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Everything posted by CaseyBorne88

  1. I just wanted to make a thank you post for all the years that this forum has been a resource for my wife and I. Yesterday my wife was sworn in. It's huge blessing to have this finally behind us now. Thank you every who has helped us personally and thank you to everyone who makes themselves available to help others here. 🙂 Is it safe now to discard our USCIS paperwork from over the years now that she is a citizen? We kept everything...
  2. Thank you everyone for the replies! The replies are encouraging. When me and my wife first started this process we were so meticulous. I think I aged 5 years in the 10 months it took us to do our K1 lol. As time goes on we have gotten so lax with everything. Hopefully This is the finish line for us.
  3. Title says it all. Doing last minute document check and realized I don't have CERTIFIED copies! 🫢 Does anyone know a quick fix for this? Will my approval be denied without certified copies? I have the printed versions but not the version mailed from the IRS. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. At what point should I be uploading my Tax transcripts? My evidence options are: Evidence of your name change. Your permanent resident card. Marriage certificate and previous marriage documents. Child and Spousal support. Additional Evidence. I am at the end of the application and I have not been prompted for any tax information. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Thank you for your replies.
  6. I have another question now... We are running into an error where I am being asked for evidence of spousal support. My wife does not have any children but we listed my daughter since it requires adding the stepchildren. I selected yes for supporting since my daugthter lives with us. Am I in error doing this? Is this asking if she pays child support. how should I proceed?
  7. Hi, my wife will be doing her N-400 online soon and we wanted to make a post here incase we need questions answered along the way. Our first question is about the 3 & 5 year routes. We got all the documents uploaded for applying based on marriage for 3 years before we learned that it is considered easier to just file based on her living in the US for 5+ years. My question is: does applying on a basis of being a permanent resident for 5 years carry less weight than a marriage basis? Thx in advance for any information.
  8. Thank you. I put in a request yesterday via the link you provided. I also tried to schedule an Infopass appointment on the website but it keeps saying, “there was an issue with your request” after I put in my zip code. Anyone have any idea why it might be doing that?
  9. It was a 24 month. Received 11/08/2021. So only a two year extension.
  10. Is there a number I can call for that? Im not aware of a particular application for an new extension letter.
  11. I have another question on my mind here now. If I filed for Citizenship now, and it was approved. The airline ticket is in my wife’s maiden name. Would that be an issue? The new US passport would be in her married name and would longer match the ticket.
  12. I just assumed the Covid stuff had allot to do with it. Last I remember when I inquired here, many people were having the same experience as us. Everyone was receiving extensions and very little contact in between.
  13. Our last NOA was from the Texas service center. Im not sure how fast they are. I really tend to forget about this whole immigration experience while waiting. I have to re-educate myself every time each step comes.
  14. Hi. Thank you everyone for the information. 09/26/23 is the expiration of the extension. Im pretty confident that her petition wouldn’t be denied. I have no reason to believe it will anyways. Everything has been relatively easy in our case so far anyways, but that’s not something I’ve considered. So I will need an I-551 stamp? Is that the simplest route? How is that process started? I suppose we could apply for citizenship now to bump the process, but I would be worried that the timing might conflict with our trip next May. Is it likely that the entire process would be done in order for her to get a US passport in less than 8 months?
  15. My wife and I are planning a trip to the Philippines next May. The last NOA we received extended her conditional permanent resident for 24 months from the expiration date on her Green Card. The expiration date will be later this year on 09/26/23. What will we need to do before leaving? Is there a document we need to apply for in order to have proof of status? Also our trip will have us out of country for 75 days. I seem to recall reading something about being out of country for too long during the immigration process, but I can’t remember the particulars. Is there anything we need to be aware of for extended stays out of country? I would appreciate any information that might help us to be prepared for our trip. Thanks.
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