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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (pending)

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  1. Hey, sorry I haven’t opened this website for two months or so. Yes, I got my ceremony date, and I just checked your timeline. You had your interview later than me and your oath ceremony earlier than mine 😅. Mine was just a week ago, so it was about two months and one week since my interview. I don’t know why, but congratulations to us!!))
  2. Thank you ! For some reason, I thought the status had to be changed to approved if they also mention that the oat ceremony will be scheduled
  3. Hi everyone. I just wanted to ask if anyone had the same experience and how long it took for you to get approved, and do I need to worry about this status: We recommended that your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, be approved. Your case was submitted for quality review I went to the interview for citizenship, passed the test, and asked to remove my middle name. I was informed that it might take longer to get approved in this case. My status has changed to: Oath Ceremony Will Be Scheduled We recommended that your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, be approved. Your case was submitted for quality review.
  4. I appreciate your answer 🙏. Hopefully they're just short staffed or it's a mistake.
  5. Hi guys. I received a notification that my interview was scheduled, and the next day I received a new notification -On February 23, 2024, we cancelled or descheduled the interview scheduled for your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. What does it mean ? Does anyone have any experience with this? Should I worry?
  6. Thank you for your response. Yes, it make sense. I’m wondering what does it mean , today I got a new notification that -On February 23, 2024, we cancelled or descheduled the interview scheduled for your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, Receipt Number (((
  7. I applied at the end of August. This morning, I was informed that I will have an interview soon. I'm not sure if this is because I emailed my senator's office on Sunday and received a response from them yesterday stating they would try to help. Anyway, my question is, should I take my husband with me? My I-751 was already approved, and I'm wondering if I can go there on my own, we both work, it’s kind of hard now to take two days off Any advice guys?
  8. Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, it was helpful. Thanks again and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  9. Thanks for the information. I'm thinking of sending a letter to the congressman and ask for help . If you don't mind me asking, do you think this is a good idea? I’m kind of stuck here, my Ukrainian passport expired last month, and because of the war in my country, it takes way longer to get a new one, monthssss, so I’m thinking now if its worth it, to send a letter to the congressman
  10. I'd like to see this happen. I submitted my N-400 in August this year and one week ago my status was - estimated time 3 months. My I-751 was finally approved a few days ago after 25 months of waiting and now my status for N-400 says 8 months estimated time 😅.
  11. Thanks, I just realized that I did a mistake at the beginning, there is two options. 1. I am at least 18 years of age and have been a lawful permanent resident of the United States for at least 3 years. In addition, I have been married to and living with a U.S. citizen spouse for the last 3 years, and my spouse has been a U.S. citizen for the last 3 years at the time I filed my Form N-400. 2. I am at least 18 years of age, I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States, and I am the spouse of a U.S. citizen and my U.S. citizen spouse is regularly engaged in specified employment abroad.
  12. 01/29/2020 Green card, married with American citizen 3,5 years. I am eligible to apply for citizenship and I didn’t try to naturalize under 319(b), so probably yes I did a mistake somewhere… thank you everyone , will check my form again
  13. I didn't. Since I moved here in 2018, I haven’t traveled anywhere outside of the US and have never worked outside of the US too. I'm curious if I can just skip it and if this menu show up for everyone whether you need to upload this document or not.
  14. 01/29/2020. I’m thinking maybe I have this problem because I listed my work experience in my county before I moved here because I don’t know what else it could be
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