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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
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  • Our Story
    We met special night on December 7, 2005 and had an immediate connection! We spoke as if we had known each other for years and shared many of the same common interests. I asked myself that very night: "Did I find my soulmate?" I was working a dead-end low-paying job and living at home with my parents. I planned just a week after knowing my sweetheart to fly out to see her. I just had to see this woman. Within three months, I found a much higher-paying job and worked it along with my old low-paying job and by September 2006 I flew by myself (I've never flown before that day and even vowed never to fly in a plane because I was petrified of them) into Manila, Philippines, expecting to be nervous. When I saw her, though...there was no nervousness. This surprised me because I'm a very shy person around all people but when I saw her...it felt as if I had seen her before. It felt as if I had known her forever and we embraced and I felt NO fear and no nervousness. Everything was natural. She and I had never dated anyone in our lifes before meeting each other. We are each other's first love, first date, and first kiss. :)

    I proposed to her two days later and gave her a ring. She accepted.

    I recently had a second trip to see her on May 27 and flew in to see her on the night of our anniversary! :) This second trip was even better than the first! We laughed and joked together. Everyone stared at us in public and we received numerous comments from people stating we looked like a perfect couple and were made for each other. :)

    She is my rock and I would do anyting for her. She saved me and I saved her. Our lives were going nowhere before we met each other...now we live and breathe every day looking ahead rather than in the past. :)

    She is the love of my life and I would give my life just to protect her. She's the only person in this world I feel 100% comfortable with...my true soulmate. My life. :)

    Now she is awaiting her K1 Fiance Visa interview this September 6. I plan to fly her in sometime this January or february where I will then marry her and start our brilliant life together.

    Everyone tells us our story is like a love story...well, love story or not--I'm proud of my relationship with her. :)

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