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nastra30 last won the day on June 5 2024

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  • Gender
  • City
    Jersey City
  • State
    New Jersey

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Newark NJ
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  1. No, the visa is issued by the consulate after a successful interview before he can travel. Visas are not issued at US airports. Once he is admitted as a LPR the B2 becomes useless and void because he is no longer a tourist.
  2. Once he has the visa in his passport, he can fly from any country he wants.
  3. Two years by the time you are admitted into the US.
  4. That doesn't necessarily mean fraud. Was it annulled because the court affirmed it to be fraudulent or it was something else? Seems like some kind of love triangle. Since you know this person, in your heart of hearts do you think your friend entered into a sham marriage with any of these guys for immigration benefits? In a recent case (Bouarfa v. Mayorkas) the supreme court unanimously affirmed that USCIS can revoke an approved I-130 petition at USCIS's discretion without the need for judiciary review if it suspect a sham marriage. Even though Bouarfa was in bona-fide marriage with a new USC spouse, an ex-spouse wrote to USCIS stating that he entered into their marriage just for immigration benefits (sham marriage), presumably with evidence. USCIS revoked his approved I-130 to current wife and that's where his legal trouble began. Now Bouarfa could technically file a new I-130 but it will be battle against USICS all over again.
  5. What fraud did husband accuse her of? The 2nd marriage lasted only one month so there must have been some serious issues. Three marriages in quick succession for someone in the country illegally can raise some eyebrows but then again quick succession marriages are not unheard of.
  6. You are right that he's subject to a 10 year ban. And yes, once he's served it he should be in good shape. It's checked at the interview so you'll need to make sure the ban has been served before the interview date. Your timeline of March 2026 interview looks reasonable.
  7. They want to come back as permanent residents or as tourists? Which is which?
  8. Go ahead and apply for naturalization under 3-year rule. Since you are divorced, use evidence from old marriage. Good luck. You can ask through the main VAWA thread too. https://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/819710-vawa-part-27/page/135/#comments
  9. Did you fill the N400 form yourself?
  10. When the new guidance came out, I remember it didn't apply to consular processing; only adjustment of status. I don't know if DOS has adopted it since then.
  11. Awesome. I suspected it wouldn't take long to approve. Go get that CCW. Thanks for coming back with feedback.
  12. They didn't give a reason? She wasn't given any paper after the interview? I am still not if she was refused or denied. What does the CEAC status say? If really she was denied, then you'll have to wait for a NOIR from USCIS. Also, I understand your frustration but know that bringing family members to the US is a privilege; not a right. Good luck.
  13. For N400, you'll be interviewed; very necessary. Your bolded part might apply to other benefits; not naturalization. Good luck.
  14. It seems those doing consular processing will still need to complete I864W for exemptions. However, that sounds counterintuitive if the very form is going to be removed or not updated anymore by USCIS. Note: Below will download/open a pdf file from a gov: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/DownloadDocument?objectID=145272200 "The elimination of the Form I-864W from the adjustment of status process does not affect consular processing abroad, which is administered by the U.S. Department of State. "
  15. See link from @NorthByNorthwest Asked them about the status of your case and request invoice number if available.
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