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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Since my adventures in the Philippines where there is rarely ever any TP in the 'comfort room' and the napkins are about the size of a bandaide I have started carrying baby wet wipes. My butt is always clean and smells so nice :P

    I would never, and I mean NEVER, live or even travel to a country where restrooms don't keep an

    AMPLE supply of toilet paper. Running out of TP is my biggest fear.

    You don't carry a few extra leaves with you? :lol:

  2. Since my adventures in the Philippines where there is rarely ever any TP in the 'comfort room' and the napkins are about the size of a bandaide I have started carrying baby wet wipes. My butt is always clean and smells so nice :P

    Did you work for the circus at one time? Contortionists are the only people that I've ever seen that could bend over that far to know if they smelled April fresh or not. Bon appetite! :lol:


  3. It's weird reading this, my reaction is 'oh my god, they're not allowed to hurt the bat!!' - in the UK, bats are protected by law and if you have bats roosting in your house, tough luck, you're not allowed to evict them! Things are obviously a bit different here!! :blush:

    Yeah, I can't get my head around killing bats. But the UK is rabies free, so we don't have those worries if bitten.

    Say that now. Next thing you know, there will be a rabies epidemic :o

  4. According to the contractor, it was the "only way" to repair the windows. I don't even have a problem with the fact that they hired a contractor to do the work. That decision was theirs to make. I just don't understand how they can logically think that I am responsible for replacing 3 complete windows, including frames, when my sons only broke a few panes of glass. No, I don't think the fact that my sons broke the windows is okay, and believe me, they have heard about it from me more than once.

    I also forgot to mention that since the conversation with the daughter across the street from me, the situation has escalated even further. Now it has been said that my sons have broken into the house, broken more windows, destroyed a screen door. I know this is not true because since the windows were broken my sons are not allowed outside to play unless someone is with them. The other daughter came to my door shouting about my bratty destructive children and threatened me. The tires on my van were slashed. Just to mention, my boys are 10 and 12, far from being angels, but a long way from delinquency.

    That goes to show what kind of idiot those kids have for parents allowing their children to do such ####### to you. Life always evens everything out. No one leaves this life without their debts being paid one way or another :devil:

  5. When a heel is broken, the loss is too great. There are no winners. When the urge comes over you, there is help.

    Please call 1-SAV-THE-HEEL. Together we can stomp out this injustice to heels everywhere!


  6. Hey to all

    Well at least some good emotions...sort of :)

    We applied for an extension of NOA2 and got approved for another 4 months. Now my NOA2 expires on Nov. 27th...At least I dont have to reapply with this 2 yrs rule of theirs..

    I wanna thank VJ people for letting me know about my HRR, about the fact that my NOA2 can be extended and for the model letter posted on the site that helped us get this approval...

    Hey Lena, that's good to hear you won't have to reapply! Time will pass quickly! ;)

  7. A rolling chopf##k gathers no moss.

    :lol: Loved it GM! :D

    Remember "Blueberry Hill" by Fats Domino in the 50's? This situation made me think of the song. But with a little needed a little updating. ;)

    Dean found his thrill on Chopf##k Hill

    On Chopf##k Hill broken ribs, they counted two

    Got rolled, 5 minutes he lied still on Chopf##k Hill

    Then dragged himself home because his dreams came true

  8. All they need is a pillow case to catch the varmin. Better yet, if there's a swimming pool, grab the net and pole used for cleaning the swimming pool. Is there someone there with a big afro? Just have them run around the apartment. The bat will probably fly right into the fro and get caught. :lol:

  9. Oh jeez! 3 cops and they're scared of a little bat? Tell them to imagine the bat as a culprit they can abuse with their nightsticks! Maybe they'll grow a testicle! :lol:

  10. If the bat bites him, it will give him super powers. That is how Batman was born! If it happens, he'll have to chose another super hero name :lol:

  11. He is like most conservatives, he doesn't like to share.

    But corruption can go a long way to making you rich, if you know the right people. There are a lot of people who have become really rich in developing countries, most of them do so by breaking all kinds of laws, but if you keep the government in your pocket, who is going to go after you?

    Why should this be the United States problem?

    Anyway the solution is there and always has been. Aggressively secure the border and heavily punish, and fine, anyone who chooses to employ illegal immigrants. Yet the political parties in the US are too busy trying to win potential votes from these illegal immigrants. At the expense of the middle class and poor in America.

    Bingo! Couldn't have stated it better myself! :thumbs:

  12. The thing is...you CAN speak your native language at home and still be assimilated.

    I agree. I actually think that maintaining the native language and passing it on to next generations is quite desirable. As long as doing so doesn't trigger a perceived need for public services to be made available in all kinds of languages. As a nation, we should be able to converse in public spaces using a common language.

    I am happy with services being made available in other languages but we have a situation where only Spanish is being favored and catered for.

    How are these guys ever going to assimilate when everything is being adjusted to suit them. There is no reason to assimilate.

    Would not be surprised if states soon force every American child attending public schools to learn Spanish.

    That is already taking place here in the schools where I live. Because it is an agricultural community with many immigrants coming from the southern US border to work the fields. How many are illegal, God only knows. But you are right that no one will ever learn a damn thing on their own if one ethnic group is being favored, suited, and catered to only one them. It's obvious that this is what is really pissing off many English-speaking Americans whether they were born here or went through the tough immigration process to get here legally and learned English to assimilate. ;)

  13. Hi,

    I wanted to find out if anyone has suggestions for an immigration lawyer in the SF Bay Area. I need my mom to co-sponsor my K1 application and she wants to consult a lawyer about the financial obligations.

    Any suggestions?


    Your petition was approved in 11 days? Wow!!!!! That's fast! Is your SO in Cuba or Switzerland? Your timeline says Switzerland but under your avatar it says Cuba. Just curious. Congrats!!

    CSC really went to work on that one to make it happen! ;)

  14. if you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true

    That was so fitting! I used that line before...and it worked! :lol: I give credit to Napoleon Dynamite for introducing that one! :D

    Aside from that, just saying, "Hey, you wanna phuck?" would do well too! ;)

  15. http://youtube.com/watch?v=adzkV58Gpqs

    Sound comparison of the two versions.


    It's been reported (a lot more lately) that Avril writes nothing & is a voice that's all, despite her claims otherwise. I hope her lame (non-punk) a$ gets sued.

    I agree. Especially the chorus - "hey, hey, you, you, I want to be your boyfriend". That's pretty much word for word except the boy for girl.

    Yes, and such unique lyrics. Hard to imagine that two people could come up with those independently. :lol:

    But maybe they stole it from the Rolling Stones "hey, hey, you, you, get off of my cloud"?

    :lol: Exactly! Boy is Mick gonna be pissed.

    Can he still hear?

    Mick can still grab his crotch. Or is that Keith's crotch? :lol:

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