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    Florence Y'all
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    Naturalization (approved)
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    Cincinnati OH
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  1. Constitutional carry in KY. No permit required
  2. My Filipino in-laws came last year. Luckily they are 59 and 62 and both wanted to work with my wife at Amazon Air so they ended up with insurance from Amazon at a very cheap rate (and $22hr loading aircraft containers with packages). Probably not going to work in your case with parents in the 70's, but might help other's in similar situations.
  3. Brought wife through DFW no issues. FIL came through JFK no issues Flew with my MIL through LAX last April, line was 15 minutes, secondary was 30 min. Could have been shorter but family before us was hiding money on themselves and kids, ended up not declaring $44k in cash. Was entertaining to watch.
  4. Had to do it twice, once for FIL and once for MIL last year. Both were because of long delays with Sputum and full TB treatment and yet another Sputum FIL took 10 weeks MIL just under 2 weeks
  5. No consent needed and they all flew back with me same time. Its really not an issue, you'll be fine.
  6. Same situation but wife had daughter with fathers last name. No marriage and no participation on fathers part. Nothing needed extra at embassy or airport. Zero issues.
  7. If a big church wedding including her family is important to her then K1 would not be the choice as highly doubtful any of her family would be getting visas to attend that wedding in the US. It's been 10 years for us but I went in May the year we were married and completed the paperwork, then back again in August for the wedding. It's been awhile but I thought there was an expiration date of the license (180 days?) so plan carefully. You do marry the whole family My household size grew by two last year as now the in-laws live here.
  8. My FIL was a Philippine Marine for 20 years. We listed every base move on his DS260 as well and the same for MIL.
  9. 'ber day
  10. Father in law was 141 days, mother in law was around 40 days.
  11. Visa expiration is tied to medical and expires 6 months from the date of medical. If you get the medical in January and a visa in May you'll have a month before it expires. My in-laws went through Sputum, MIL twice, and as I recall the medical validity post Sputum results was only 3 months.
  12. I think I miss PI. Just paid $17.99 a six pack for red horse and San Miguel, $13.99 for San Miguel dark.
  13. Unmarried mother has full custody in Philippines. No permission required.
  14. Same company makes a $3 bottle of rum too
  15. The etravel you need to fill out to get a QR code only asks about your first two (or one in the case of JJ) shots, at least as of April when I traveled last.
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