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Everything posted by Ontarkie

  1. Get anything your missing before the medical. It will save time and money. Not all the clinics do vaccines so they may send you back to your doctor, if they do offer vaccines they will charge you for them. Most of the time if you get them from your doctor or health unit they will be covered. I can never remember when they Flu season is over and they stop in Canada. I want to say something like March/April but I could be wrong.
  2. You will need the Tdap booster. It's something you should have been getting every 10yrs. They will not complete the medical without all the age appropriate vaccines are started ( like HepB you need to have at least 1 started and can finish them stateside) Covid needs to have been completed if it is a two shot one, unless its the JJ one shot one then you're done.
  3. ~~Hijack post along with related reply split to their own thread.~~
  4. Take your marriage certificate and use it when you renew your passport. If a name change is something you want do it now. It does not matter what Minnesota asked at that time because right now you are not in Minnesota. Do it now save money and time later. If you take your married name now you can get your passport in your married name. This will have the rest of your immigration documents in your married name. Visa, then GC, SSN and when you get your DL. Much less hassle then trying to change all those things later and saves a ton of money.
  5. ~~Two more posts have been removed. If you do not like an action by moderations you know the proper steps to take.~~
  6. ~~Duplicate threads merged. Please do not start more than one thread for the same or related topic.~~
  7. ~~Moved to Bringing Family of USC, form Effects of Major Family Changes~~
  8. We can lock it so members can focus on your legal questions/options. ~~Thread locked~~
  9. ~~Moderation warning right off the bat here. Planning to enter the US to Adjust is fraud that topic is off the discussion table. Do Not do this. The thread will be locked if this discussion continues, that includes the what if's. As they do not apply to this OP. Member's do not bring up scenarios that do not apply to the OP.~~ Now that that is done Mod hat off. I'm glad you found VJ because there are a few things here that can get you in trouble and end up with a ban to the US. You cannot work in the US while you're on vacation/visiting your wife. It is illegal and if the border agents ever catch wind that you have done so previously or plan to do it again you will be banned. That will also add a lot more time to your immigration journey. While visiting you need to do just that visit. No working, it does not matter if your company allows you to be remote, the US does not allow their visitors to work while on US soil without the proper visa. Planning to AOS is also illigal and if the border catches even a glimpse of this they will ban you and you guessed it cause more time for your legal immigration.
  10. ~~One post made in another member's thread has been removed. Related threads have been merged. PLease do not post questions about your own case in other member's threads. Keep further questions on this topic to this thread.~~
  11. ~~Hijack post removed. Please do not post questions about your own case in other member's threads.~~
  12. If she was legally adopted to another family. She would no longer be considered your sister for immigration.
  13. ~~Thread locked to further replies. The OP has left this thread. it is not to be restarted or referred back to in any shape or form.~~
  14. I did get cash and a gift card. Thankfully not to Chipotle. I picked other because I'm all over the place with what I want. I try not to gift clothes for Christmas.
  15. ~~Zombie thread locked to further replies. As this is a 3 year old thread and things may change, members may no longer be active luckily this member has come back to update. It is still better to start new threads for questions.~~
  16. ~~Moved to Effects of Major Family Changes, from ROC - as similar threads are discussed here.~~
  17. ~~Hijack post has been split off another member's thread and another hijack post has been removed. Please only post your question once and not in other member's threads.~~
  18. ~~Duplicate thread has been removed. Please do not start more than one thread for the same or related topic. It is considered spamming.~~
  19. I'm going to partially disagree with Mike. She still lives with you. Away for vacation is not moved out. Her place of residence is still your address. Just like snow birds they are usually in the US or elsewhere they take off too and that doesn't change their place of residence.
  20. ~~Related threads merged. please do not start a new thread for additional or related questions~~
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