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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Dover DE
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  • Our Story
    Richard and I met while I was vacationing in Dubai with a dear friend who was visiting her fiance'. When we met it was during a time in my life that I couldn't be open to anything but a friendship. Richard was truly a perfect gentleman from the first minute! He accepted thst I could only be a friend, and spent the next few days after meeting working on getting to know me. He took me siteseeing, shopping and to dinner! His relaxed demeanour just made me feel completely comfortable, with this newly found friendship! Ad the week progressed, I left Dubai knowing Richard was certainly someone I wanted to remain friends with. Upon my leaving he let it be known that he wanted to stay connected to me, if even only friends! He promised to stay in touch and to continue working to build our friendship. Well, he is a man of his word. Richard pursued our friendship in a gentle manner and I quickly found myself longing to hear from him! We easily started spending hours chatting via phone and video chat! (Thank God for Whatsapp!) When the time was right for both of us Richard declared his love for me and I shared his sentiment... then begins ourv long distance love affair!! We spent everyday talking, video chatting, texting, etc. Getting to know each other, supporting each other. We share the same religious beliefs and often found ourselves talking about three goodness of God! We fell in love... this love is like no other I've ever known, or understood! This love brings me pure joy and happiness! On 12/1/17 Richard, (after speaking to my children❤) asked me to marry him...I said YES, of course!! In January of this year, I travelled to Ghana with Richard and we got married, with all our Ghanaian family there to suoport us! God is great and Richard and I are grateful God brought us together!... This is only the beginning!

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