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Posts posted by Jn&Ella

  1. This is probably a stupid question for most but I need to ask. My wife came to the USA as K-1. We got married and we are applying for AOS. Should my wife use her Maiden name for "last name" in the form since it matches her passport, visa, SS#, etc. or should she put my Last name for this question and then send her passport to her home consulate for change of her last name?

  2. They do have Russian interpreters at Atlanta. When we came in I saw several Russians entering that could not speak English. I would still have them bring in the letter. It's a good idea. Good luck with the visitors visa as they can be a little difficult to get.

    Thank you for the reassurance. I'll inform my fiancee and her parents of the above. :yes:

  3. Also another clarification: She was mildly ill when arrived sleeping a lot, she did not sleep for 36 hours and said the Paris airport was freezing (no idea why) and her coat was packed since then it was 80 in Texas. As late as mid Nov we were deciding on a date then she visited a older lady also from the Ukraine (but here for a long time) for 3 days, the lady chain smoked wich did not help her lungs plus the old lady got drunk a few days later and was yelling. So shortly after midnight she left without calling anyone on a cool night and was out for a few hours until the police saw her walking.

    Since then she has gone from weak but not sure what she had to being so ill she has fluid in her longs then and still now.

    The medical insurance issue is a big problem, she and her son would be covered by mine as oon as married.



    This is a follow up to my earlier post, I did not see this earlier.

    It is very hard to comment on other peoples relationships because there are so many variables. Until one lives in their shoes, one does not know exactly the true nature of things. Your additional information does not erase questions I posed earlier but adds more to it.

    1. As of today, 12/17/06, you have exactly 1 wk to go till Christmas. Your post say that the K1 90 day is up. This will also imply that your fiancee has been sick for the past 83 days. Granted her illness is legitimate, I will not call this "walking pneumonia". Fluid in the lungs can happen due to pneumonia but it improves with time. 87 days is plenty. 87 days going and she is getting sicker, does not make sense. The heart and lung is connected in a circuit, when one goes wrong, the other one MAY go wrong. Could this be more of a heart issue?

    2. Are you telling me that the retired doctor has been treating her this long and still guessing what it is? You can't be that broke to get better care for your fiancee.

    3. Immigration laws are not made to be broken. If there are loopholes, the loopholes are already written in, what qualifies as exceptions are clear. You are paying a lawyer who at this time appear to be giving you the correct advise. You do not need to pay anybody to tell you that 90 days written in K-1 does not mean 91 days. Unless you know President Bush, I doubt anybody can twist this around. You can get 10 doctors to write letters for you, that is nothing in front of the Immigration law. Are you willing to spend the money to go in front of the Immigration Judge? I for one will not bet my medical license for that letter.

    4. WE tend to find excuses for red flags that comes into our life especially when it involves emotional content. These excuses you are making in your mind may temporarily make you feel better now but will screw up your life later. I know, I lived it.

    Good luck. My father used to tell me: "you can ask 10 people their opinion about one question and you will be provided 10 different answers. However, you are the only one who knows the answer". I'm sure you know the answer Dane. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. Sometimes it hurts but often it is better to do it now than later.

  4. As many of the post above has mentioned, many things are not right.

    1. walking pneumonia for 3 wks while on antibiotics? Anything is possible in medicine but it is not likely. When I see this in my practice, I start thinking about malingering.

    2. staying with friends to be close to doctor? Unless you are liviing deep into the forest somewhere, this does not make sense. Are there x-rays or blood tests done to confirm that diagnosis?

    3. if after 3 wks she is still too weak to do anything, it is a more serious illness than "walking pneumnia".

    4. the "friend doctor" say that she can not even date let alone get married? If that is the case, she needs to be in hospital.

    Essentially, there is some BS going on here. From a legitimate physicans point of view, this 1 + 1 is not addiing up to 2 but 5.

  5. Got NOA2 3 days ago. I'm inviting in-laws to come to wedding next year. Problem is IN-LAWS can't speak English. They only speak Russian. Will they have problem passing Immigration at POE? What if I provide them with a letter explaining their visit and their handicap, will that help?


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