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    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Columbus OH

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  1. On myUSCIS website there’s a tab for myProgress
  2. My parents also have separate service centers (Cali and Vermont). I submitted the exact same documents for both including marriage certificate. I was eventually gonna as this question about joint interview at some point. Thanks for this advice!
  3. Welcome! Yup all online filers should have IOE prefix but if you open up the notice they sent/uploaded under Documents you will see the service center name at the bottom of the page. Also, anybody getting emails everyday about action on the case? I’ve been getting an email every morning since I filed without any update. I’m not expecting any and wasn’t gonna look before at least 4-6 months but these emails keep reminding me lol
  4. Hey! Yes both my cases are showing 2 months although one of them (CSC) moved to “Actively being reviewed” but the other (VSC) is still showing “USCIS received.” I read a few Reddit posts about what this new myProgress tab is and most people say they didn’t see a change in their timeline and it took the full 12-14 months as it says on the Processing Times website but a handful of them had applications approved within 2-6 months so it’s all luck I guess haha
  5. Hello! Thanks for starting a thread! I just applied for my mum and dad 10/9. They got California and Vermont service centers assigned.
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