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Posts posted by misa

  1. why would he need an i94? I thought Canadians didn't need one.

    K1s and K3s that cross are issued I-94s. Wasn't sure about the other ones (CR-1/IR-1).

    when he activates his visa at he POE.... he will get a I-551 stamp in his passport which essentially acts like a green card and is good for one year...

    Cr1's and Ir1's don't need the I-94...

    Thanks Marilyn. That one I wasn't sure about. :)

  2. Seiden is trying to get you to think and act like an American by taking a relaxed attitude toward work. I understand the Ny Mets are his favourite squadron:)

    Trust me, I am more than pleased that my medical was pretty much next to nothing as far as procedures and the "physical". :P

  3. 1. Yeah, unfortunately you can't be officially approved for a GC until your namecheck clears.

    2. No one can estimate. See this thread for a ton of other people waiting: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6694

    3. Possibly, though it could be for any number of reasons.

    Did you file AR-11 and apply it to your pending petitions/applications as well? Is your I-130 approved or pending? If approved, they won't change the address on that and they will only change the address if you applied online and put in your case number for the I-485 (and even then they've been known to screw up and not change the address). Did you get confirmation by snail mail that they did indeed change your address for the I-485?

    4. Unfortunately no. See the thread I linked.

    Hope you get cleared soon!

  4. When I went for my medical (Dr. Seiden's), all I had was a letter from my doctor, bad photocopies of vaccination sheets from Women's College Hospital (she's a GP there) and titre test results. Looked pretty ghetto. Erm... as others have read about my non-invasive medical at Seiden's, she just asked if I had brought records and barely looked at my stuff and checked off that I had everything except for the ones that weren't age appropriate...

  5. That should be fine as it's on an official Ministry of Health form. He should bring that along with the updated tetanus record when he goes for his medical at the panel physician.

  6. 1. X-ray not needed (keep it though) to "activate". Just the passport with visa and sealed envelope. Entire case file also not necessary but might be good as a "just in case".

    Everything else looks good. Make sure your dog's rabies shot was at least 30 days prior to crossing (CBP info on dogs). Also don't bring that much dog food with you. There's a maximum you can bring but I can't remember what it is. All I know that I had too much cat and dog food with me but they let it slide (3 cases of canned cat food, 8 lbs of dry cat food and 20 lbs of dry dog food and a ton of rawhide chews and cookies).

    The only thing else I can think of in regards to your dog is his/her bowls, food, lots of bottled water, leash and doggie bags for rest stops.

    2. Petitioner doesn't have to be there. :)

    Maybe someone can clarify whether or not an IR-1 will be issued an I-94. At most border crossings there is a cost to the I-94 which is in USD ($6 I think). So if he is going to be issued one and have to pay for an I-94 make sure he's got some U.S. bucks with him. Any CR-1s/IR-1s here that can clarify the I-94 issue?

    3. Not sure...

    4. Should not be a problem. I believe several CR-1/IR-1/K3s have done just that -- neiks is one that comes to mind.

    Also see this link for a bunch of moving tips: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=75168

  7. The medical contains these forms (the Canadian version, don't know why some physcians don't use the official Department of State Forms). There are several spots where the physician checks things off and can make notes:

    - DS-2053

    and worksheets

    - DS-3024 (chest xray worksheet)

    - DS-3025 (vaccination worksheet)

    - DS-3026 (medical history worksheet)

    and lab results for the chest x-ray, HIV test and syphilis test

    There's room for the doctor's comments on the DS-2053 and the DS-3026.

    They should just give you the entire thing if you're paying for it (I would hope).

  8. It always differs from officer to officer but if they want to try again, have them bring more than just a return ticket. Proof of Canadian employment, school enrollment, residence (apartment lease or mortgage), utility bills, etc.

    And since their IR applications are pending, they may also want to bring a copy of their case file.

  9. Sorry about that, I'm still pissed. My mom and "little" brother (6'1", 245 LBS.) were just refused entry to the US at Pearson. They were flying down to Vegas to see my older brother and then they were all going to return to Toronto. Each had a round trip ticket on Air Canada. That's two refusals for both now. I was told once that a refusal (permission to withdraw application to enter) will have little to no effect on an immigration application (PR via IR5). Does anybody have this kind of experience? If so, what happened at the consulate, were you refused or hassled?

    BTW, Montreal is a great place. The last time dear old dad was there was when he went to see Expo so it's been a while.

    That should have no bearing on their immigrant visa applications/interview at the consulate. Lots of people here were denied entry to visit the U.S. while in process for various visas. Stacey33 is the first one to come to mind.

    What reason did CBP give to refuse them the first and second times? Lack of ties? Were they told not to come back until they had visas in hand?

  10. Apply for SSN after 2-3 weeks upon entry.


    Apply for AOS, EAD, AP all at the same time as soon as you can get everything together (including a copy of the marriage certificate). The AOS fee covers fees for all three. You should send them all in the same package but separate them within the package since they are separate applications (you'll need copies of some of the same things for each application).

    Not sure about the name change. She's the USC right?

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