly a visa master because we don't have one yet :crying: ..... but maybe some day soon I'll be the 'visamaster'! Maybe I'll change my screen name then.

    You haven't contacted NVC to see if your case has moved passed CSC? I was looking at your timeline. My case has been getting touches over the last few days at CSC. Go figure that it's already at the consulate and my fiancee has an interview :rolleyes:

  17. Eric, where is your wife from in PI? My father is from the Naga region. I was there about 9 years ago. I guess I'll be planning a trip back there in the future. I have a lot of family there. My fiancee wants to go there. She's going to be the whitest person there! :lol:

    She is from Manila her province is in santa cruz laguna Naga is 9 hours from laguna going south

    Is that by air or bus? I took an 8 hour bus ride south to Naga. Keep in mind that we never reached over the speed of 35 mph! :lol:

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