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  1. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from Soul Mate in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Getting antsy over here as well...I just checked the USCIS app, and I saw that they approved the case just before ours, as well as the case just after ours today. COME ON USCIS, the suspense is killing us! Fingers crossed we all receive some good news soon! 
  2. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from ChuAni in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Getting antsy over here as well...I just checked the USCIS app, and I saw that they approved the case just before ours, as well as the case just after ours today. COME ON USCIS, the suspense is killing us! Fingers crossed we all receive some good news soon! 
  3. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from Tavira87 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Getting antsy over here as well...I just checked the USCIS app, and I saw that they approved the case just before ours, as well as the case just after ours today. COME ON USCIS, the suspense is killing us! Fingers crossed we all receive some good news soon! 
  4. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from ira1712 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Getting antsy over here as well...I just checked the USCIS app, and I saw that they approved the case just before ours, as well as the case just after ours today. COME ON USCIS, the suspense is killing us! Fingers crossed we all receive some good news soon! 
  5. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to Ash&Jaye in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    I'm feeling the exact same way! Checked what it looked like for San Diego and we have people who filed before and after us getting interview dates!! We just got our "Interview is ready to be scheduled" today!!! So fingers crossed it goes fast! 🤞
  6. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from Akk1989 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Getting antsy over here as well...I just checked the USCIS app, and I saw that they approved the case just before ours, as well as the case just after ours today. COME ON USCIS, the suspense is killing us! Fingers crossed we all receive some good news soon! 
  7. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to kanderson101 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Yep.  The green card can wait, that's fine, I just want my husband to be able to work and visit his family! UGH. 
    I made the mistake of looking at Dec/Jan filers' threads. I am trying to see their approvals as a good thing (at least approvals are out there) but it's hard. I sympathize with the Sept/Oct filers who saw the same thing happening with us.... 
  8. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to RambaCat in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Waiting and hoping for lots more approvals for my November Fam. ❤️
  9. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to Tavira87 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    I agree, I wasn’t freaking out at all until this month! 
    Posting things on EBay also takes ages so it’s a good, productive time killer and when you sell something it feels so good haha. 
    That sounds like like a great use of his time. We moved from downtown out to the suburbs where I can’t walk to anything, probably not the best idea in hindsight but I’m getting used to it. 
    Ahhh British pubs and beer, how I miss it! I’ll have to get your recommendations next time we head there! 
    Hope you guys had a lovey relaxing weekend not worrying about visa stuff. 
    It’s coming, I know it! 
  10. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from Tavira87 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    You're definitely right there! I think we both feel better when we don't check either, but for some reason the wait seems even tougher the closer you get to probably hearing something. 😂
    That does sound like a good way to keep busy! He loves Ebay, and we have lots of junk to get rid of, so that's probably a good idea for us too, haha. We live in Nashville, and everything is super spread out here (especially in the neighborhood we live in). It's tough to get around without a car, but he's taken to getting Lyfts places, and has actually started going to a course across town about starting a small business (he's a painter and photographer). I think that's been helping as well.
    We've also found a couple of surprisingly good "British" pubs in Nashville, so if it all gets to be too much we can drown our sorrows with pints of Old Speckled Hen and Fullers! 
  11. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from ira1712 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    You're definitely right there! I think we both feel better when we don't check either, but for some reason the wait seems even tougher the closer you get to probably hearing something. 😂
    That does sound like a good way to keep busy! He loves Ebay, and we have lots of junk to get rid of, so that's probably a good idea for us too, haha. We live in Nashville, and everything is super spread out here (especially in the neighborhood we live in). It's tough to get around without a car, but he's taken to getting Lyfts places, and has actually started going to a course across town about starting a small business (he's a painter and photographer). I think that's been helping as well.
    We've also found a couple of surprisingly good "British" pubs in Nashville, so if it all gets to be too much we can drown our sorrows with pints of Old Speckled Hen and Fullers! 
  12. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to rrobin0609 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Things feel better today. My team at work did a happy hour and I was debating on not going so I could come home sooner for date night. Matt told me I needed a drink and met me at happy hour. It was really nice to not think "oh, I need to check my phone for updates". Clearly I need happy hour everyday until we get another update 😂
  13. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to vaksurik in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    My husband and I did the same last night! 😄 Phones away, beers on the table! 
    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and may Monday bring a week of fresh Nov approvals!! 
  14. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to Tavira87 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    I actually do feel better if I'm busy all day and don't check it, but it's easier said than done! He'll be ok, us Brits are made of tough stuff  
    I've taken to ebay selling all of our extra junk, good hobby to keep me busy while the hubby is at work! Do you guys live somewhere he can easily get around? 
    Still nothing, at least we can relax knowing there won't be anything over the Easter weekend!
  15. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from Tavira87 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Haha! That is exactly how I feel too! I keep doing scans on the USCIS app on my phone, and realized I was checking it so much I may have gotten temporarily logged out of my account due to an "unusually high level of activity". *facepalm* I need to take a chill pill and take it easy for a bit! 😂 It just pains me so much to see my husband feeling down about not being able to work or leave the country -- especially because our friend asked him to be the best man at his wedding mid-May, and we were asked to play music for the first dance. (No pressure, right?! 😛) It sometimes brings me to tears seeing how much it's been distressing him. I wish there was something I could do to alleviate the stress and pain of it all, but I'm afraid we'll just have to keep waiting. All we can do is remain hopeful... and maybe (in my case) not check the status of our case *quite* so much, 🙃
  16. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to tombs07 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Just got this today...

  17. Sad
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to TogoAfrica in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    It is encouraging to come on here and see others waiting. We are 145 days. I just dread waiting 160 or more. Really hoping next week we will hear something, but also realizing fully it could still be a wait. I think the push now is because I recently resigned from one of my jobs. The one brining in the most income. I just can’t physically handle doing all 3 jobs. This is hard for my husband who wants to be the one supporting us. I’m a certified nursing assistant and he hates to see me coming home in pain from lifting to many people and working long hours. But we have no choice. We met in 2014 because i was volunteering in Africa teaching sign language to the deaf. I used the money I earned back here in the USA to support myself in Africa. I did this for the last 4 years. So not much of a savings when we decided to marry. So it’s been tough, but we are managing. But I can’t physically keep doing all these jobs, we really need him to work also!! Recently I had to resign from one, but my last day is may 10. We thought he would have his work permit by then. He has a job already lined up, actually he had the job lined up months ago. We tried expediting. The employer wanted to higher him before spring and is desperate. But for some reason when we tried expediting the card, we got no results. It was really strange. It’s like they lost our files because we kept calling for an answer and was told it’s approved and that someone higher then tier 2 would call us. But they never did and card never came. We went through this calling and same scenario for a couple months. Now we are finally into April and we saw they are finally doing November filers...so forget the expedite, we might as well wait for our turn. But sadly the employer waits desperately for husband to get the work card and now we also wait desperately because I had to resign from one of my jobs because can’t physically do it. Yea 😜 it’s crazy journey we all are on. It’s a waiting game just to live life. 
  18. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to Allaboutwaiting in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Guys! After 5 months of waiting and seeing how others on our same local office got appointments after 2-3 months, we finally got our INTERVIEW SCHEDULED!
    Received a message on the phone, an email and the status already updated on the site. I'm elated! And still somehow in disbelief. It's that kind of long awaited thing that I hoped but didn't think would happen. 
    Of course, we still need to be approved, but that depends entirely on us. Now it is all about waiting for the actual notification with the date and gathering all the necessary documents. 
    Regarding EAD/AP, status is still at received and I guess it'll remain that way. 
    I send everyone still waiting all the best vibes and a virtual hug. And some mental waves towards the USCIS, so they can work on those who've waited longer. 
    @rrobin0609 & @JunkTardis , I'm certain you'll receive news very soon and we'll all celebrate and leave all this frustration behind. 
  19. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to jakejon in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    This wait had me enter my darkest times and breaks my heart to read of people's struggles!! I'm damn sure I've had the grit in my teeth fully stocked! We've come this far and there's no giving up (in my mind)!!
    I'm really rooting for more approvals ❤️  
  20. Sad
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to kanderson101 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    We aren't as far as you (day 147), but I've felt quite similar recently. We have more and more discussions at night about how frustrated we are, how ridiculous the whole thing is, blah blah blah. Both of us are having a hard time looking forward to events/outings and relaxing on the weekends. I also have become obsessive with the whole thing (I check USCIS about every hour - the app, both sites) and VJ is always open in my browser. My partner has also been really strong - but the frustration is getting to him. We're both becoming a little desperate, and every time he goes out to check the mail it breaks my heart. His friends and family have difficulty accepting that this is just the situation. Not the best impression of America so far, unfortunately. 
    I suppose it helps to know we're not alone - we're all going through this INSANE process together. But I just wanted to say I empathize with you and validate allllllll your feelings - it really sucks.  I'm sorry you've had a rough week. I hope next week brings better news! 
  21. Sad
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from TogoAfrica in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Haha! That is exactly how I feel too! I keep doing scans on the USCIS app on my phone, and realized I was checking it so much I may have gotten temporarily logged out of my account due to an "unusually high level of activity". *facepalm* I need to take a chill pill and take it easy for a bit! 😂 It just pains me so much to see my husband feeling down about not being able to work or leave the country -- especially because our friend asked him to be the best man at his wedding mid-May, and we were asked to play music for the first dance. (No pressure, right?! 😛) It sometimes brings me to tears seeing how much it's been distressing him. I wish there was something I could do to alleviate the stress and pain of it all, but I'm afraid we'll just have to keep waiting. All we can do is remain hopeful... and maybe (in my case) not check the status of our case *quite* so much, 🙃
  22. Sad
    wakeuplittlesuzy got a reaction from ira1712 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Haha! That is exactly how I feel too! I keep doing scans on the USCIS app on my phone, and realized I was checking it so much I may have gotten temporarily logged out of my account due to an "unusually high level of activity". *facepalm* I need to take a chill pill and take it easy for a bit! 😂 It just pains me so much to see my husband feeling down about not being able to work or leave the country -- especially because our friend asked him to be the best man at his wedding mid-May, and we were asked to play music for the first dance. (No pressure, right?! 😛) It sometimes brings me to tears seeing how much it's been distressing him. I wish there was something I could do to alleviate the stress and pain of it all, but I'm afraid we'll just have to keep waiting. All we can do is remain hopeful... and maybe (in my case) not check the status of our case *quite* so much, 🙃
  23. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to Tavira87 in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Keep me updated TogoA, it’s good to have a buddy in the same situation! Still nothing today!
     @rrobin0609 I get it, I keep thinking it’s our day too, and then I’m disappointed when it’s not, again! I’m checking every beep on my phone like a crazy lady. But keep your chin up it WILL happen for us, soon! 
    Love and good luck to you all you hopeful November’ers out there 😘
  24. Like
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to jakejon in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    Wishing, rooting and hoping this is a week full of a Nov approvals!! ❤️❤️❤️
  25. Haha
    wakeuplittlesuzy reacted to Allaboutwaiting in November 2018 AOS Filers   
    I can sleep on the floor, no issues.
    Or we could all meet in a tropical environment, far faraway...as far as we can from USCIS.
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