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Everything posted by Ontarkie

  1. I've been down a similar road with PCOS. It truly does suck. Also check out Kelly Hogan, she had a horrible time with it too and many other health related issues. Sadly Doctors are not trained with food, they are trained to shell out pills and listen to big pharma. I learned this during my own pain and suffering. I went to the extreme of the Carnivore diet (first time in my life I do not hurt every second of every day) along with everyone else in the family, minus the two littles I allow them to have whole foods and treats during birthdays and holidays. Food is my love language and I still do so much baking for company and entertaining during the holidays so I still get that fulfillment.
  2. I'm so sorry about the useless doctor. Go check out DR Ken Berry, if you're worried about fat and cholesterol check out Dr Ovidia he's a cardiac surgeon and he has now changed how he treats his patients. Fat is not bad, we've been lied too, it's the carbs and sugar. They want us on statins, and guess what the stains will make your AC1 go up to be diabetic not just prediabetic anymore. Not sure if your PCOS keeping in check is because of babies in the future but check out DR. Robert Kiltz founder and director of one of the top ranked fertility clinics. If not trying to get pregnant it's still good to get good information about PCOS.
  3. I've seen it on here so many times over the years. Go ahead and list her like you should have from the start. Since she was not listed I don't think you have any chance to get a K2 follow to join for her. You can always call the consulate and ask, but that might open a can of worms. If your husband is willing to file for her, he needs to get started asap as it can still take up to two years unless things speed up.
  4. I'm not sure. For some reason I seem to remember reading that if interviewing outside of Canada it requires a different process. Definitely look into it before she leaves Canada.
  5. The only issue she will have is reentering Canada. For the Police check she has to follow the rules for being outside of Canada and use an agency. There will be no issues for US immigrations.
  6. ~~Moved to Working and Traveling from IR1/CR1 Progress Reports. The OP is asking about re-entry permits after entering in the visa.~~
  7. My son #3 wants one. He found a breeder he likes. Daughter is already planning to knit sweaters.
  8. Happy Belated birthday! I love my robot vacuum, it does so much better then I ever expected. More meat less carbs, look into keto. Hillbilly completely reversed his T2D. Look up Dr. Ken Berry Type two diabetes on YT.
  9. ~~Non Montreal Related posts removed. Please post questions and updates in the appropriate forum.~~
  10. Yes it can affect future visits and visas. Not only to that one person but to other family members also. We have seen other family members be denied a visa thanks to their own family.
  11. ~~Non Conductive/inappropriate post has been removed. Further ignoring of moderation warning will result in admin action. In other words stick to helping, answering the OP and stay off your soapbox.~~
  12. Yes the kids are still his dependents and household size will count the kids.
  13. ~~Moved to the Canada Forum, from K1 P&P - as the topic is not K1 processing but how to plan for the eventual move.~~
  14. Older daughter got herself a Mainecoon kitty Meet Chowder he is 10 weeks old
  15. ~~Moved to the PI regional forum, from K1 P&P- the OP is asking Country specific questions.~~
  16. Are you sure she lost her Canadian PR, living with a Canadian spouse is one of the ways to keep your Canadian PR. Look into that first.
  17. ~~Moved to Moving Here and Your New Life, from Bringing Family of USC- the Topic is about after arrival into the US, health insurance and SS.~~
  18. I did mine years and yeas ago, but when I went to get it done. I totally forgot to get them to list my maiden name too. It was not an issue as like yours it it was finger prints. I brought it up and the CO told me it was fine.
  19. I can't stand either, but just the smell of tea makes me want to vomit.
  20. ~~Thread locked to further replies. As information from 14yrs ago and country to country change over time.~~
  21. ~~Moved to Working and Traveling from Bringing Family of USC- as the OP is asking about studying outside the US after entry on IR2~~
  22. ~~Related threads have been merged. Please do not start more than one thread for a related topic. It is best when all the information is in one place.~~
  23. Thank you, the kids did great. Garfield turned out great. I'm really surprised my kids haven't wanted to paint any.
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