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Everything posted by Icamarn

  1. Okay perfect! Thank you so much 😊
  2. I have my Oath Ceremony in 2 weeks. Do I have to study something? Do I have to know the Oath Allegiance by heart? I was approved in my interview but now I’m nervous about this ceremony lol
  3. How long after the interview did you guys have the oath ceremony? thank you!
  4. Good evening, Submitted my case 3/21, 5 year rule and today I got a text that my interview has been scheduled for 7/17. I’m traveling to Spain for a whole month on 7/18-8/18. Do they take my GC/passport there or is it in the Oath ceremony? Should I postpone my interview or would the give me the chance to choose my oath ceremony date after my trip? I’m located in San Diego,CA Thank you
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