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Posts posted by GodIsGood2

  1. Hello everyone,

    I’m preparing my REF which was prove of my GMC for my home country. But now Im confused as I read that people who receive REF of GMC send FBI records, is it mandatory? 
     Is it necessary to request the fbi finger print?  Or maybe USCIS ask them to do so?
    I don’t have any criminal history and I sent my state clearance(I have lived only in one state) and I’m going to send the one from my home country. 

    I hope somebody knows the answer.




    thanks a lot 🙏🏼

  2. 12 hours ago, sandranj said:

    You need to get a police clearance from your Country. If for some reason your Country does not issue a police clearance without your presence  then find the Law about this rule and submit to USCIS.


    Make a "declaration of good moral character " stating that you are a person with good moral character, and  mention that you were never arrested, cited, charged or sentenced in your Country or worldwide. Put in your declaration  notarized declarationI declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct

    Thank you so much @sandranj I really appreciate your response and all your help. I’ll start working on getting the police clearance from my home country and the declaration as well!


    praying for all to have their cases approved in the name of Jesus 🙏🏼

  3. Hello family,


    as you could remember I post on Friday that after 18 months of waiting, I got an email saying that a RFE was sent. 


    I got the letter today, it’s just about GMC. They said I came to US in 2016 and I filed on July 2018 which means a police clerance from my country was needed but I didn’t summit ( I didn’t know that)

    I want to summit as many documents as possible as I’m afraid to get deny if I don’t give them enough prove of my GMC.


    i hope you can help me base in your expierence what should I send.


    thanks in advance 🙏🏼



  4. 6 minutes ago, Modu said:

    My dear am happy for you that it’s not a denial but RFE ... RFE is not a bad thing, when u get the letter respond to their request and you would be approved afterwards.. I guess u have a work permit already , so hold on to the work permit while this period goes by.. the lord is ur strength dear bless u

    Thank you so much for your kind words, you just reminded me the power of God! I was down all day as I received the email but you are so right, I’ll trust the lord and his perfect time no matter what! 

    I’ll wait until I receive the letter and I will post again what they’re asking! 

    This group is such a blessing, it’s wonderful all the support that you can find here.

    God bless you all and praying for every single case to be approved 🙏🏼

  5. Hi everyone! Happy new year to all of you! 

    I am a July 2018 filer, today I checked my statute and unfortunately after 18 months they’re asking me adicional evidence.

    Do you know how long it will take to get the letter? I’m trying to not losing hope but it is very frustrating :( 


    Im guessing they will ask me prove of GMC since I did not send my record from my home country (I learned about that here :() 


  6. 3 hours ago, FeDaniela said:

    I also have Police report base on harassment, they issue me a order of protection base on this harassment, and also a criminal case move along with the harassment issue, but no criminal charge was put on, Criminal Order of protection was also issue for me.... Worry now this will be not be enough?? Any advice @sandranj

    What is consider harassment? Is it the same as assault? @sandranj

    I have a police report for assault when my ex tried to hit me twice, but he didn’t as I could move and ran out of the house. 


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