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Everything posted by Rilo0918

  1. Thank you for your suggestion. Would you say it's okay to have the final product to be in a PDF format and I print them out to mail to the USCIS? Or have them mail the final translated document to me?
  2. Hi all, please disregard my questions above - I don't see the option to delete it. I think I have everything I need now. I just need to get some documents translated and submit them back to the USCIS. My parents received a letter each requesting additional supporting evidence to their I-485 - original copies of their birth certificate/family registry. I also received two letters (one per parent) requesting original copies of their birth certificates as supporting evidence for Form I-130. I am providing similar documents, but for each letter... Can anyone please help confirm: 1. If I can mail everything together 2. If I can provide one supporting evidence document in one packet but with all the corresponding letters so I am not sending the exact birth certificate/family registry X4. This one document is literally what is needed for each letter. 3. Do I need to upload the four physical birth certificates/family registries (same content) to get them translated and notarized? Or Can I get one document translated but make copies of them and then get each notarized? Thank you!
  3. I have follow-up questions regarding the "Failed to answer public charge admissibility" section. Through reading other forums, I've learned that we need to answer "Yes" for my mom and dad's applications. They are not currently working so we would put $0 for the household income. The next question asks for household assets. I am interpreting this question as their savings. Can they just check-off certain amount and send the form back, or would they need to also supply supporting documentation for those assets? The question states "household". Are we counting just my mom and dad, or do I need to include myself and husband? My husband and I live separately from my parents, but not sure if I need to consider them as my dependents if I am the one petitioning them? The REF asks for initials and dates next to the questions on pages 13&14. Do I need to complete the entire I-485 packet again, or just complete those two pages and submit them? Thank you all.
  4. I noticed that we answered incorrectly, too. Currently updating that section as "Yes" on page 13. If we check-off certain amount for the household asset, would we need to supply additional supporting documents? We have reached our maximum period of sending documents back to the USCIS. I want to make sure we are doing this right. I am confused by the responses above. We have the initial completed I-485 PDF saved. Can we re-print that packet and then print new pages 13 &14 to complete, initial and date next to those questions on those two pages, and then sign and date with today's date to finalize the entire packet? Did I interpret that right? Thanks!
  5. Do you mind sharing who you used and after you got the translation, did you have to take it to the bank and get it notarized? If my parents can speak, read, and write in that language, can they translate themselves, and then take the document to the bank to get it notarized? Thanks!
  6. Thank you for your response. I see a lot of USCIS certified document translation services online. Would you say that is credible?
  7. Hello, it is time-consuming. We already received the original copies, so we would need to find a professional translation service online to do that. They didn't say anything about the initial translation so that's why I was assuming it's fine and they would like the original copy too... but you are right. Just to avoid further confusion it might be worth to stay safe.
  8. Hello everyone, I am a US citizen helping my parents apply for their permanent residency. We received a letter stating the request for evidence, asking for a copy of Japan's original foreign birth certificate/family registry. I'm thinking this is because we originally submitted a copy of the translated version that was notarized. We obtained an original copy from Japan and will mail this out. Before we do that, do we need to translate it again since that was what we submitted initially? The letter also states that on the I-485 form, we indicated that my parent is not subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility under INA 212(a)(4) -page 13, part 8, #61. It says that under the category that we are applying, "you are subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility. Please provide your answer to Part 8, Item Numbers 62-68, pages 13 &14, on Form I-485 related to the public charge ground of inadmissibility. Place your initials and the date next to each answer." Could anyone please clarify if we need to complete the entire I-485 form again or just the specified section related to the public charge ground of inadmissibility? If we need to complete the entire form, should we answer everything the same as before, except for the specified section, and then initial and date it? I also want to know if USCIS sends a letter requesting evidence at any time. We must redo the corresponding form because I received one for form I-130. I already have all the supporting documents for this one. Still, I wonder if I can submit them by themselves, if I need to print out the I-130 I completed initially, or if that is unnecessary. I am nervous because they've asked for evidence a couple of times already resulting in an extended application period. The letter says that we already reached our maximum extension and if we do not submit everything needed, they will deny our application. We are doing everything we can to ensure we got everything we need to submit correctly, so my parents' application won't get denied. If it happens (knock on wood), can we re-apply? They received their working permit, so how does that work if the green card application is denied? Any help is appreciated!
  9. Thank you all for your help! We have everything we need to send back. Do we need to complete a new 485 to mail with the requested supporting documents?
  10. Hi all, I am a US citizen and currently in the process of helping my parents apply for their permanent residency. They recently received a letter back requesting additional evidence - a Chinese notarial certificate of birth issued by the appropriate civil authority. My parent is no longer a Chinese citizen after getting married and switching over to a different nationality. We applied for the travel document but have not heard anything back yet. My parents thought of going to China themselves to obtain the document, but since the travel document isn't approved, they cannot leave the States at the moment. Can someone please guide us through what we can do? This is a really difficult task because we don't currently have anyone in China to help us get the document, and it's difficult because my parent is no longer a Chinese national. We need to mail back this evidence by the deadline, so we are in a hurry. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  11. Why is a birth certificate needed? Their passports have their birthdate on it so would that suffice?
  12. Hi all, I-485 was submitted for my parents a couple of months ago, and we did not include I-131 then. We are in the process of completing I-131 and have the following as the supporting documents: 2 passport-style photos, a copy of the passport, and I-797C for I-485. Aside from these documents, is there anything else we need to include? Thanks!
  13. @GEOntificator how many shots did your mother receive? My parents literally need almost everything except TDap and COVID shots. We are in Texas.
  14. Hi all, I am a US citizen helping my parents obtain their green card. We already submitted everything but recently were requested to complete their form I-693. They have most of the required shots back in their home country from years ago, but they do not have their shot records or access to that information, so we would need to have them get all the vaccinations done again. I also called one of the clinics found under USCIS' civil surgeon list and was informed that it costs $450 per person to be seen for the medical examination. Since they do not administer vaccinations at the clinic, they advised us to go to a local pharmacy to get them. What are all the required vaccinations, and what must we do before going to the clinic to get the forms signed by the civil surgeon? I'd hate to go back and forth to the clinic since the visit fee is expensive. Please let me know your experience and recommendation! Thanks in advance.
  15. All, we received a letter stating my parents need to complete form I-693. They already received one of the required shots last year, so they are going to pick-up their vaccination record to take with them to see the civil surgeon. My parents also have received almost majority of the vaccinations back in their home country but do not have the record or access to that information, so we're going to schedule an appointment for them to get all of them. Should they get vaccinated first and bring those records with them to the civil surgeon or see the civil surgeon first? I'd hate for them to make multiple trips to the clinic and get charged each time. What are all the required shots and things they should have completed before scheduling an appointment with a civil surgeon? Thanks!
  16. @powerpuff hi, thanks for your response. I had no idea I-765 needed to be completed/submitted concurrently. I thought it was part of the application. Do I need to complete I-765 per parent, and is it free even if I submit them now? To confirm, I-485 NOA1 is the receipt, correct? Thanks!
  17. Hi all, I recently submitted a few applications to petition my parents to obtain their Green Card. I am a US Citizen and completed I-130 for my parents and submitted that along with I-485 and I-864 earlier in November. We got receipts stating that everything was received and the checks were deposited. Does anyone know what the approval timeline looks like at this time? My parents are currently residing in the US under a visa. If I recall correctly, once you submit the application and they have the receipt, that document suffices to prove that they are legally in the US. Is this correct? When will they receive their work authorization permit? Will it be towards the end of the process once everything is approved, or is this a separate application that needs to be submitted? Thanks in advance.
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