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Posts posted by MrsMcCannigan

  1. 2 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    Hello ladies,


    I called this morning to ask about my biometrics letter, and I was told I have to wait 30days from the date of the NOA (Jan17th) not 30 days from my priority date (Jan 8th) and that Im still withing the reasonable times ugh :(

    The NOA was dated January 18th, so I still have another 10days to wait, hopefully I get the letter before that.


    Ouch, let’s cross fingers!


    1 minute ago, Chicken7585 said:

    I just got a very yellow looking letter saying that I had not submitted my medicals but (according to this letter) it’s cool, because you can just take it in for the interview. 



    Me and my baby brain wish we would have known that but well, what can you do, it’s not the end of the world!

  2. 1 minute ago, Chicken7585 said:

    Haha - what I meant is they don't let you read anything on your phone and if you're going to be stuck there for upwards of an hour, I'd love something to read that doesn't require an electronic device!

    Oh, lol! I got it now!


    I guess it depends on the time too, when I went to mine there was no one waiting, I was in and out in about 20 minutes. And there was a TV too!!

  3. 2 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    Day 24, still no biometrics letter according to Informed delivery :(

    I was reading online that the Baltimore Center (the one I am assigned to since we live in Maryland) is quite slow... So waiting impatiently


    How are you guys doing, did you go early for you biometrics Chicken? What about you Jessica? You and baby feeling good MrsMcCannigan ?


    Have a lovely day.


    Feeling good, tired and grumpy but good.

    We’re also getting everything ready because we’re moving to MD at the beginning of March, sad to read that Baltimore is a slow office!


    I really hope you have a good day as well!


    @Chicken7585 sorry, a physical book? They didn’t ask for anything like that when I went.


    3 minutes ago, Chicken7585 said:

    I went in early for biometrics and would definitely recommend it if you can. The worst that can happen is they will say you can’t or you might have to wait for a bit.


    Don’t forget to take in your biometrics letter (you have to have got one if you want to try going early) , your passport and ID and a physical book! They will make you turn off your phone when you enter. No food and drinks are allowed either. 

  4. 20 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    Thank you!!


    You haven’t received them yet!! Come on, today is the lucky day!!


    6 hours ago, Chicken7585 said:

    Hey guys:


    I'm thinking of going in early for my fingerprinting in Atlanta. There seem to be great reviews of the new Application Support Center.


    Here's my question - I've heard the EAD comes in about 90 days from the application date. Have you heard the same? Is there a possibility that it might come sooner?


    I'm on an H-1B visa and looking for a job, but finding a lot of jobs not open to me as employers are hesitant to file an H-1B petition because of cost and the current political situation. I'm considering waiting out the 90 days but obviously if it takes a lot longer, then I'd be better off continuing my search.

    Are any of you in a similar situation?

     Hi chicken and welcome!!


    I am also in Georgia but I’m closer to Jacksonville so that’s where I went for my biometrics, I went like nine days earlier and the guy was really rude but they let me do it, hopefully it will help to get my EAD sooner. I told the truth and said that I called to the USCIS first and that I came all the way down to do it because I was afraid that if I said that I happened to be in the area they would make more questions or just turn me down so...


    I have seen people from this forum (filing around August-October) being approved for the EAD in 67 days, I think that the average was 77, I’ve also been looking at the stats per office, so crossing fingers here!  


    Oh,if it helps, they also give you an estimate date in here, in your profile when you start filling your timeline, I think that it says that my EAD may be approved between March 27th and April sometime, I forgot the exact dates.

  5. 1 hour ago, Nouchigang said:

    Im sorry the guy was not nice to you, he was probably having a bad day but oh well as long as you got it done thats all we care for, right?! Ahah. 


    I plan on taking my husband's last name after everything is done with immigration, but thanks for the info it could help somebody

    Yep, I’m not going to complain!!


    I'm taking my husband’s last name but I filled out all my paperwork with my marriage name instead of waiting and starting a new process.

  6. Well, I just came from my biometrics; the guy was pretty irritated because I showed up today and I told him that I called to the USCIS and they told me that I could try but there was no guarantee and the guy said in a very rude manner “this is not immigration, this is biometrics” and well, as far as I know, on the building, on the signs, on the freaking rug it says USCIS but it wasn’t the right moment to state the obvious.

    Anyways he let me in and I thanked him.


    And don’t forget to bring your marriage license if you’re taking your husband’s last name! Thank god I didn’t, but I left it in the car and I was lectured by him again... 

  7. 21 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    Have you guys heard about Informed Delivery from USPS? It is a pretty cool and free feature from USPS. Everyday you get a picture of the mail you are supposed to receive. At least you will know what is coming and if the mailman "eats" it you will know before hand. That could help if you are expecting time-sensitive info. Check it out here: https://informeddelivery.usps.com/box/pages/intro/start.action


    You may have to go in person to the post office to verify your identity I did mine last week and it was very easy.


    Damn, actually I read about it when I did the forwarding thing after moving out this time (I know, it looks like we are always moving,  hopefully moving to MD will be for good until we move to my country, lol) but I don’t know, I like waiting for the mail, oh the suspense!!!!



    21 hours ago, TM92 said:

    To add to your advice, each ASC office is different and can change. @MrsMcCannigan: If you want some peace of mind, you can read other VJ members experiences with early biometrics walk-in below (your ASC office might or might not be on this list): http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/367977-thinking-of-early-walk-in-for-biometrics/


    I read that thread last week!! I called USCIS hoping they would tell me the right phone number to my office and ask them directly but apparently that is not the way it works, ha!

    So the guy I spoke with basically told me to go and try; it’s a two hours and a half drive so I was hoping to be on a safer side but that’s all I could get. I’ll leave tomorrow first thing in the morning after dropping my husband off so wish me luck!


    My pregnant brain is being a mess lately so I hope not to forget my passport and my appointment letter!

  8. 21 hours ago, jessica14 said:

    Yes last night I received the emal that it was received, yoohoo

    That is great!


    11 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    Got my 3 NOAs in the mail today woot woot! Hopefully I get the letter for the biometrics soon

    Nice!!!! You will get it soon, you’ll see!


    On 1/21/2018 at 5:13 PM, Nouchigang said:

    I’ll definitely call today or tomorrow to make sure and if it’s okay, well, I’ll just go there!

  9. 51 minutes ago, jessica14 said:

    Hi all

    Im doing concurrent filling received via usps jan 14 and still no response, so just here waiting. 


    Let the waiting games begin lol

    Lol, I know, it’s hard specially when your patience is less than zero!!


    But you’ll see in less than a week everything will start to fall into place and you’ll receive your NOAs and then your biometrics appointment and everything will work out fine!

    At least we have each other, not to comfort ourealces but to follow timelines 😜

  10. 3 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    LOL you scared me for a second.


    Yayy Congrats for your biometric, I read on other posts that you can actually walk in before the date they assigned you in the USCIS near you and if they are not busy they can do the biometrics on the spot, so check into it. Saving a few days or week always helps, especially since you are moving during your process

    Actually I was thinking on going like one or two hours sooner to try to make it back on time to pick up my husband from work, I didn’t think I could save some time but I’ll call this week and ask, I’m not sure that without having a “legitimate” reason it would work but there’s only one way to know!

  11. 3 minutes ago, Nouchigang said:

    Thank you so much for the app I downloaded it!

    Good news I saw that they cashed the checks for the I-130 and i-485 Yayyyy! It means they accepted the applications right?

    Did you ever receive a notice or something for your i-765/EAD? I hope everything was fine with it. Any news for your biometrics?

    Have a great weekend :)

    I think that they either send you the receipt notice or a rejection letter, I guess they wouldn’t cash the checks if they reject the applications but who knows with this country! (just kidding)


    So I got the NOA I was missing (yay!) and I also got today (we just moved out so I put the mail on hold for several days) the appointment for the biometrics, which is February 2nd, one month exactly since I applied! So you should get yours soon too!!


    I hope you have a great weekend too!!


  12. 9 hours ago, Nouchigang said:

    Oh there is an app, I didnt even know about it, would you send me like for it please? I Have an Android Im not sure what you use.


    Really happy for you, it is indeed going fast, it better stay like that lol

    I have an iPhone but I’m pretty sure this is the same app:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spinachsoftware.immigration.uscis.casestatus&hl=en


    It’s pretty easy to use, hopefully they updated your cases yesterday too!

  13. I will keep you posted also, I think that my timeline is going to be affected when we move but it’s for the better.


    From what I’ve read, we should get the Biometrics letter in three weeks and the biometrics appointment should be one week after that.

    And people are getting approved for the EAD three months after applying so it’s really looking good!

  14. Hi there! Same here, but we got married on August, we are in Georgia but we’ll be moving to Maryland around March!


    I sent my AOS package on December 30th so my priority date is January 2nd.


    I got the text messages and the email receipts for the three forms on January 10th and yesterday we got the NOA for the 130 and 485, I guess I should get the one for the 765 today. I am checking my status everyday but nothing so far, I’m so anxious!!! I keep checking the threads for November and December, they keep

    my hopes up because they’re going so fast!!!

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