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  1. I agree with you and I know by experience that the other parent can change her/his mind anytime.. However, court order is just a nightmare, rather wait for my child to be 18 yo in two years.
  2. Thank you for your reponse. I thought that a simple written statement from his biological mother would be enough..A court order would be as long as the whole visa process if it is not longer
  3. Hi, I am married to a US citizen, we live overseas, and I have a child from a previous union. The child is under 18 and technically the stepchild of my wife. We applied a few years ago for my CR-1 visa, the I-130 got validated by the USCIS in 2018 and we have purposely kept the file at the NVC stage for 5 years. For a lot of good reasons, we decided a few months ago that it was the right time for us to move to the US, we resumed the NVC and got the "Documentarily Qualified" email a few weeks ago. Now waiting for the interview. We are planning to move to the US by the end of 2023. The question is about my child, for who I don't have custody and for who my wife did not file an I-130 back in 2018. Since then things have changed and he is now a teenager and he wants to join us in September 2024 to start his 11th grade in the US. My wife sent out his I-130 a couple of weeks ago, but when we add the USIC processing time + the NVC processing time we don't think he will be granted a visa by September 2024. Are we missing something, is there another faster way to bring him to the US? Thank you in advance for your time in helping me. David
  4. Thank guys for taking time to answer me.
  5. Hi, I have a question for those of you who apply for an immigrant visa in Germany. On the Frankfurt Embassy website, it says that "All documents not in English or German must be accompanied by an English translation. Translations must be certified by a competent and registered translator"; My issue is the following, for the USCIS stage I used a US-based online company (www.vananservices.com) that provided me with certified translations and everything was accepted. But the embassy in Frankfurt adds "REGISTERED" translator which makes me wonder if they want a translation from a registered translator here in Germany. I talked with a Vananservice representative that kept repeating that they are "USCIS" approved but went silent about being a "Registered translator". Does anyone here have experience with the consulate in Frankfurt and its translation requirements? Thank you in advance. David
  6. Thank you Crazy Cat for your answer. I just checked my NVC account and it says " FOREIGN STATE OF CHARGEABILITY: FRANCE INTERVIEW LOCATION: PARIS" So after feeling DS-260 they will just update that to Germany ? Thank you
  7. Hi all, Sorry in advance if this question has already been addressed in this forum. My situation is the following, my USCIS (IR1 visa) case was approved when I was living in France. For some reason I decided not to follow-up with the NVC process immediately (my case is still open at the NVC) and I want now to resume the process but in the meantime I moved from France to Germany. What should I do, just put my new address on the NVC forms or inform them ahead. If so, what is the right or more effective way to inform them? Kind regards. David
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