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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
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  1. What is this craziness that I just read? 😱
  2. I would never in a million years want to get out of jury duty! No, sir! But here I am, not even a citizen(yet) haha
  3. I am so sorry to hear this! I hope things will improve soon! But wowza, a five year old? Where’s the time indeed!
  4. nothing hot and eild about being rescheduled, if you ask me! maybe it should be a group effort of y’all finding someones for the both of us hahaha
  5. What, if I tell you all my secret hopes and desires in a partner you're magically going to produce one for me? I thought I have established that they don't exist. hahahaha But to answer your question, I'd prefer the demographic to be falling in the "not a piece of " category 🙂
  6. there is not a single detail to tell, they all suck and I will forever stick to the cat
  7. I am far too invested already, what is happening with the dating journey? The rescheduling has to end?!
  8. Thank you so much for taking the time to recap, looks like my reading-between-the-lines-skills aren’t that far off 😅 I admire your chicken raising-one day I’ll be on that journey too! And who would have thought but I am very much on T-Bone’s side when it comes to dating(apps) and that crazy world out there but it’s wild and difficult and I too have to go through many rounds of proper vetting who I take thrifting and estatesale-ing with me!
  9. As I have gotten divorced in the years of me not showing up here, one might think I have many hours of time to go back and read. But I don’t, so I’ll do what I do best: read between the lines, make up stories in my own head and complain that I had no idea about nothing. happy to be back
  10. Years and years go by and somehow I always find my way back to this place. Probably because I need to RANT. Catch me up, what have I missed?
  11. But couldn't they just enter on school A's visa and I-20 and then ask them to transfer their SEVIS record to school B? Rather than getting a new visa for school B before travelling?
  12. Hi there, super random question but, if an F1 student has received their Visa for a specific school but also got an I-20 for another school, are they able to enter the country on school A visa with school B I-20? Or would they have to do an initial transfer after arriving?
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