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Everything posted by Ontarkie

  1. @Captain Ewok can you look into this
  2. Sorry I don't have the link to it. If you go through this thread you should be able to find it.
  3. We arrived here late late Saturday night. Baby girl made her appearance Friday afternoon. She's doing good and so tiny. Mom and Dad are doing well too. They will be home tomorrow.
  4. This is happening in Arkansas too. I don't really see it being bad either.
  5. ~~Zombie thread locked to further replies. Please start your own thread if you have questions about your own case.~~
  6. You do not need a different visa. You're working on a school project you can do that on ESTA. You already confirmed that. Can CBP see it differently sure, we can't read their minds. When you arrive at CBP all you do is answer their questions. Visiting your BF while you work on your school thesis and see the sites.
  7. It is just a guest going off the posts from VJ. Are you on the spread sheet, you can check the stats from others who recently got out of AP?
  8. ~~Moved to General Immigration Discussion, from Working and Traveling- As similar threads are discussed here.~~
  9. This was years and years ago but this is what we had. I was not on any of the utilities or house. I had my husband on all medical paper work as contact person for the kids and myself, all medical insurance was through my husband's work for the kids and I, car insurance policy in both our names. DL for each of us with the same address. Vet bills with both, my pets from Canada, junk mail came in one name only but showed the same address as the other things summitted. Life insurance showing who the beneficiary is, wills, debit cards for the same account, credit cards with both listed.
  10. Don't take my word for it but I would save your money. From the posts on here that I have read the WOM did not seem to help. They did at first but not anymore. You are close to the end of waiting. I know it's a pain but go through the comments here and check it out.
  11. Put it in different words. You're doing a school project/paper and wanted to ask questions to some ppl who fit the project topic.
  12. You're asking a question that not one single person can answer. Not one single person knows because we do not know what will happen. The what If's will kill you.
  13. Aldi here is limited too. We just got our year refund from Costco, we'll safe it for when we go to PA to wait for our Grandbaby to arrive. Not as bug as Neonred's to buy a TV but could buy a couple briskets and a whole ribeye.
  14. The stamp in their passport is their temporary GC. They can travel and on their return it will allow them to enter just like the plastic card would.
  15. Yes it is and you're welcome
  16. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/News/visas-news/cdc-removes-covid-19-vaccination-requirement-for-immigrant-visa-applicants.html#:~:text=CDC Removes COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Immigrant Visa Applicants,-Last Updated%3A March&text=Effective March 11%2C 2025%2C CDC,receive the COVID-19 vaccination.
  17. New update https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/News/visas-news/cdc-removes-covid-19-vaccination-requirement-for-immigrant-visa-applicants.html#:~:text=CDC Removes COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Immigrant Visa Applicants,-Last Updated%3A March&text=Effective March 11%2C 2025%2C CDC,receive the COVID-19 vaccination.
  18. You can try a major airport
  19. That is only because you have an iron stomach. I have open many cans or food that where only expired by a few months and the taste is off. I don't keep expired food anymore. You would think some things that are sealed would be good but it is not always.
  20. ~~Hijack post removed. Please start your own thread if you have questions about your own case.~~
  21. ~~Moved to Moving to the US and Your New Life, from Ir1/CR1 P&P - the OP is asking about entry with the visa~~
  22. ~~Two hijack posts have been removed and this one split off to it's own topic. Please do not post questions about your own case in other member's threads.~~
  23. I like multiple sheets too. No flannel here though, the Hillbilly would die of heat. Instead he bought me an electric blanket and I can heat up my side. I took a picture of the sheets I really like and will grab a few or more next time.
  24. Well if the Hillbilly ever gets me a farm I may change
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