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Everything posted by Ontarkie

  1. ~~Moved to the Canada forum, from K1 P&P - as the OP is asking Country specific questions.~~
  2. It's nuts what they are doing out there.
  3. I think they deserve a break after all the eggs they poop out the rest of the year
  4. It is nuts really. There is no reason the prices should be as high as they are. My hens are just starting back laying from their winter break. I don't keep a light on for them in the winter to keep them laying. They need 14-16 hours for peak production. I do have a few breeds that lay through the winter but my pretty blue and green egg layers do not.
  5. ~~Hijack post and replies have been removed. Please start your own thread if you have questions about your own case.~~
  6. I raised my prices to $5 a dozen. Ppl have not even bat an eye on the increase. Although from the farmers market I could be getting $9 a dozen as my chickens lay lager then jumbo eggs.
  7. ~~Zombie thread locked to further replies. If you have a questions please start your own thread.~~
  8. ~~Post edited to removed personal information. Please be more careful of what is posted on VJ. Not everyone who can read VJ has good intentions.~~
  9. ~~Hijack post split off an Unrelated thread.~~
  10. What are eggs going for in your area? I recently looked at the prices in Edwards Cost Plus and for a messily dozen eggs they wanted 8.99, in Central Arkansas I need to check Kroger and Walmart the next time I'm in there. We have chickens so egg buying has not been something I've done in the last 5 years. I am raising the price of eggs that we sell. I was selling them for $3 a dozen but feed has gone from 16.99 to 22.99 in the last few years. I don't buy the cheapest but also the not the most expensive feed. I like the result of nice big eggs that taste great.
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