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Everything posted by midwinterrose

  1. There is a physical presence requirement in addition to the continual residence requirement: Applicants are required to show that they were: Physically present in the U.S. for thirty months within the five year period before applying, or (see legal basis) So total up all the days you spent outside of the US in the last 5 years, and if you have still spent 30 months inside the US in the past 5 years, then you can apply. Be prepared to show evidence to support your claim that the US was still your primary residence which you were away from temporarily while you visited Lebanon. For example, did you still rent an apartment, pay for you phone service, have mail forwarding, etc.? If you didn't maintain any ties to the US while in Lebanon, be prepared for your continuous residence to be questioned by the interviewing officer.
  2. https://healthfreedomdefense.org/health-freedom-defense-fund-sues-uscis-and-cdc-over-denial-of-green-card-applications-due-to-covid-19-vaccination-status/ Today, Benjamin Collins, Bingbing Yu, and the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for denying Green Card applications solely based on applicants’ lack of Covid-19 vaccination. The lawsuit argues that the CDC and USCIS acted unlawfully by including Covid-19 vaccines on the list of vaccinations required for lawful immigration. Federal law permits only vaccines for “vaccine-preventable” diseases to be mandated. However, Covid-19 does not meet this criterion, as the CDC and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have acknowledged that the vaccines neither prevent transmission nor infection. “Our government has recognized that the Covid-19 shots do not prevent a person from contracting Covid-19, so there is no reason for the government to prohibit people who chose not to take the shots from obtaining lawful permanent residence here. That is the essence of arbitrary action and should be eliminated immediately, before it tears more families apart.”
  3. Just an FYI, the ROC takes a long time to be adjudicated. We filed in March of 2021, and it was approved in October of 2022; others' have taken 3+ years to be adjudicated. So you could file for divorce in Sep 2024, then file for ROC early Jan 2025, before your card expires, and you might even have the divorce decree in hand before they even get around to looking at your case. If you didn't have the decree yet, they would deny the application and then you would have to re-file. When you file for ROC you will get a letter stating that you have a pending application, and that letter will extend the validity of your green card up to 48 months. Having an expired green card and no extension letter will seriously hinder your ability to operate, if, for example, you needed to renew your driver's license or something along those lines.
  4. Talk to your husband! You should not be starving yourself ever for any reason. Marriage is a partnership. Sometimes both partners work and make money, sometimes it's only one working while the other contributes to the household in other ways. The day may come when you are the wage earner and your husband depends on you. All of that is perfectly normal and your worth is not dependent on your ability to produce income. Your husband knew full well that he would be required to provide for you while you are unable to work, which I am sure that he is happy to do, considering you are his wife. Talk to him, express your insecurities and work through it together. This is a stage of life that you are going through together. Marriage is not a transaction. He supports you because he loves you, and you changed your entire life for him because you love him. Don't feel guilty because you have to eat.
  5. USCIS doesn't ask for originals of any documents in the I-129F application, so don't send your originals. Just make a copy of the receipts onto an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and then type or write your notes and explanations on the sheet of paper. You could also put two related receipts onto one sheet this way. This will be much easier for anyone handling the case, and reduce the risk of things getting lost, and you will retain the original receipts. They can always ask to see originals later if they really want to.
  6. File ASAP, don't overstay waiting to accumulate evidence. USCIS doesn't expect you to have a bunch of evidence of living together if you just got married. Send whatever evidence you have of your long distance relationship. When we applied for AOS, we had like one joint bank statement, and one water bill in both our names. You can also immediately be added to her credit cards as an authorized user--that's quick easy evidence.
  7. I did this for my husband. I listed myself as interpreter and as preparer, and had no problem.
  8. First of all, they haven't cashed the check yet. That means they haven't even looked at your application yet. You said it arrived 1 week ago, so 5 business days. Give it some time, USCIS processes an ungodly amount of paperwork and it takes them a while to get around to even opening the envelope. Also don't be surprised if you never get a text even if you sent in the G-1445 form. Text messages were always hit or miss on our applications. Think of this as the practice run for all of the patient waiting you must do throughout the whole process.
  9. When you apply for the passport, you have to provide evidence of your citizenship. In the case of a naturalized citizen, you provide the Naturalization certificate to the passport office along with the application. It normally takes the passport office a few weeks to process your application and return your naturalization certificate back to you. But if you do a same-day passport application, they give you back the naturalization certificate the same day that you apply, along with your new passport.
  10. My husband got same-day passport because we had travel already booked. You can call within 14 days of your booked travel and get an appointment to go into the passport office and they issue your passport the same day. The other bonus of this method is we got his Naturalization certificate back in hand the same day.
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