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Posts posted by misa

  1. Congrats! Yup, employer letter and pay stubs can be used as supplementary evidence. Not sure if they will deem that as "enough" but you can try.

    You know I just thought of something about your Canadian PR application. It's a moot point now but could the reason your PR application is taking so long is because your husband is a PR and not a citizen?

  2. I am wondering if what i have for proof of relationship won't be enough. My husband and i have decided to keep things separate for now,in terms of all the utilities etc being in his name.The house we live in,he has been in for years and i didn't see it as too important to add my name on to things(plus,not having been able to work,i haven't been able to contribute) I can of course provide a ton of photos, i have bank statements for an account just in my name,addressed to our house,and the ony thing that we have that is in both our names is a cell phone account. Should this be ok? My interview is not until the end of november but i figure i should find this stuff out now, in case i will need more evidence,to add my name on to things and get a couple statements before the interview. Any thoughts?

    If I were you, I'd try to get your name on all the utilities if you can and open a joint account. Are you on his health insurance? That's another one that you should get yourself on if you're not already on it.

    Trust me, I know it's silly to have to do all of this. We'd prefer to keep things separate but to show evidence of co-mingling of assets, etc., etc., we had to do the "joint" thing as well.

  3. Liz, that poor girl is going to have to rearrange EVERYTHING based on misinformation.

    This is why paperwork needs to be taken away from most of the male petitioners and the female beneficiaries need to take charge of their cases! :P

    (no seriously...)

  4. I have two CDs from the photographer sitting on my desk next to me right now. However, I just got off the phone with Kristy, and I am NOT to look at them without her, unless the temptation is WAY too strong. And, trust me, the temptation is quite strong, as I want to pull out all my useless Photoshop knowledge on them.

    But but but... when will she be there again to look at them? :P

    You'd better wait for Kristy or endure some female Canadian rage from her. :)

  5. well we plan on living in texas but we will be in maryland for 6 weeks for the birth of our child. looks like I should be able to do it in texas. not sure if I should try maryland since I'm gonna be there longer than 30 days

    I'd probably wait until you get to TX since that's where you're going to be living right?

    Here's TX info:


    Here are the ID requirements which looks like you will need 1 secondary and 2 supporting docs since you don't have any primary ID listed:


  6. Len, sorry to hear about your flakey friends. Scour the local alternative paper for "cheap movers" or something like that and call them up. Usually the alternative papers have tons of moving listings. Just ask them about labour costs.

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOOOOL I dont think there are very many illegals in canada... Canada gives papers to anything that walks.

    There are "illegals" in Canada. They're U.S. citizens who either skipped over the border or overstayed their visits... (I'm not kidding)

  8. I'm another that got married in the U.S. on a visit, then went back home to Canada. I visited every 3 weeks while the petitions were processing. I always brought a ton of evidence that I was returning to Canada and was only asked about whether we'd filed a visa on the 2nd to last visit.

    We didn't want to do the K1 because we wanted to be married first and also I didn't want to get stuck in the U.S. while waiting for AOS.

  9. I am on USCIS website to fill AR-11 online, but there is no part that asks whether I have a pending case or not. Where should I select that option?


    It will ask you if you have pending cases after you fill it all out and submit it. You will also be given the option to save the confirmation as a PDF and will be given another confirmation number for the pending cases. You'll see what I mean when you do it all online.

    If you are returning an RFE to the interviewer by mail, I would include a copy of the AR-11 confirmation in there and kindly ask the officer to double-check the address for you as well.

    If you are returning the RFE in person, have them double-check it for you while you're there.

    Don't forget to also change your address with USPS.

  10. I guess I should ask here instead of making a new topic - we live with my mother in law. We don't have any bills, only bank statements. Should we bring those statements in if we don't have anything else?

    The more evidence, the better. Bring in anything and everything that has both your names on it. You may also want to consider asking her to draw up a rental agreement. Are you on your wife's health insurance? Car insurance?

    Get your mother-in-law, other family, mutual friends, etc. to also write a letters on your behalf attesting that your marriage is bona fide. Have your friends and other family mail you the signed letters and address the envelopes to both of you. You can use the postmarked envelopes as separate evidence (I did).


    Oh misa, that sounds like a cool game! Will definitely look it up. :thumbs:

    I tried playing Uru (which is one of the games from the Myst series) but again, couldn't get into it - I think it was way too hard for someone like me to figure out. :D

    Here's a review for Evidence: http://www.adventuregamers.com/article/id,708

    I haven't tried Uru but I breezed through the website. I know that Uru was supposed to be an online multiplayer game but the first one shipped as a standalone. It deviates a little from the original Myst games because it's 3rd person rather than 1st person.

    Errr... okay, I am such a nerd. I shall stop talking about games now.

    Um, at the garden centre yesterday we picked up seeds for peas, spinach, cauliflower and mixed salad greens. Hubby is out planting them right now. :)

  12. Hi Amanda, I'm sorry to hear things are not going well with your ex and your eldest daughter.

    I think you'll need to contact a lawyer but I think that there are some really strong points in your case:

    - that he signed over sole custody in the separation

    - that your daughter is seeing a therapist

    - the therapist believes it is harmful for her to see him

    - that your daughter does not want to see him and is scared of him

    You may wish to ask the therapist if he/she can recommend an attorney and if he/she can help you through this by providing the necessary reports for your case.

    How old is your eldest? Isn't there a certain age where Canadian children can decide on their own if they want to see the non-custodial parent? Or is that only with issues of who they want to live with?

    Hopefully some of the other parents here can offer some suggestions.

  13. I wouldn't reschedule because you don't know how long you'd have to wait for a new interview date. Try and get the passport back though and maybe try to expedite the request. You could always send the embassy a copy of your interview letter as well.

    Do you still have photocopies of the visa and I-94? Does your husband have any other ID on him? I know when I went to my interview I had to show ID (all I had was my passport) to the security guard to be let into the building.

  14. Re: The games I bought yesterday.

    I just quickly installed Evidence: The Last Ritual and it's unlike any adventure game I've ever played. It's interactive in the fact that you are sent "clues" and "correspondence" from people working on the case and the serial killer by email. Very cool!

    I haven't started really playing any of them because I'm playing Day of the Tentacle (classic!). Recently finished Myst: Revelations and Gabriel Knight 3 (they need to make a GK4!).

  15. I know personally I didn't get a copy of my medical except for the vaccination blanket waiver sheet. Awhile back another VJ'er was able to get a photocopy of her results from the POE, though I never understood why she needed it.

    It's because USCIS keeps losing people's medicals so if they can't get a copy from the panel physician when they do AOS, they have to pay for another medical in the U.S. from a civil surgeon which can run anywhere between $100 to $300+ for their (USCIS) mistake.

    cdancer's medical was "missing" as was jq_am's wife's medical.

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