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Everything posted by HMM1234

  1. I am a US citizen and applying for my siblings brother and sister. When I filled the form I-130, it asks for the passport no. And expiration date of my siblings. We had a problem that my father's name spelling were different in my siblings name. So, we got them corrected. My dad, brother, sister and I have same father's name spelling now in our ID cards and birth certificates. But not in my siblings passports. My sister's passport is valid but with old spellings while my brothers passport is expired. My siblings are in Pakistan and it will take 15-17 years for them to be here as per my understanding and passports can't be valid for that long period of time. Right now, I just need to give passport no. And expiration date so what should I do? 1. For my sister, use same valid passport no. But with old spellings? 2. For my brother, use the same expired passport no.? 3. Get new unexpired passports with correct name spellings? Please guide as new passports can be made with correct spelling when it's time for case to be processed. What should I do?
  2. Thanks for sharing your point of view Cathy. As I mentioned, my lack of knowledge made me think that I might be able to get Medicare or Medi cal for him. Anyways, I ll try B1 first and see if he can visit me. If not, I might apply for his immigration in a few years if life permits. Thank you for your guidance everyone.<3
  3. Thankyou everyone for your input. I was confused myself so posted to ask for your suggestions. I appreciate your time and advice. Firstly, yes I want him to visit me for medical care but now I got it that he doesn't qualify for medicare or medical and I have to pay out of pocket which would be quite expensive. My bad that I didn't know about the rules and now it seems that may be it is better to get care in Pakistan due to financial aspect. Secondly, Incase I just apply for a B1/B2, why would the consular think that he won't return? I mean I can apply for his immigration but as I mentioned that I have unmarried siblings and culturally things are different in Pakistan. My siblings are above 18 but sadly dependent on my father. Then he has business there also, so he can't just come here and start living.
  4. Thankyou for your reply. I think I should have said emergency request for a visa. A friend recently got one for her mother because she had an infant to take care of. Daycare was not willing to take her fussy child and she had to join job. She didn't have any other help. She applied for an emergency request for visa and her mother was granted one. So I thought may be I can use the same approach as well. Secondly I understand your point regarding the cost. That's my question, will he be able to get Medicare as he is 70+ or medi cal? I live in California. Thirdly, he has unmarried children in Pakistan. My mother died two years back so he can't leave them alone there, no chance of staying and change of status until my siblings get married. I might apply for his immigration once my siblings are settled. Any suggestions now? Should I go for B1/B2 without mentioning medical issues?
  5. Hi I am a US citizen. My father lives in another country. He has diabetes and prostate issues. I want to apply an emergency visa for him. I do understand that emergency visas are granted on medical basis, I can attach reports from his doctor with the emergency request, but my question is that how will it work here in US? 1. Do I need a doctor here as well before his arrival? 2. Do I need to buy insurance for him? Or he will qualify for medicare here? He is above 70. 3. Should I take the emergency route or should I call him on B1/B2? Plz guide, lot of confusions in my mind. I would really appreciate if someone can guide in this regard.
  6. I want to apply for my siblings. My father lives with my siblings, my mother died last year. I want to apply for my siblings. I checked the requirements, it asks for birth certificate. My concern is that my father's name is Mahmood, his name spelling in my name are Mehmood while Mahmood in my sister's name and Mehmood in my brother's name. So does this difference of 'a' and 'e' going to create problem in further processing? And should I get all the spellings correct before applying for my siblings? Or this won't create any problem?
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