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Everything posted by C1322

  1. Folks, OP already submitted his N400, and said responded no to the question. I would recommend OP to seek professional aid, so he/she can make an informed decision. As per mentioned, OP will have the chance to rectify everything he/she wants during the interview. At the end, It's a matter of picking our battles.
  2. There’s below but option, but not to be confused with putting the case on hold per se. Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 203(g) provides that the Secretary of State shall terminate the registration (petition) of any alien who fails to apply for an immigrant visa within one year of notice of visa availability. The petition may be reinstated if, within two years of notice of visa availability, the alien establishes that the failure to apply was for reasons beyond the alien’s control. Therefore if you do not respond to notices from the NVC within one year you risk termination of your petition under this section of law and would lose the benefits of that petition, such as your priority date.
  3. No promoting lies whatsoever. When reading through OP’s explanation, it sounds to me like he openly disclosed the information, rather than waiting to be asked about it. Either way, there’s sort of a gray area here because he was subsequently granted a GC after admitting to have committed an illegal act. Why didn’t the officer brought it during the AOS interview? Now, if he wishes open that pandora box yet again, he’ll have a chance to rectify over the N400 interview.
  4. If the sole source to this information can only be linked to a medical lab technician during a general exam that seeks for medical data that can only be proven through lab tests, I would say you’re fine and you should check for No the questionnaire.
  5. The unsolicited evidence section is limited to that “Evidence”. Whatever mistake you made associated to things that do not compromise your ability to get an approval shouldn’t be addressed in my opinion.
  6. There’s no putting the case on hold. You either complete it, or put a stop to it. I would allow your new situation to materialize before making a decision over the CR1.
  7. Your photo has yet to meet the criteria. Try using an online app to automatically shape the picture you’re using to the specific passport criteria, or just go get picture taken and ask for digital copies.
  8. You can pay by check. Just include it when mailing your packet and make the check payable to the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”.
  9. I would say close to 20 trips. I have copies of the all travel docs from my first trip to date.
  10. Good day, Visa Journey Community. I'm in the process of filing the N400 application online, and one of the steps is to provide ones US Travel Records. Given that the I94 is not readily available for LPRs, I submitted an FOIA request to CBP through https://www.securerelease.us/, but I found out that it could take months before someone replies. What would be my options here? Can I leave that part of the form blank? Can I fill it out to the best of my ability?, or Is there alternative to the above mentioned method to obtain ones I94? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I just don't want to delay this process any longer. Thank you,
  11. Do you know how long it takes to receive the 10 year GC after approval?
  12. I didn't quite get that. Can you please elaborate? Also, my interview was under waiver terms.
  13. In your experience, can interviews be this casual for regular and waiver cases?
  14. Hi, Visa journey Members. Had my interview today. Waited about 2 hours before I was called in. Once in the room, It only lasted about 10 min. The officer just asked me basic questions, changed the application to a waiver, and took copies of my documentation (I.e. ID, Green Card, Passport, Extension Letter and Divorce decree). At the end, the officer just informed that the interview was over (in her own words, ''short and sweet''), and the decision will be mailed. When I left, the status changed to ''Interview Cancelled and Notice Ordered'' (What does this even mean?). Any thoughts?
  15. Hi, Visa journey Members. Had my interview today. Waited about 2 hours before I was called in. Once in the room, It only lasted about 10 min. The officer just asked me basic questions, changed the application to a waiver, and took copies of my documentation (I.e. ID, Green Card, Passport, Extension Letter and Divorce decree). At the end, the officer just informed that the interview was over (in her own words, ''short and sweet''), and the decision will be mailed. When I left, the status changed to ''Interview Cancelled and Noticed Ordered'' (What does this even mean?). Any thoughts?
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