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Everything posted by WaterLeaf

  1. Hey all! I'm confused here and not sure what I'm doing wrong. On my timeline, it does show everything is updated and completed but on the side of this post, it says Filed for: AOS (approved) should it say Naturalization (Completed) or something like that?
  2. I can only hope OP works with her so she can become more confident about getting questioned. Mock interviews, etc., and having proof of receipts of where the money is coming from will also help if you're to do this in the future that can also help. This should be in the 5 year plan before the ban is lifted so that's a good start! OP, please please please... just take your time and review this guide and read over it a few times, and then come back to question if you can't find anything on the forum! https://www.visajourney.com/guides/ It has so much info there and the forum it's amazing.
  3. My updated post is just right above you. It was not in Nashville, it was done in Chattanooga.
  4. Can you keep track of documents and such through an online account with USCIS?
  5. I forgot to update. It was rescheduled to May 29th, 2024. We all went and had a good time. Yay! They took the green card but left the NOA/Extension letter to keep. I'm not sure why. There is no Passport office in the building or anything like that, but there was a table there and people giving out Passport forms about filing and then telling us to schedule an appointment with our local office.
  6. Update on Hubby's progress. As of April 29th 2024, got a letter stating Oath Ceremony is scheduled in Chattanooga, TN on May 30th, 2024. Planning to apply for passport for him and our baby girl.
  7. Nevermind, hopping off the train. I'll copy and paste from what I posted in the N-400 progress thread.
  8. Ayy y'all check this out. Feb 15, 2024 Case Was Approved for Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. Feb 13, 2024 Case Was Submitted For Quality Review Based on An Approval Recommendation for Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. Reviewed History for N-400, it does say N-400 to qualify for approval, already placed in line for scheduling for Oath Ceremony.
  9. He said it wasn't a combo interview. No update on the USCIS yet. I've searched this forum and found a few thread that mentions this kind of situation. Weird enough, they have combo interview! So I had to hop on the N400 interview decision case tracker thread. We'll get it sorted by using this one magical term: Time.
  10. Hopping on this train for my Husband's progress. Interview date: Feb-06-2024 Location interview for N-400: Nashville, TN Reason: Decision could not be made due to a pending I-751. I'm not sure where it's located at this time. It was not a combo interview, only the N-400.
  11. They told my Husband that he have a Pending Green Card Removal of Condition. I'm honestly not sure what to think after this stage and not aware of what's next.
  12. Update on the N-400 from the Nashville, TN office. Oath Ceremony not on the same day as it seems per VJ's timelines it seems like most are like 3 months out on avg here. We'll be waiting for the mail, not sure if it's going to be RFE or Oath Ceremony date/time. Either way, we're not worried. My Husband went in and got thru the interview just fine. I just stayed out and play with the baby and she fell asleep LOL.
  13. I'm coming across some weird issue, not sure if it's my end or the site's end. It says I am running an ad-blocker, yes it is on my browser but it is turned off for this website. Am I missing something?
  14. Yes I guess. I called it Graduation Ceremony LOL.
  15. Just curious, were some Graduation Ceremony held on the same day if passed the interview? Yall apply for passport after the Ceremony?
  16. https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/find-study-materials-and-resources Here in this link you'll find what you need! :)
  17. Welp, my Husband's N-400 has arrived!
  18. Bruh. This is new to me lol do they give an option to apply for passport?
  19. I'm in the boat with many others, don't miss em. But I'm still in the process of it with my Husband. This is a lot of loaded paperwork more than other things I've dealt with like IRS, school but it's always different so that came to an exclusion, many other things that ask for paperwork. I know my Husband is more of the type of guy who don't wanna do any of the paperwork so he don't miss it either!
  20. A few nights ago my Cousin (76 yrs old) was trying to argu with me saying anyone can get away from the USA by living oversea and abandon their US Citizenship. I told him that's not how it happens. It take more effort than it seems. That didn't work for him, he don't believe anything I said. Well, he could always look at the reputable website but he still disagree on it. Nothing will change their mind when they are stuck in that mindset.
  21. They'd blindly call my Husband out as one. They don't understand how the process work as they blame us. lol It get weird, making small talk with vague info and they straight up end up saying "OMG Hurry up or he'll be deported!". Over a Social Security Card renewal. 🤦‍♀️
  22. I'll keep my hard copy safe for a long time. In case of event that we lost some kind of ID, having a back up is nice to help settle it even many years later in case some crazy people decide to call ICE on US and we have to show proof... Where I live is questionable but I know how it all goes because I've seen enough crazy in my family that will do things like this so I rather be prepared and ready than sorry. I know it's sad but the paperwork don't take too much room. I remember I was searching for my Great Grandfather, came to the US from Italy, through the family tree search. Found out that he came in through Ellis Island and through NY or PA port (idr), and stayed in Chicago having a farm and several kids. Some of those cousin of mine are alive Today. But what I also found out that he Naturalized very soon, this revoke the process of the ability to get an Italian Passport - that's ok, I tried learning the process and it's great to see how the system is set up.
  23. It's been a long time for me. But I do remember asking if I was a US Citizen or else to fill out on whatever paper, it's yearly and so on. It didn't bother the other kids while they were attending school and I don't know if they were a US Citizen or not, I've been friend with many and they stayed in the US the whole time and a few moved away for whatever reason, family or job and such. I doubt the school do anything to report residency, it just stats they are collecting.
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