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Everything posted by IloveDanang

  1. My wife just had her interview. She aced the civics part. She did not pass the English part. On the N-652, it states that she "will have another opportunity fo test your ability to x speak x understand English. There is no "x" next to the "read" and "write". So I'm guessing she's going to have a second chance at the portions marked "x" only? She doesn't have to deal with the read and write? Finally, she told me it was a long question of "have you ever...." that threw her off. That and the follow up question of "why not?". She told me she answered every short and straight forward questions correctly.
  2. Ok, I just redid the questions. I did misread and answer one question wrong. For question "when did you become a LPR", I read it as "when did you received your green card" which was after October 20 2021. Thanks all for helping me.
  3. Her green card shows "Residence since 6/21/19.
  4. No. We just got back from Vietnam for 2 months where she visited her parents. That's the only international travel we did ever since she got here in the US.
  5. Hello, My wife has been here in the US for a little over 5 years. She is very excited to file for Naturalization. I went on the USCIS and read all the eligibility criteria, and it seems that she is eligible. However, when I answered the questions on the USCIS website to determine her eligibility, it told me that she was not eligible. What am I missing here? Wife's info: Been living in the US a little over 5 years Came here on CR1 visa Has green card
  6. after some maneuvering, they were allowed to enter but failed the interview. Thanks again for the help.
  7. I had my wife sent it a screeenshot to their phone? Would they be acceptable? Or like need to reschedule? btw, thank you so much
  8. Is it suppose to be mail to my in laws or me? I did their paperwork.
  9. Hello, my parents in law got denied to entering the US embassy in Ho Chi Minh fir their tourist visa interview. They bought the ds160 but it wasn’t enough. They wanted an interview letter which I never received in the mail or email. Can someone explain what document are they asking for?
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