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Posts posted by antda
Updated List..
Anyone else have any new additions and/or other updates?
Feel free to post about that too.....
VJ Canadian Preganncies and Babies...
UserName..............Due Date........Boy/Girl......Name.........BabyBorn.....Weight........Length
Team J and B..........01/25/09..........Boy.........Monkey.......01/14/09.....7lbs04oz......19.0inches
Team J and B..........07/09/10..........Boy.........?????........07/16/10.....?lbs??oz......??.?inches
Thank you Kathryn41 for your November 2010 postcard...
I just received it on Saturday....
It was a photo of bags of peanuts on the front, along with a "Peanut Butter Pie" receipe on the back...
Yummy! What a delicious treat! I'll definitely have to try the pie out sometime, especially during the holidays...
Btw...Jimmy Carter (the former US president), wasn't he a peanut farmer from Georgia too?
Likewise, I hope you and your family have a "Happy American Thanksgiving" with your in-laws in Texas and enjoy the rest of the holiday season too!
Mtlgato-Congratulations on your baby girl and thanks for sharing about it here on VJ!
What a nice suprise that your baby ended up being a girl...
All the best to you and your new baby and to your family and may you enjoy your new bundle of joy!
Lol..I totally understand about the c-section and the delay thing messing up everything (lol..the same happened to me)...Don't worry, once you're out of the hospital, you can forget about that and focus on the new baby and weeks of recovery..The important thing is that you and your baby are healthy in the end....
Btw..Are you breastfeeding or bottlefeeding your baby?
Good luck with your interview....
All the best...
P.S. I'll update the list later...Thanks for the update..
Hi everyone!
I'm finally ready to update, though this will be brief as I have to head to bed soon.
I had a baby *girl* on Sunday, October 17--7lbs, 4oz, 21.25 inches, very healthy. She's pretty much bald, but in a cute way. I had a c-section in the end, and I wasn't very happy about that (6 nights in the hospital really messed with my mind), but 2 weeks later it no longer seems important.
I did have to reschedule my immigration interview
It had been set for October 28, but that was impossible once surgery (and recovery, etc) was in the mix. So it's now rescheduled for January 19, 2011. I could feel bad about this delay, but I feel like I can't afford to do so: I have to focus on the baby.
Info about the October 2010 and November 2010 exchange has been sent by e-mail to the partipants....
Happy Postcarding everyone!
Thank you Ant, your post card arrived today! I got one of Ant's homemade postcards showing rolling hills and autumn coloured trees in the background and lots and lots and lots of pumpkins all waiting to be made into jack-o-lanterns in the foreground. Ant said this was taken in her neighbourhood - and yes, I can see her house nestled against the trees in the distance. Thanks Ant - a great card!
Yes, please include me again in the November exchange. Since it is Thanksgiving month in the US, maybe a theme could be something we are thankful for or something we appreciate? Or maybe, something to eat?
Kathryn41-You're welcome...Glad you like the card..
And yes, it was of my neighbourhood..
The farmer that grows them is a neighbour of ours...
We bought a couple of those pumpkins actually...
And some more neighbours gave us pumpkins..
Lol...We have too many pumpkins around here...lol...
Lol..lots of carving to do, I suppose....
As for the November exchange...
I'll send an e-mail to everyone about that..
In the meantime, yes, it is still on..
And anyone else who wants to join...e-mail to vjposcards@gmail.com....by November 1
As for November themes...
Good idea for thankful and appreciation and food theme...
So for November themes so far..
-Food/things to eat...
-Other/Anything goes...Choose your own theme...
Happy thanksgiving and postcarding, everyone!
Is checking in a motel at 5:00 AM and being told you have to check out at 10:00 AM being honest? You may not think so but is the policy of the motel as is the policy of the USCIS to only count trips outside of the USA that lasted over 24 hours. Now we can play with numbers if the trip only lasted 23:59 and 59 seconds, what about exactly 24:00 hours, but says over 24:00 hours so if a fraction of a second over 24 hours, has to be counted. Just following their policy. Oh, and carry a precision stop watch with you.
...Does a wristwatch and a cell phone with a stopwatch function count?..
That's what we have when we go over the border....
Lol....With the USCIS....You never know..
On the bright side..Once you get US Citizenship...Come and go as you please...No need to count trips for the USCIS anymore (unless you really want to....lol...)
Hi Kev,
Lol..If it makes you feel any better...
I went to Canada for 45 minutes to renew my Canadian passport...No joke..
On the N-400 I just wrote that trip as "45 minutes/1 day" when I made a list of all the dates/trips that I was out of the USA...They had no problem with that...
In fact, they were quite impressed with the detailed list of the list of trips that I made over the years..
Lol...I literally split it down to minutes/days/weeks....Interpret accordingly...
And yes, all that time adds up too, especially if you make a lot of frequent trips, like I do...lol......
So here is my suggestion...Make a list of all the trips to Canada, regardless of how little/small they are....You never know what they want....Better safe than sorry...and just declare all trips, regardless!
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Hi Folks,
I'm from Canada and been here 5 years ...applying for US Ciizenship...Here is my question:
On the N-400 It asks for total days out of the USA...
So I left say 04/19/10 and returned 04/20/10..an overnight trip.
Is that 1 day or 0? Someone told ne that since part of both days was in the USA it was O for Total Days Outside USA???Doesn't seem right more like 1..
What do you guys think? Appreciate your time...
I just got my October 2010 postcard this week (Monday)...
Thank you, Canadiandggal!
It was a postcard of the 'Ripley's Believe It Or Not' museum sign on the front of it. My guess is that this was from the museum in Niagara Falls, Canada . Lol..I haven't been to that museum before, but one of these days I'll have to check that out....The sign is kind of funny, with the mechanical man moving up and down the building....There are so many things to do in Niagara Falls, indeed!
Thanks too, for the Thanksgiving and fall greetings. I agree, time does fly by with children...They grow up so quickly!
Wishing you and your family all the best for the Fall and the rest of the year too!
P.S. Speaking of postcards...Did mine make it to its destination?....Just wondering....
As for the November 2010 exchange...
Anyone else interested? You have until November 1st to sign up.....
Until then...Happy postcarding, everyone!
I'm getting the document typed up...Hopefully I'll get that done by the end of the month..
And then it's now up to the exes to decide as to what they want to do here in agreeing to sign such.....
Basically...It's boils down to this with them: They sign it, or they never see us again....
I'm definitely not looking forward to doing this...Sigh....
hahaha I guess I should have been more specific..*the guy up the street* ...
I meant a lawyer up the street from the lawyer who quoted me $100.00 so to sum it up..it was a lawyer for $30.00
Shawna7-Lol....Sorry for the confusion there...
Funny though that you would have a lawyer up your street....
Nevertheless, it's a good deal that you got for $30 versus $100....
Yes, they can do better. As FireKari says, it costs zero dollars at the town hall. ANY town hall. And that means that you can avoid all those lawyers who know your "ex family".
Krikit-I hope this is the case..That they can do better....Zero dollars is better than any dollars at any day....
I know this is the case in the USA, as I've gotten documents notarized for free at the town hall...
But I don't know if this is the case in Canada....Hence I posted...
Regardless...I hope to find something for zero or low cost...As it is definitely not worth it to pay that much just to get something signed/witnessed....Grrr....
Thanks for all your replies...+1 to everyone!
I'll update more later and with more details...Stay tunned..
@ Autumnchik, thanks for your kind words. I hear you on the life is crazy thing. I've had to cut down on the internet, ha.
@ Ant, yes I'm still breastfeeding her. Had a rough start but things are going well now. :-)
Angeline says hello: Hello VJ Canada!
Reven-I agree, life gets crazy with a little one and yes, we've all had to cut down on the internet too....
Good luck with the breastfeeding! Likewise, I had a bit of a rough start too, but once you get going...It gets easier....
I breastfed my son for 10 months..(6 months directly, 4 months pumping it out...)
And keep sticking with it too, as the benefits of breastfeeding are definitely good for both baby and mother.
Cute pics and video, thanks for sharing those too! Awww....
She's so Angelic, just like her namesake!
*****waves hi back******
Wishiing you all the best with you and your baby! Take care.
Hubby came across this site tonight. It has some cute Can-AM infant onsies, and some maternity t's. The onsies are kinda pricy at $15 a piece, especially for the amount of time that they wear them, but having a couple would be kind nice. link
Colleens-Thanks for the link to the baby Can-Am infant onesies! Lol..Wish I had found them earlier, as I was looking for them awhile ago. But better late than never, I suppose....Luckily, my son can still fit into onesies and at this point needs new clothes..So maybe we can get some for the holidays....I'll definitely have to check into that website more..See what else they have in store...Thanks again.
As for clothes...The key is to get them at the beginning..So that they can get the most use of of them..
For example, if it says 1-3 months...Get them at the 1 months mark....
Good luck with your pregnancy too.
Lol...Speaking about clothes...My son has some clothes and other items he has outgrown..
Anyone here interested in baby boy clothes and other items?...Send me a PM......and I'll be happy to share with you Canadian friends..
ScooterMac-I think it's a great idea that you are doing this for the youth in your area...
I voted online for you and your centre...
Best of luck and may you win
I originially posted this in the off-topic thread, but the wise and mighty krikit assured me it was okay to make my own thread about it!
Please vote for my youth center in the refresh everything contest (http://www.refresheverything.com/nwyouthcenter or text 102945 to 73774). We run on ~40K/yr and provide services to 400+ kids in grades K-12. I'll give more details if anyone wants them, please just ask. We're going to be adding a quiet study area (have you ever tried to do homework with 50 kids running around you? ), making a bathroom handicap accessible, adding a summer learning program for middle/high school age group, and a whooole bunch of other stuff.
Please please please please vote if you're in the US (or get your sweetie to vote, if they're the USC!). We're in 84th place and need to get into the top 10.
Oh, and the kids get to dye my hair whatever color(s) they want if we win. I promise pictureeeeesssss!
Actually, there are three ways to vote:
Online: http://www.refresheverything.com/nwyouthcenter
By Text: 102945 to 73774
On facebook: Install the "pepsi refresh voting app" and search for "Northwestern" - we'll be the first one that pops up!
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help!! This means a lot to the kids and the community!
Btw....I just did a quick search online.....
Found the going rate was $49....
Not that bad....Lol..Still...I wish they can do better...I guess I just have to shop around some more...
Nevertheless...It's a good start....At least I know what price range to expect..lol..
Btw...I found out too, that they do "In lieu of guarrantor" forms too...
Good to know if ever I renew my Canadian passport later on.....
(as I currently don't have one...since she passed away recently...
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, to all you Canadian VJers!
Enjoy the turkey, food, and the time that you spend with your family, friends, and loved ones during this holiday!
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all your helpful replies...
You all mentioned above deserve a +1 for all your comments!
I know in Nova Scotia, you have to go to the courthouse to get something notarized; at least, that's what I was told. A guy I worked with in the summer would have to leave work early to get a statement notarized that his daughter could leave Canada on vacation with his ex. I asked why he didn't get it done somewhere more convenient, that didn't close at 4 pm or whenever, and apparently, in NS, notaries are really only at courthouses... I think it was the municipal court house.
I don't know how much that helped, but you could try a courthouse nearby. I don't remember him mentioning a cost, so I'm not sure.
you could also google "Toronto, Canada notary" or something along those lines
CBM-That's what I figured was the same case in Toronto too...That it was not very convenient to do such...
Glad though, that your friend got his document notarized, regardless...
I wonder if they do the same for local courthouses in Toronto...hmmm...All I know are the 'big' courthouses there, but I'm wondering if the courthouses there will do the same thing too...
Good idea too about the googling, and using those specific search terms...I'll give that a try....
I am pretty sure i got one last year at a lawyers office....downtown toronto
Canadiandggal-Lol..There's only one problem: The exes know all the lawyers as they have worked for them, or at least have heard of them to some capacity, so there might be some sort of conflict of interest there...But then again, Toronto is a big city..So you never know..There might be a lawyer in Toronto that is 'unknown' and can be 'unbiased'....
Agreed - I had 2 get my FOIA request notarized and I had 2 get it done with a lawyer
Sweetcheeksss-Glad that you got your FIOA (what is that btw?) notarized and that you had the lawyer to help you with that.
If your ex-family is in Ontario, you can either use a Lawyer or check out the yellow pages for the city you need to have it done in for Notaries, as they will advertize. It will be easy to find someone to notarize a document, just call around for price comparison.
Tbaygrrl-Good idea about the yellow pages directory...Lol..I didn't bring my Toronto phone book with me when I moved..That thing litreally weighs a ton! But maybe I can find the Toronto yellow pages version online...Or try going to a local Toronto library when I'm up in the area....I'll search under 'notaries' and see what I can find....
Lol..Here in NYS...The lawyer commercials and in the phone books are everywhere! Too bad they don't work in Canada though..
I should have put this with my other comment, I literally walked into a random lawyers office and asked if they did it, the reception looked at the three lawyers talking and the one guy was like I'll take this one, he was funny at the end of it he said that will be 20 bucks made a joke about people how easy it was, I handed him a 20 and off I went.
Canadiandggal-Interesting idea about the 'cold calling' too. Lol..It works for job/job interviews in some cases, so why can't it work for a notary? And hopefully I will find an 'unknown' lawyer this way...Btw..If you don't mind me asking, which part of T.O. were you looking for? Nearby where you used to live? That's a funny story of how you got your document notarized that way...Glad it worked out well in the end....You never know what you get in Toronto! And for $20..What a bargain!
I had a lawyer notarize a letter..just call around I had one office tell me 100$(gasp) and the guy up the street did it for 30! good luck
Shawna7-Oh my...$100...That's a lot of money! Glad though that the 'guy up your street' (btw..what type of qualifications did he have...was he a notarary or a lawyer?) did it for you for a lot less...Compared to $100...$30 is a good deal...
TOWN/CITY HALL will notarize anything for you for FREE.
Just make sure you call ahead.
FireKari-Yes, that is true here in the USA...I've gotten documents notarized for free (or for a small $1-2 fee for multiple copies) here....I don't know if it works the same way in Canada...But if it did...I'll be in luck.....
Yeah, I found out about that after having paid 50$ to get something notarized... But townhalls will do it or a notary, just got to shop around I guess!
VeroandChris-Wow, $50 is a lot too!
I agree, definitely have to shop around I guess....
I wish there was a standard rate in Canada about this though..Sigh...
Ok..So based on the above..Here is what I have to do..
-Google 'Toronto, Canada, notary'
-Look in the Toronto yellow pages under 'notary'
-'Cold call' notaries in Toronto, Canada
-Shop around for the best price....
-Use the town/hall...But call ahead first.....
Thanks again for all your help...I'll let you know how that turns out and update further...
Meanwhile, I have to finish typing the document..And hopefully I'll get to Toronto by November to get this notarized and signed...
FWIW...My son's future depends on this......So hopefully this can be signed soon....
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering how I would get a handwritten document/agreement witnessed and notarized in Canada.
This is a document between my family and my ex-family in Canada...
I know that here in the USA, that I could just go into any bank and/or town clerk office and they could just do that here with no problems. But I can't get this done here in the USA, as my ex-family is in Canada...
Therefore, I would have to get it done in Canada....And am wondering...Can it be done the same way there too?
But how do I do this in Canada? Where would I find such to get it done? How much is it (lol..I can't spend a fortune, so it would have to be a reasonable cost..within $30 or so...)..
Specifically, I would need to get this done in Toronto, Canada...
Any positive thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Beantown79-From my experience...
I traded in my Ontario G2 license for a full New York State D class license....
No problem here in NYS...10 minutes in and out of the DMV.....
I gave them my G2 Ontario license (which they kept and destroyed..as nobody is allowed to have 2 driver's licenses at the same time..)
A then I got a full New York State 4-yr license in the mail 1-2 weeks later......
No further testing required (except for a simple eye test) here in NYS.......
Lol...I agree, the Ontario system 'graduated licensing' system is kind of stupid....(and expensive and time consuming too)...lol...I should have just learned to drive in the USA instead....it's much easier....
It doesn't make sense to have 2 road tests in Ontario, where in other states/provinces there is only 1 road test...
As for your circumstance...It depends on the state you are moving too..
Some allow "direct no-testing transfer", some don't...
As well, if you have any problems, you can bring in further paperwork regarding your driving experience in Canada, to help see what the equivalency is (eg. former driving test results, driver's handbook, etc...)
If in doubt, just ask your local DMV for further assistance.....
Hope this helps. Good luck in getting your US driver's license.
Hi all, I am in Boston MA, I was online looking at the DMV website and it says Canadians can drive on their Canadian DL for upto 12 months. I have only been herer since Aug so I have a while. Just wondering do I need a copy of my driving record from Canada, how did anyone else go about get a drivers license in their state
Thanks Ant!
My October recipient should be getting a postcard soon - it is going out in today's mail.
Kathryn-You're welcome...
Hope your postcard recipient gets their card soon too..
Update (To my postcard recipient)....
Just to let you know that I'll be sending my homemade postcard out this week....
It has some nice scenery on it, with the fall colours at its peak in this area....
So whoever gets my card should be getting it soon..
So watch out for that in your mailbox....(my guess is that you'll get it by next week..)
Happy postcarding everyone!
And yes, feel free to post your postcarding updates too...
I haven't been here in ages (life has been crazy), so I had a lot of reading to catch up on.
I am on Day 5 of being in CT alone with Declan (my mom had back surgery on Monday). Hubby is in nursing school and couldn't come. I am absolutely exhausted, as I have been staying in my mom's non-childproof, full of breakable knickknacks house and had to be constantly alert.
Autumn-Welcome back! Nice to see you again here on the Canadian baby thread! How are you and Declan doing?
Sorry to hear about your mom's situation. I hope she gets better and that you are ok with Declan at her house..
Lol..I totally understand what you mean about the other houses not being child-proof..
One can child-proof their own home...But when it comes to other people's houses...That's another story..
Lol..It's the same problem with my son when he goes to Grandma's...Have to be careful of the knickknacks and stuff like that
Glad though, that you are keeping an eye and hopefully Declan won't break anything there..
Thanks, ladies for your kind words!
Ant, I agree on baby wipes. We're using cloth diapers, supplementing with newborn disposables so we won't be needing that much disposables diapers, but I will certainly stock up on baby wipes. Angel goes through at least 10 a day!
Reven-You're welcome...You and your Angel baby deserve it!
I loved reading about your birth story and seeing the photos of angel too..
Lol..I liked the basket photo the best...And that photo with the hairdryer was the funniest...
Great too, that you're using cloth diapers along with the disposables, as that saves on the bills and the environment!
Lol...My son does the same thing with the wipes too..About 10 or so a day..If not more...
We usually buy a case a month...uggh....
As well, you can try using a wet cloth/towel..That works too.....
Btw..Are you nursing still, and if so, how is that going?
All the best to you and Angel...Congrats again!
As for me...I'm still waiting. I guess I'm only 3 days overdue, but it feels like longer! Today I feel pretty queasy and crampy--so possibly this is early labour. But it's not for sure by any means.
I'll update when I can.
Mtlgato-Hope you will deliver your baby soon too. Don't worry, it won't be too much longer..
You'll see your baby in the next 1-2 weeks or so..
If it gets too long of a wait..Then it's time for an induction...
In the meantime, it's just a waiting game, as mentioned before, babies don't come when they are supposed to..lol..
Good luck..Wishing you all the best for delivery..
And yes, update when you can...Definitely share the good news here on VJ!
Everyone-Anyone else have any baby-related updates? Good luck for your pregnancies and babies/children too!
See where New York is just as bad as Wisconsin, where you had to identify your party to get a special ballot, all of our parties were on one ballot, but was instructed if I cross voted, my entire ballot would be null and void.
I took exception to this as this primary covered, local, country, state, and federal elections. And I let my feelings to be known and didn't leave very happy. Why do they limit us like this?
NickD-Interesting how they do things in Wisconsin.....Thanks for sharing about that....
Lol...Here in NYS we have to idenfity the party too...But the major difference is that for the primaries each party has a separate ballot sheet..For example, if you are a registered democrat, you are given a democrat ballot, and if you are a registered republician, you are given a republician ballot...And so forth..
Makes things easier than the null and void system..Sounds confusing what they ahve there in Wisconsin...lol..
Lol...The only problem the voters had here in NYS was with the new 'color the circle' system...Apparently people around here had problems doing that...Oh well....
As for identifying parties..I agree....We shouldn't have to do that..
Sure takes the 'secret' out of 'secret ballot'...
Lol..On the bright side, at least you can vote for the party leader here in the USA...Which is more of a democratic way of doing things....In Canada the party leader is appointed...now that's scary....
Good luck and happy voting in November too!
If I take my oath on Wednesday next week, is there any possible way for me to vote prior to the following Tuesday?
Lugn-Congrats on taking your oath next Wednesday and becoming a new US Citizen!
As for voter's regigistration...You have to be a US Citizen in order to do so....
So if you have your oath on Wednesday...You can vote anytime after that..
You just have to apply for voter's registration....
And depending on your state, it could take 1-4 weeks to get your voter's registration card....
Nevertheless, if you want to vote, apply for voter's registration as soon as possible..
That way you can be included in the next election...Be registered! Go out and vote!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, to all you Canadian VJers!
Enjoy the turkey, food, and the time that you spend with your family, friends, and loved ones during this holiday!
One more bit of advice/Rule of thumb:
Stock up on diapers and baby wipes!
The average baby has about 5-10 diapers a day....
Trust me, you are going to need them!
Don't buy alot of newborn size clothes! My little girl is almost 1 month old and she's outgrown half of her nb size clothes already (we only have about 10-12 items), most of which were only worn once! I'm sad she's growing up so fast--wish she could stay little a little longer. :-(
Reven-Good advice...
Rule of thumb: Always buy one size bigger....
I agree, children grow up so quickly! So enjoy them while you still can when they are small...
Lol..My son has always had the opposite problem, despite being born bigger at 8 1/2 pounds....(even though I only gained 28 lbs during pregnancy)....He was then smaller afterwards.....
It was like he stopped growing the day he was born...He fit into newborn clothes for the longest time (about 3 months or so)...And then afterwards he was always a size behind....
For example, now he 14 months old..And 12 months old stuff is too big on him...Uggh....
So I have lots clothes for him, waiting to grow into....lol...
Oh well...Good things come in small packages, I suppose....
He'll grow...
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy, Angel!!!
Happy Birthday, Angel (what a pretty name)! Welcome to the world!
And thanks for updating us here on VJ about it, for sharing your birth story, and for sharing the new baby photos (great photos!)!
From what your decribed, it looks like your birth experience went pretty well...
Lol..Lucky you didn't have to go through a c-section, and that you were able to get her out with the vaccum/forceps...(c-sections and recovery from that is even more brutal than actual labour...lol..)
Great too, that Angel has so much hair (lol..my son still doesn't have that much hair...oh well..). You can definitely put a lot of bows and ribbons in that!
Angel is such a cutie! Awwwww...
I wish you and your family all the best with your new baby Angel!
Updated my info!
Hello ladies! Hope you all are doing well! Love the baby pics on this thread--so adorable!
Sorry for the late post. I'm finally caught up in my sleep (sort of) and things are slowing down. My baby is dozing in her bouncy chair so I have time to catch up on VJ. Better late than never!
1) Unhappy baby just after birth
2) Baby after her first bath a day after birth
3) Baby on my Breast Friend pillow on my lap at home
5) Dad dries her bum with a hair dryer
6) Baby in a basket after a professional newborn photo session
Sat, Sep 4 4:00 AM - Woke up due to tummy pains, took a long shower to help ease the pain. Hubby sleepily called out from bed wondering if I'm OK. I suspect I'm in early labour, didn't worry about it since I could still walk and talk. Called the midwife to give her the heads up.
Spent the rest of Saturday running errands with hubby.
Sun, Sep 5 10:00 PM - Contractions unbearable. Called midwife for some guidance. She told me to keep labouring at home and try to get some sleep. I couldn't sleep--too painful, so I surfed the net.
12:20 AM - Water broke as I got up from the chair. I scrambled to the bathroom to slap on a maxi pad. Called the midwife who gave me the OK to head to the hospital. Hubby and I packed and headed out. Ride to the hospital was brutal.
1:46 AM - Checked into the hospital, met the midwife there and was assessed. 5 cm dilated. I was in so much pain they gave me laughing gas. Did nothing for me--still in pain and light-headed from the gas.
3:20 AM - Midwife ran the water in the jacuzzi tub and told me it might help with the labor pain. I got in for about 5 mins, got back out and asked for an epidural. She checked me again--6 cm dilated. Prep work started for the epidural. IV put in.
6:00 AM - Anesthiologist gives epidural. 30 mins later...HEAVEN! 8 cm dilated. Midwife told me to get a couple hours of sleep, which hubby and I happily obliged.
8:00 AM - Still at 8 cm.
10:00 AM - Still at 8 cm. Midwife was concerned at the lack of progress.
10:30 AM - Midwife instructed to push despite of only being at 8 cm. She said this was a very unorthodox practice but we did it to see if I can get to 10 cm. I did.
11:00 AM - Active labour for the next 3.5 hours. Baby crowned with lots of hair. Got stuck in the birth canal with little progress. I got very tired and OK'd assisted birth (vacuum or forceps).
2:00 PM - OB-Gyn showed up with team & vacuum. Pulls baby out @ 2:26 PM.
ANGELINE, born in Vancouver, BC on the 5th of September, 2010, weighing 8 lbs 5 oz, measuring 21 inches long, bloodied, with one nasty conehead for being stuck in the birth canal for so long.
Hubby was going to stay at my head and not watch the events happening down there--but he ended up seeing everything, being part of the the birthing activities, even touching the baby's head as she crowned. He was also adamant about not cutting the umbilical cord--but ended up cutting the cord. OB-gyn said it's just like cutting through calamari, lol. He said it wasn't as bad or traumatic as he thought, lol.
Yah, I think this will be our only child. The labour and birth was pretty brutal--don't ever want to go through that again.
Got Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
in Canada
Lol...I give up on the list/chart..Can someone else update it? Thanks...