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Everything posted by Rooky89

  1. @Boiler She submitted the case online in July 2024, and in the myProgress tab it lists the "Estimated time until case decision: 4 Months". I'm not saying it'll be done in 4 Months, but the USCIS website is indicating this for our specific petition, with the following disclaimer "This estimate is based on general processing times for cases similar to yours. Your case may take more or less time to process based on specific circumstances. [Learn more about processing times.] (https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/)"
  2. @Boiler you seem a lot more active/updated than me, so I could be wrong. I just lurk around here when I've needed to file an I-130 in 2018, and a I751 in 2020 and N400 in 2021. My wife just filed an I-130 for her mother in Russia. The estimated timeline upon submission was 5-6mo. I assume after that it'll be approved/denied. Barring a request for additional information which would add time, if approved it would be moved to an Embassy. If I've researched correctly, IR-5 interviews for parent I-130 petitions automatically get assigned to Almaty now. @polk2233 I believe you have to still fill out the petition with Moscow listed as the Embassy your parent is eligible for, but I'm sure @millefleur might be able to give more insight. There's also a Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, subforum that has a lot of useful information specific to your situation.
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