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Posts posted by misa

  1. No no, it IS for a Canadian passport. :)
    Oh! In that case it should be fine since you'll need a guarantor to sign it and your paperwork (which will also be dated by the guarantor). Definitely visit the passport office to expedite processing instead of mailing it in.
  2. I don't think a month is bad. The application doesn't state "within 30 days" on it. If there's one close to you, apply in person at the passport office. Canada Post is so sketchy that it might take a long time if you mail it in. Plus, I don't trust them to not lose any originals I send.

  3. I'm in the same boat and visiting my husband in the US on Wednesday. First time since we were married (2.5 weeks ago). I'm bringing a letter from my employer along with his business card and my business card, recent bank statements (along with my cashed cheque for rent), US cash, recent utility bills, pay stubs...

    Anything I'm missing?

  4. I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in K3.

    Sending off my I-130 for my K3 this week but I'm preparing my I-129F right now. For question #20 (Your fiance will apply for a visa abroad at the American embassy or consulate at:), do I put down Montreal, Canada? I'm currently living in Toronto.

    Thanks for any help and apologies if this was not the right place.

  5. Thanks for everyone's replies, it's been very helpful.

    To clarify, he wouldn't move without already having a job lined up in IL. I was just wondering if it would look weird if he moved/gained new employment sometime throughout the K3 process.

    But it looks like what we'll do is have him stay at his current job until my interview. After K3, we'll move (him with new employment) and then apply for AOS from IL with his new job.

    If at the new job he makes less money (but still above the minimum required), do you think that would be a problem?

  6. We're starting our K3 process next week but the plan is that we'll move to IL when it's approved and received (right now he lives in VA).

    He'd like to move there first to set everything up and to secure new employment. On our I-130 we are putting down his current address in VA. The plan is that once we have the K3, he comes and gets me and we drive from Toronto to IL (not VA).

    I know that he will have to show that he can be financially responsible for me but at what point during the K3 process can he move there to a new job without jeopardising our K3 application?

  7. if they ask, I would be honest and tell then you are going to visit your husband, the worst that could happen is that you get denied entry, which really won't effect your visa process...

    it would effect it more if you lied and they found out... trust me on this :whistle:

    Thanks very much. I'll just be honest. I *hope* that they don't deny entry since that would royally suck not to be able to spend time with him. Plus you know, being out the flight money (which is of course secondary to not being able to see him).
  8. I'm only just starting my K3 so my medical is awhile away... but, I'm due for my annual physical from my doctor and haven't had any immunizations for over 15 years.

    If I get immunized at my next physical (in the next month or so), that takes care of this whole immunization process for when I do get my medical for my K3, correct?

  9. They've never really asked me about him, just me (purpose of your visit) and what I do for a living (what kind of work do you do).

    The last time they just asked how I knew this "friend" (to which I replied "friends of friends in upstate NY", which is true).

    I guess I'm just feeling a little panicky now as we start the K3 process and everything is just so overwhelming.

  10. Thanks again everyone!

    I've not visited him after having been married (we got married last weekend , civil ceremony) and we're filing the K3 sometime this coming week when he gets his birth certificate in the mail.

    I think I'll just tell the the truth that I'm visiting my husband for the holidays and I'll definitely not offer up any more information than they ask.

    Another question: I've never had my passport stamped by US customs except on the last visit. Does that mean anything?

  11. Thanks! This makes me feel a bit better.

    I should also mention that I don't travel to the U.S. for more than 3-5 days at a time maximum. This year I've gone down to the U.S. um... 4 times so far with no problems in saying I'm visiting friends.

    I guess I'm just a little worried about when I have to say, "Visiting my husband". But I'll tell them the truth and have lots of documentation with me (including my return ticket/itinerary).

    Though another question... when you file the first part of the K3 petition and you receive your first notification, is that application tied into your name/passport that they run through at US customs at POE?

  12. Thanks for the advice.

    I never drive down there. I always fly (since I don't drive or have a license) so I've always got a return ticket. I'll bring the suggested documentation with me too (letter from employer, bank statements, pay stubs, etc.).

    I'm wondering though... my next visit will be before the first part of the petition is received. Think I should just say I'm "visiting friends for US Thanksgiving"? Technically it's true, since he is a friend...

  13. Hi everyone, this is my first post so please forgive me if this has been asked before (I thought I looked everywhere but couldn't find my answer).

    I'm in Toronto (Canadian citizen, born and raised) and got married recently to a U.S. citizen. He's in Virginia so the first processing centre is in Vermont. We're sending in the I-130 next week.

    But this isn't really about the K3 process, though I'm sure I'll have more questions about that in the K3 forum. :)

    What I'm interested in is that once the K3 process has been started, can I visit him in Virginia easily and without hassle from US customs? Do I tell them the truth? I looked in the FAQs but it only dealt with visiting the US while waiting for a K3.

    Thanks in advance! :)

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