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About Gaby&Talbert

  • Birthday 04/19/1966

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Without my knowledge my friends placed an add in the Juarez newspaper because they wanted me to meet a good woman. One day I received an email that I was compelled to answer. I felt a push to get to know her. From the beginning I was crazy about her. She impressed me so much I had to meet her. About 1 1/2 weeks after we met I traveled to Juarez with my friends to make sure she was real and to meet her family. Again I was impressed with how wonderful she was. Her family was amazing they welcomed me with open arms. I FOUND MY TWIN SOUL! She flew to visit me a week after to visit me. The time I was waiting for her to visit all I could do is think about how much I was in love with her and how I could convince her to stay with me. When she arrived I picked her up at the airport and all I could do I stare at her and smile. I planned on taking her out for a romantic dinner and then after going to the beach and proposing but the anticipation was driving me crazy so I proposed before dinner, SHE SAID YES! We spent a wonderful week together! I almost had her convinced to marry me then but she wanted to have a nice wedding and reception with her family which I understood. I continued to visit her every other week before our Wedding. We were married December 1st 2006. This is when we began our journey through the K3 process. I love my wife with all my heart and soul and the only important thing in my life is to have her with me always.

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