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Everything posted by bdglen

  1. Thank you. it is indeed appalling and I bet those denied entry are all single men. Your wife absolutely would have been treated differently if you were there. i have the first hand experience to back that up. It's sad that I'm being forced to look at 30 hours of travel just to have/bring my relatives to join us on a vacation. It really should not be this hard. Mexican and the US immigration attitudes toward afro-Colombian men, border on outright racist. BTW, I love Brazil, have had nothing but positive experiences there, even when i accidentally through away my entrance/exit paperwork. immigration could not have been nicer and more accommodating, but then again the US passport is a powerful tool.
  2. Thank you for your suggestion, but My husband and I have already booked and paid for a villa over a year ago. This residence is booked years in advance, and we actually booked it for one month, http://www.casadeamigospv.com/villa-suite-apartment.html C'mon folks, we just wanted to try and bring our relatives to join us on our vacation. I'm not looking for suggestions or opinions that don't apply to the issue at hand. Telling me to find a more welcoming place is really not helpful.
  3. Thank you for the confirmation of what I was saying about Mexican immigration and their attitude towards Colombian men. I can't say I'm shocked they would also treat a Filipino woman this way, as I have seen first hand their lack of humanity and professionalism. Thank you also for your empathy. Trust me, I have searched flights for days trying to find a way for my husbands relatives to avoid dealing with Mexican immigration on their own. That's why i was investigating travelling with them so that when they went through Mexican immigration, I would be with them. I'm proud to say my American passport is a powerful tool I'm unafraid to use. And after searching through every possible flight combination, the over-all fastest and cheapest flights go from PTY to SFO to PVR. The next best alternative is my flying to Colombia and entering Mexico City with them and that would require about 30 hours of travel for me to get to CLO and then ultimately to PVR. i love my husbands family but I don't know that I want to spend a day and a half in airplanes and airports for what is essentially a 4 hour flight from SFO to PVR. The 'C1 visa is as much for my benefit as it is theirs. I think more than anything this worries me.
  4. I agree, that's why I was considering meeting them and flying with them. The reason for the C1 visa is: EVERY FLIGHT from PTY to PVR transits through some US city, MiA, DFW, SFO, LAX IAH etc....... also, by the crow flies, Puerto Vallarta is 5 hours from Panama City, yet the fastest economy flight duration is 13.5 hours, costs over $6,000 for two economy seats. and still flies though a US city AND Mexico city. obviously it's not a viable option. The least expensive flight is $800, takes over 23 hours and STILL flies through Houston.
  5. Thank you I appreciate the kind thoughts. PV is a wonderful area with really friendly folks, I'm sure it's a great retirement spot, Good luck to you too.
  6. Obviously I can't go through the flight crew/diplomat line, that's pretty much self evident. But I can and do go through the Global pass line regularly. I can also go through Mobile pass/ CBP-MPC as I also use that service. I know you weren't intentionally trying to split hairs, but c'mon man, really? I'm trying to get comments from folks who have actually gone through the C1 process not opinions on who can or cannot go through which lines at CBP.....
  7. Exactly, I'm not sure why this isn't known. As a US citizen returning home, i can pretty much go through any damn line I want. 🤣
  8. Thank you.
  9. No, I do not intend to fly to Colombia and return with them to "save a few bucks". Me flying to Colombia or Panama or Mexico does not by definition save any money, Also, i have gone through the visitor line at US immigration on more than one occasion for the sole purpose of aiding the non US citizen i was travelling with. It's not an uncommon thing to do.
  10. i believe it would be different because: 1. My husband and I would be travelling with them and would accompany then=m through the immigration and CBP inspection. AND 2. My husband used to work at SFO in the immigration CBP area and knows most of the CBP agents. Both those reasons would be preferable to a Mexican immigration officer interrogating them alone. in Mexico.
  11. My reasoning?
  12. If I gave the impression that I wanted to use the C1 as an alternative to a B2 for the purpose of visiting the US, then i apologize that is not and was not my intent. i was merely asking questions to try and find answers from ANYONE who had personal experience applying and being approved or denied for a C1 visa. As I'm sure everyone is aware, flight prices and availability vary tremendously from day to day and airline to airline etc. That is why i asked the questions i asked. I was hoping to hear stories that might guide me to the sweet spot of getting the right flight timelines. Alas apparently no one on VJ has ever dealt with the C1 transit visit... i hold out hope i will hear from someone.....
  13. And then to Mexico City, wherein we encounter the first problem. Single Afro-Colombian men. I'm telling you, I've been a first hand witness to the problems with Mexican immigration as i explained in my first post and that is why we were thinking about meeting them outside the US, to avoid those problems. The alternative is to layover in Panama City (PTY) and then travel to Puerto Vallarta. except virtually all those flights go though Houston or Miami or Dallas etc..... Seeing as how the approval rates for C1 vs B2 are vastly different and the appointment/interview times are also vastly different, there is obviously some major differences in the process, hence my seeking out someone who has actually been through the C1 process.
  14. No, actually i understand perfectly what he is saying. He's not telling me anything i don't already know. but that doesn't address the issues and questions I have asked, therefore i am looking for advice from someone who has actually applied for a C1 visa. If you don't understand the issue I am having, do a google flights search for yourself. From Cali Colombia (CLO) to Panama City Panama (PTY) to Puerto Vallarta (PVR) anytime in May 2024, Try to find a flight that isn't outrageously expensive and/or doesn't connect through a US layover. Additionally, the approval rates for a C1 (85%) and B2 (59%) visa are vastly different, so again, the process is not entirely the same. You'll see the only option if i want to make this happen is a C1 transit visa. So I am really looking to talk to someone who has had a C1 transit visa
  15. except they can get a C1 visa interview in less than two weeks, so obviously the process isn't entirely the same. i appreciate your willingness to respond, truly, but it doesn't appear that you have any first hand experience with a transit visa.
  16. Yes, I am aware. I was hoping to get some insight from people with experience in the C1 process
  17. Well one of the requirements for the visa is a travel itinerary showing validated return to country of origin.. They also require proof of intent to return, like a property deed, etc. obviously the travel itinerary would show return flights to Colombia. But being able to show the embassy that you were in the US for 24-48 hours previously and returned to Colonbia can't hurt when it comes to the B2 visa interview, no?
  18. They have, but their interviews are not until next summer 😒 It's been a while since we've seen them and thought this would be a nice vacation for them as well as helping when their B vu=isa interview occur.
  19. If this post is in the wrong forum please accept my apologies in advance, but after searching the forums I really could not find an appropriate forum to help get answers to my questions. My husband and I are taking a two week vacation in Puerto Vallarta this year and we wanted to have my husbands uncle and cousin join us there. but we've identified a couple of problem areas. My husbands relatives are Colombian and would be flying from Cali Colombia to Puerto Vallarta. 1. The flights are ridiculously expensive and long with multiple layovers and flight changes. 2. Additionally, Single unaccompanied Afro-Colombian men arriving in Mexico are immediately suspected of trying to get into the US illegally and are hassled at the airports and sometimes not even allowed to exit immigration. I know this to be a fact from first hand experience because I was travelling with one of my husbands cousins two years ago and while in Guadalajara I left to go to the restroom, when I came back his cousin was surrounded and being questioned by two Mexican immigration officials. It wasn't until I showed up with my American passport that they stopped hassling him and let us proceed with our trip. So, we started to look into the idea of meeting them outside the US and flying into Mexico as a group and this is what we discovered. It would actually be less expensive and faster if my husbands relatives flew from Cali Colombia to San Francisco and then to Puerto Vallarta. Hence the idea of obtaining a C1 transit visa. Does anyone have any experience obtaining and travelling using a C1? is there an absolute timeline validation for them based on trip details or are they somewhat open ended? I've read that they are valid for a maximum of 29 days and only valid for layovers before the final destination. What is the layover is a couple of days, is that possible or does the layover need to be immediate? any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. If it's not too personal a question, could you elaborate on what the fighting has been about specifically. Is he cheating on you? IS he stealing money from a joint account? sometimes the specifics of a situation can really change the necessary actions. Again, respond only if you feel comfortable.
  21. Maybe I'm old school too, or maybe it's because I'm gay and married to another man, but my attitude is " happens" sometimes our emotions outpace our heart and brain. If a few lousy words spoken in a moment of passion are enough for you to throw it all away, maybe you never really had it in the first place. If you don't want to fight to keep it, it's not really worth keeping.
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