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Posts posted by Vann

  1. they do not allow cell phones in the Embassy. hopefully you'll hear something by noon to 1pm Manila time. it's now

    7:48 there. your wait is close to an end. best of luck :thumbs:

    Wow! It could really take a possible five-six hours? Well, it's no worse than the wait times my sweetheart had to endure at St. Luke's last week. :/

    I texted her yesterday and recommdend she take a snack along this time.

  2. My fiance is currently at her interview! Do they allow cell phones inside the embassy because I sent her phone texts.

    I'm so nervous and excited at the same time! :wacko:

    I guess I can only wait now. Any idea on how long this process may take? Her letter said her appointment today was at 7:30.

    Please pray for us and that everything will go smoothly.

    This is the last step for us and I want to finally be done with this long long loooooooooooong visa process! :unsure:

  3. Please don't worry much. Everything will be Ok. Each peple has a heart and I believe the Consulate Officer will feel the love from your fiance. Your fiance will get the visa soon. Be happy and good luck. Berst wishes, J & V

    ditto :thumbs:

    Heh! heh! I will try. :)

    In some ways this feels like the night before Christmas and in others like the night before the big test that will determine whether or not you graduate. :blink:

    I'll do my best to relax! :thumbs:

  4. Thanks for all the replies, guys! :) I feel relieved to a an extent. I guess all of you have or will feel the exact same way I am right now. I was thinking I might be overreacting until I read many posts on this forum and realized I'm not different than everyone else here, LOL!

    I would like to say one thing--this may be the only place on the net that I've ever visited that seems to be frequented by the nicest and most genuine people I've met anywhere on the internet. Most forums are full of the likes of rude and psychotic people but this forum reminds me of a normal public setting.

    I would like to thank everyone for all the help and advice they've given me over these months and for helping me feel confident in this entire visa process.

    This process really takes its toll on a person--it almost makes me feel as if I'm putting my entire relationship on trial just so some consule officer can stamp yay or nay on my fiance's forms. Oh, well--I guess that's a consequence that must be taken when entering this process. I'll just be relieved when it's finally over with and she's here with me. :)

    Thanks again, everyone! She has her interview in twelve hours. That's September 6, 7:30 AM, Philippines time. I will post my results in a new thread for sure. I hope she doesn't have to wait too long....

    I've heard some horror stories about five hour waits in the embassy. :/ She waited at least that long just to get her medical results which took two days! One seven hour day of tests and one five hour wait day for the results. Needless to say, her experiences in Manila on this process have been nightmarish. Successful--but nightmarish.

    Now, comes the big day...

  5. Sincerely I´ld say you are overworring :thumbs: , I´ve read many people who talks about their interview and it seems to be quite simple, at least in my country it takes around 10-20 minutes!! (the interview, the previous checks of the affidavit, and forms can take it much longer), and they just will ask her common and specific questions (where do you meet, how long ago, where do you intent to live in there, possibly he will already know it, but it´s his job and he has to confirm those data).

    So don´t worry about it, both of you deserve it, and you´ll get it, surely tomorrow she´ll call you telling about her interview with the visa in her hands :thumbs:

    Talking about be above 125% poverty line, I think this level is later on with the AOS, by this time is lower, but I´m not totally sure. Anyway if you think maybe can´t reach this line...you can attach a co-sponsor who could "cover" that % you can´t.

    Thank you for your help! I'm sorry but what does AOS mean?

    Well, I checked the recent statistics for poverty level.

    I have no dependents so I counted myself as one person. For this poverty level I'm well above it. I then counted 2 for a family unit (to see what the poverty level would be once I take her on as a dependent) and that put must just a little above the 125% poverty level.

  6. I'm so very worried about my fiance. :/ She will be having her interview tomorrow and I am scared to death for the results. We've put our blood, sweat, tears, hearts and souls into this process and all I hope for is approval. I have the necessary papers I've sent her, we have pictures from BOTH my trips I took to see her (One trip on Sept. 2006 and one on May 2007), affidavit of support, filed visa applications, five paystubs from my two jobs, tax transcripts I requested from the IRS for: 2004, 2005, and 2006, a digital picture of me holding my passport in one and a recent newspaper in another picture (I only did this because I heard from somewhere it was requested by the embassy), exerpts of several Yahoo! messenger chats from dates of august, july, and june. I have already sent in the main brunt of our emails and ims with my petition. I also sent in one phonebill from July stating the number of international texts I had sent that month. I included employment letters from both my jobs but I could only get one of the letters with a letterhead. The other was ink stamped with the store's address but it DID have contact info (will this pose a problem if no letterhead?).

    I also allowed my fiance to keep my first set of flight tickets I had taken on my second trip to see her. (Just the tickets for my flight on the way to her country--I still have the return flight tickets myself). I also sent photocopies of my first trip tickets with the petition.

    My petition was accepted in February 2007 and approved rather quickly in late May, early June, much to my surprise. She also had her medical appointment just last week and passed it just fine.

    Here is where I'm worried--I read about the poverty level requirements (125% above and all that) and realized that I just barely barely BARELY meet those requirements. My question is--will the fact that I just BARELY meet the 125% requirements pose any sort of problem for my fiance at her interview?

    I guess I'm just saying that I'm nervous beyond anything and could really REALLY use some feedback from anyone who has gone through this interview process, LOL!

    I met my fiance in December 2005 and we fell in love right away. She's the love of my life and I don't even know how I would react if she failed in this visa interview. It's everything we've both worked so hard for and sacrificed much for. Needless to say--it's been an exhausting and particularly emotional drain on us both and all we want is to be married and get on with our lives, no more waiting. We've gone through so much red tape and we're hoping to God this interview will be approved so that I can bring her here this January for our wedding.

    If anyone can provide helpful feedback, please do so.

    Am I just overreacting or overworrying?

  7. I'm so very worried about my fiance. :/ She will be having her interview tomorrow and I am scared to death for the results. We've put our blood, sweat, tears, hearts and souls into this process and all I hope for is approval. I have the necessary papers I've sent her, we have pictures from BOTH my trips I took to see her (One trip on Sept. 2006 and one on May 2007), affidavit of support, filed visa applications, five paystubs from my two jobs, tax transcripts I requested from the IRS for: 2004, 2005, and 2006, a digital picture of me holding my passport in one and a recent newspaper in another picture (I only did this because I heard from somewhere it was requested by the embassy), exerpts of several Yahoo! messenger chats from dates of august, july, and june. I have already sent in the main brunt of our emails and ims with my petition. I also sent in one phonebill from July stating the number of international texts I had sent that month. I included employment letters from both my jobs but I could only get one of the letters with a letterhead. The other was ink stamped with the store's address but it DID have contact info (will this pose a problem if no letterhead?).

    I also allowed my fiance to keep my first set of flight tickets I had taken on my second trip to see her. (Just the tickets for my flight on the way to her country--I still have the return flight tickets myself). I also sent photocopies of my first trip tickets with the petition.

    My petition was accepted in February 2007 and approved rather quickly in late May, early June, much to my surprise. She also had her medical appointment just last week and passed it just fine.

    Here is where I'm worried--I read about the poverty level requirements (125% above and all that) and realized that I just barely barely BARELY meet those requirements. My question is--will the fact that I just BARELY meet the 125% requirements pose any sort of problem for my fiance at her interview?

    I guess I'm just saying that I'm nervous beyond anything and could really REALLY use some feedback from anyone who has gone through this interview process, LOL!

    I met my fiance in December 2005 and we fell in love right away. She's the love of my life and I don't even know how I would react if she failed in this visa interview. It's everything we've both worked so hard for and sacrificed much for. Needless to say--it's been an exhausting and particularly emotional drain on us both and all we want is to be married and get on with our lives, no more waiting. We've gone through so much red tape and we're hoping to God this interview will be approved so that I can bring her here this January for our wedding.

    If anyone can provide helpful feedback, please do so.

    Am I just overreacting or overworrying?

  8. My fiance will be having her interview in Manila, Philippines tomorrow. Needless to say--I'm both excited and nervous.

    I have all the necessary forms but I am just wondering what are the chances of rejection?

    She passed her medical exam last week.

    She has five check stubs from me (I work two jobs and gave a few from both jobs)

    On the affidafit of support it asked me for my annual income. It was about the same as my full income for 2006 (a $1,000 difference at most) so I just put that number down to have a definitive number on the form.

    I also had originally sent my petition in last december but it was rejected and returned to me on the basis of my check being signed incorrectly. I resubmitted it in February and my first official receipt notice and acceptance was dated February so I put February down as "date petition submitted" on my affidavit of support.

    My question is--given these circumstances with my forms, has anyone else experienced anything like this and should my fiance be OK and pass her interview?

    Depending on my x-mas bonus and my hours, my annual income for this year could be $500-1,000 less than my 2006 income number that I put down as my current annual income number. Should this be OK and has anyone else experienced this situation?

    If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it.

    I'm very excited and nervous about this interview! Whew! :)

  9. My fiance is having her medical exam in two days and she recently became sick. Many signs seem to be pointing toward either a cold or flu (Not good, considering her EMBASSY INTERVIEW is next week! We always have the worst luck!).

    Whether this question sounds stupid or not, I don't care--I need this answered.

    Will a cold or flu affect her medical exam in any way, shape or form? What I mean is--would this affect her medical exam or would she be fine?

    I've heard the visa can be denied if the person has some sort of disease but would this also apply to a simple cold or flu?

    Thank you.

    *Sigh*...this couldn't have come at a worse possible time. :(

  10. You will be able to get some really good reviews here...


    Good luck with the upcomming interview.

    Thank you very much! I have another quick question. I need to mail these forms out to her by about next week to ensure they reach her in time for her interview. What is the most efficient shipping option to ensure a delivery of seven days or less of these forms to her? DHL? FedEx? UPS?

    Thank you :)

  11. Hello all! My fiance's Interview in Manila, Philippines is this September 6th! :D I recently made up my Affidavit of Support and got my tax transcripts from the past three years from my local IRS office.

    I'm including paystubs from both jobs I'm currently working at now and will soon get my bank statement. My fiance has pictures and receipts from my first and recent second visit to her.

    For anyone who has been through this process already (particularly the Manila embassy) what is the interview like? What sort of questions may they ask my fiance and will they absolutely look at every requested form or just certain ones?

    Also--my fiance knows english quite well so would it help her case to have the interview in english? I heard from somewhere that it streamlines the interview and involves less questions for her although I'm not sure if that is 100% certain.

    If anyone has answers thanks in advance! :)

  12. If there is some part of "annual" you're not understanding, try a dictionary.

    That was a bit harsh :(.


    The first two pages are just instructions, those are only for you to use to help you fill the form out. You just need to mail in the form pages.

    For 7 they want what you do in the first blank, and who pays you to do it in the second.

    They want to know how much money you make in a year. Combine your yearly income from both jobs and include proof of both, like paystubs, a letter from your employers and tax return transcripts.

    I'm about ready to fill out my I-134 and I've posted quite a few questions about it already. Try doing a forum search on it, you'll find tons of posts. Many of them are the same thing, but reading them might help you make sure everything is in order.

    Good luck with the interview! :thumbs:

    Thank you very much! This forum is full of some of the most pleasant people I've ever encountered on the internet and I certainly wasn't expecting unnecessary sarcasm from people. :/

    Thank you for answering my questions and I feel much more assured! :)

    As for the tax transcripts, I only started working two jobs a year and a half ago. Before that, I was only working in one low-paying job that was below the poverty level. I'm now quite a ways above the poverty level now with my two jobs. I will specify that in a letter when I send the forms.

  13. My fiance has her interview this Sept. 6 and recently received her information packet. One of the items it requested she needed to have present with her at her interview was the I-134 Affidavit of support

    I currently have it printed out and I'm working on it now but I have a few questions:

    Do I need to include the first two pages which are just the instructions or do I just include the last two that are the actual form?

    Also, Item 7 is set up like this: I am employed as or engaged in the business of ___________________ with ___________

    (Type of Business) (Name of Concern)

    What exactly is Item 7 asking me for? I'm confused. :/

    Also, near the bottom of the page it says "I derive an annual income of:" and leaves me a blank space to fill in a dollar amount. Is it requesting for me to write down how much money I make in one year or in one month? I know it's a stupid question but I want to make sure everything is 100% clear on this form before I mail it to my fiance in two weeks.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Item 7 examples.

    teaching school, Topeka School District or Appliance Sales, Maytag

    The form asks for your annual income. Do the arithmetic and write down the number.

    Oh, so it's asking for the occupation and name of the place?

    About the income--I was asking if it mattered if I put how much I'm currently earning monthly or do I need to put it down for yearly? The thing is--my yearly would have to be an estiment because I work two jobs with varying hours. Is it just asking for an estiment of monthly or yearly income?

  14. My fiance has her interview this Sept. 6 and recently received her information packet. One of the items it requested she needed to have present with her at her interview was the I-134 Affidavit of support

    I currently have it printed out and I'm working on it now but I have a few questions:

    Do I need to include the first two pages which are just the instructions or do I just include the last two that are the actual form?

    Also, Item 7 is set up like this: I am employed as or engaged in the business of ___________________ with ___________

    (Type of Business) (Name of Concern)

    What exactly is Item 7 asking me for? I'm confused. :/

    Also, near the bottom of the page it says "I derive an annual income of:" and leaves me a blank space to fill in a dollar amount. Is it requesting for me to write down how much money I make in one year or in one month? I know it's a stupid question but I want to make sure everything is 100% clear on this form before I mail it to my fiance in two weeks.

    Thanks in advance! :)

  15. Thank you so much, guys!

    Another question--does it cost anything to expedite these forms?

    Also--how long would it take to get them if I expedited the process? I'm asking because I need to DHL these forms to my fiance two weeks from now.

    Also, the local IRS office i looked up online said that it can send out tax transcripts but only in hardship cases. It said: (Verifiable hardship cases; hurricane damage, medical emergencies, etc)

    Would my situation, if explained to them, fall under the hardship criteria? :-s

  16. I am very worried. My fiance is having her embassy interview this Sept. 6 and, for the life of me, I cannot find my tax returns!!! I had them filed with my family's and they've suddenly disappeared! It was said that my fiance is to bring these tax forms to the embassy on her interview along with several other forms on the information list she received from the Manila embassy.

    Is it absolutely necessary for her to have my tax forms? If so--is there anything I can do if I can't find them? :/

    I'm very worried and have so little time to get these papers to her!

    If someone could provide some info then PLEASE do so! :(

    Thank you!

  17. Hello, all! My fiance has a visa interview at the embassy in Manila on September 6th. I'm so worried I may not have the money or documents in time for this interview as I've had some financial problems lately. Is there any way to reschedule the interview?

    If so--how do I go about doing so? Also--can a certain rescheduling date be chosen or does the embassy choose for us? If so--how far back could the interview be pushed if we decide to reschedule?

    I desperately need these questions answered and would be greatly appreciative of anyone's help.

    Thank you very much.

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