@Boiler you seem a lot more active/updated than me, so I could be wrong. I just lurk around here when I've needed to file an I-130 in 2018, and a I751 in 2020 and N400 in 2021. My wife just filed an I-130 for her mother in Russia. The estimated timeline upon submission was 5-6mo. I assume after that it'll be approved/denied. Barring a request for additional information which would add time, if approved it would be moved to an Embassy. If I've researched correctly, IR-5 interviews for parent I-130 petitions automatically get assigned to Almaty now. @polk2233 I believe you have to still fill out the petition with Moscow listed as the Embassy your parent is eligible for, but I'm sure @millefleur might be able to give more insight. There's also a Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, subforum that has a lot of useful information specific to your situation.