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Posts posted by misa

  1. Montreal does the bulk of petitions submitted in Canada, far more than the caseload that Vancouver has -- K-1s, K-3s, all the IR/CR-1s, and DCF. Plus all the other stuff they handle.
    Ah, gotcha!
    This is just me, but I'd rather have the "long" wait (really and truly, four months isn't all that bad) and the easy interview (montreal for the most part is painless when it comes to the actual interview), than a short wait and going through the wringer at the interview, like some of our VJ friends have to look forward to.
    No, I hear you re: other countries. It's just really really hard to be away from my husband and I'd rather transfer to Vancouver and pay extra for the flight than wait longer for a Montreal interview date. You'd think that they'd get a clue and utilise the other consulates in Canada better! Yeah, I know, I'm just whining. :P
  2. Oh, I can easily tell them that my "reason" will be that I'll be working out of the Vancouver branch for a little while... ;) I am *so* willing to pay extra to travel to Vancouver if that means a speedy interview date than saving a few bucks and waiting months for Montreal.

    Thanks for the input!

  3. Just want to be on top of things when things start getting forwarded to the various consulates. When you put in a transfer request, does the address you provide have to be a residential address or is a business address okay?

    I'm far from my approval dates but want to be as knowledgable and prepared when my case is approved.

    The company I work for has a Vancouver branch that could easily interoffice me any consulate mail through overnight packages to Toronto (totally secure, no chance of it getting lost since we deal with sensitive financial information). Could I just put the company's Vancouver address in the transfer request then?

  4. Yodrak's right. Part 2 of the question talks about eligibility, not location.

    The main question says:

    22. Complete the information below if your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.

    So we didn't complete any information to question 22 since I am not in the U.S. We left it blank.

    Did anyone else here leave question 22 blank?

  5. This sounds too easy.. I'm still not wrapping my mind around why the CDN gov. will give citizens who choose to leave the country EI Benefits. But heck! I paid in (and have never ever claimed before).
    I'm so curious as to if it works this way. If so, sweet! Can someone confirm this is exactly how it works (and is that easy)? Also, does this apply for both K1 and K3 people?
  6. I say, go and stick it out at the passport office instead of mailing it in. Canada Post sucks... You'll feel better knowing after you apply in person that they give you a definite pick-up date.

    If you do your application online (not the pdf, actually fill out online and be able to save all the info and come back to it later) and then print out, have everything organised when you get there to get a ticket number, they will usually fast track you to a speedier window.

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