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Posts posted by NintendoXbox

  1. Dear all, newbie here. I am so happy to see that people are getting their NOA2! Thanks so much for sharing the most up-to-date.


    Being a Sept filer, my anxiety level is all time high now. Isn't that bad for the health? I try to pull myself away from the computer screen everyday; still I am seeing validation error everyday on USCIS website. (sign~)


    May the force with us all! ^_^

  2. 5 hours ago, acidrain said:

    No if you change your address it has absolutely no bearing on where your application gets processed. The service center that is selected is done so randomly. Note that many change of addresses do not go through the way they are supposed to. So make sure you have proper mail forwarding in place as there is still a very good chance correspondence will be sent to the old address.

    That' great. Many thanks!

  3. Dear all, been trying to demystify Nebraska in the past few day by reading the threads here. Just want to say thank you for contributing to the forum. I am really helped.


    I have a question myself that needs enlightenment: will filing AR-11 result in transferring of processing center because of the jurisdiction? I wish a miracle happens in the next few months and hate to see any hiccup if I move.


    Thanks in advance. :D

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