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Eric-Pris last won the day on December 21 2016

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About Eric-Pris

  • Birthday February 10

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    New York
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    New York

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    Costa Rica

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  1. I used to watch all of these series, but lately I can't take it anymore. Each year, they have to try to out-do the level of stupidity, desperation, and cluelessness. I'm watching Before 90 days, and it has a 40 year old blonde going to Jordan to meet a guy half her age. She has her own personal hair and make up stylists that she brings everywhere. And she plans to marry the kid the day that she gets there. She knows nothing about the culture, nothing about Islam religion, how those men act with their woman. This one is in for a big surprise. Entering into modern day slavery basically (compared to US standards). Another 40 something women goes to Nigeria to meet a blind guy. She is weird AF. They go to the market to buy a chicken and this weirdo threw a fit about killing the chicken. She calls it like family (apparently she has chickens at home). Then the extremely effeminate guy named Loren (who says that he prefers transgenders). He's completely lying to this trans woman that he's going to meet in the Philippines. She expects to be coming to the US, but he's dead broke and is planning on moving to there because it's cheap. Not sure how he'll make money there.
  2. It's not what you know, it's what you can PROVE. Maybe he came here and within 30 days, she made him and crazy and he left. Anything is possible, nobody can say for sure he scammed her. If he did, he played the long game. But it's not provable without a confession. So she is wasting her time trying to get him deported or "get him in trouble". Nothing will happen and 99% of the people here know it.
  3. I saw that one, but the last post was November. There were a few other threads that I posted to and my activity history doesn't show that.
  4. I've been away for a couple of months, were the 90 day finace show threads deleted? I can't find them.
  5. The relationship between that American woman Skenikah who went to Turkey to live with the plastic Ken doll is TV gold. They are the most dysfunctional people, but fit right into 90 days fiance casts lately.
  6. Oh no. The family Chantel is back, post-divorce. I watched the first cringe episode. It's been 9 months since the separation and they are still in divorce mediation. They have not spoken or seen each other in that time. They are trying to avoid court, so they are negotiating (through lawyers). Chantel cleared out the joint account for $265,000, but then turned it in to the court (but $60,000 missing that she claims is for her legal fees and house bills). They each wanted more than 50% of the assets, but eventually settled on 50/50, and they have to sell the house. They had to go meet with the realtor and saw each other for the first time in 9 months. AWKWARD!!! In those 9 months, Chantel and her family have been contacting USCIS and reporting Pedro for scamming and fraud. He even got letters saying so Both families have been talking trash about the other. I get the feeling that Chantel is not over him, she even mentioned that she didn't know what she would feel to see him at the realtor. In future episodes, Chantel and family feel the need to go to Dominican Republic "to tell Pedro and is family that it's done once and for all". I guess a text or phone call wasn't enough. Crazy Karen (Chante's mother) is seen doing some kind of Karate lesson to "defend her family". 🤣🤣🤣' And they visit the private investigator again, not sure why if they want to put it all behind them. That family is seriously demented.
  7. The couple in Turkey with the American woman with the duck lips and the Turkish "model" who looks like a plastic caricature are fighting over social media. To her, it's of the upmost importance that he make a post on his social media that shows them together and says that she's his girlfriend. He created a story (which is temporary and disappears in a day) and she's seeing this as a red flag that he doesn't want the other 2499 woman that he's slept with to know he's off the market. And he's got a bunch of non-sensical excuses. I think she's right. He wants to keep her a secret and pretend he's single, so he can continue sleeping around behind her back. Guys like that don't change. This show is getting more ridiculous by the day. I'm barely hanging on, mostly to witness the trainwrecks.
  8. The deaf guy visiting his "girlfriend" in the Philippines needs a full time sign language interpreter to communicate. That will work out I'm sure. She asked him to pay $1700 for repairs to her house where her mother slipped and fell to her death while he was there sleeping. He can't even come up with a measly $1700, how is he going to support her and the kid?
  9. US. They moved to Kentucky, had a second kid. But like always fighting, got separated, had mutual restraining orders, then got back together, and then kept fighting apparently and lost their 2 kids. Feel sorry for those kids. Some kids are born with no chance.
  10. Seems that Paul and Karine lost their kids to CPS (Child Protective Services). So the government took their kids away, seems they are right where they left off.
  11. The fat dude that has been catfished seems to not understand what "catfish" means. I think he may have some cognitive deficiency to say it nicely. He still thinks that the scammer may be working with the woman in the pictures. He is still obsessed with this woman in the pictures and still hopes for some chance of it being real.
  12. TLC will never allow us to be bored, they keep creating more shows and adding more crazy people in these shows. Last night, the other way premiered. One young "couple" who have never met, but the Filipino woman is so jealous that the American kid has to be on video call with her literally 24 hours a day. They even sleep on video call. And if he interacts with a female anywhere (store, errands, etc), she goes bonkers. He took his cell phone and tripod to the dentist and was getting a tooth cleaning from a cute dental hygienist and the Filipino was watching and listening closely. But she goes out to hang out with her guy friends, she unplugs her router and tells him that there was a power outage. Like crazy Jasmine keeping in touch with her ex boyfriend and lying about it, but if Gino were to do that, she would chop off his dysfunctional manhood. Can you say hypocrite?
  13. If she isn't coming back into the US, I think you're off the hook when it comes to I-864 because she can't file for government assistance. I suggest you have a real conversation about the future (do you even want her to come back?) and go from there.
  14. Crazy Jasmine blew up on Gino when he mentioned the prenup again. She's vicious, saying she's more attracted to her ex because he's young and he doesn't have the sexual problems that Gino does. That would be a deal breaker for me, but they are both so desperate that they will stay together. This is a continuous disaster.
  15. This is hard to watch. Clearly it's a catfsh, at BEST it's a different woman, at WORST it's a guy. He's clinging to any bit of hope that it's the same girl that he fell in lust with from the pictures. He is coming up with these ridiculous scenarios to try to convince HIMSELF that she's real. (For example, she was in jail and now she's out and the guy who answered the phone is her husband). His sister, who clearly sees that it's not real, did her own research to try to help him realize that he was catfished. She found those pictures on some escort website in California near them, not Barbados like he thinks. I think it's a woman but she's probably some big chick that is embarrassed by her size. He's very big also, and if he's so in love maybe it could work. But my guess is that he's in love with the idea that it's the girl in the pics.
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