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About RambaCat

  • Birthday 07/16/1993

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Jacksonville FL
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Thank youuuu ❤️ It looks like they're working on a lot of cases lately so hopefully you'll get yours sooner than expected!
  2. Finally!!! 😭I was three days away from being able to make an inquiry 🤣
  3. Nothing for me yet- I've seen quite a few around my number- some before, some after. Starting to think I'm at the bottom of the pile 🤣 Maybe next week!
  4. Also a March 2021 filer here! Hoping for news soon myself, and this brings me some hope; thanks for sharing ❤️
  5. I'm hoping they speed up and you can get yours within a few months too, all this waiting is ridiculous
  6. There are a couple that are within 100 of mine. That's exciting.
  7. yikes, there goes any hope I had that I'd get approved this year
  8. Do it now and on the I-751 packet. We forgot to do the I-865 for my husband when we moved prior to the I-751, I think it's easy to forget about it. We weren't penalised for it being late at all, but it's better to have a record of you submitting one just in case questions are raised later.
  9. How it feels when uscis increase the processing times for Ysc by a month, every month
  10. It's not a stupid question at all, it's very easy to second guess when it comes to Uscis. That said, that definitely sounds like an approval to me! They'll probably send you a tracking number within the next few days - congratulations!
  11. Congratulations!! It's nice to see some movement- good luck with the citizenship when your husband gets to it. 🧡
  12. Thank you! I was worried I was asking a stupid question, but now I'm glad I asked because I didn't know that ssn and driver's license would help 🤣 I'm actually pretty sure my social security card is already unrestricted because they sent it to me once my Adjustment of status was approved four years ago, and I don't recall there being anything about dhs authorisation on there (I will check though; just need my husband to open the safe.)
  13. Never thought I would be making one of these! But this is one side of things I haven't really looked into. Just received advanced notice from my boss (off the record) that the people above him are thinking of making me redundant! Yay! (Apparently taking the initiative and asking for more work to do was the wrong move; even though everyone else is overworked they're taking the opportunity to let me go - stellar logic right there.) Gripes aside...I actually have no idea where this leaves me. Redundancy might not be for a few weeks, no one has officially spoken to me so I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row and figure out as much as I can in advance. And hope maybe I'll get lucky and Potomac will get a move on and approve me before I need to really worry about any of it. Which leads me to the question; what should I expect while trying to get a new job with an expired green card? I feel like the answer should be pretty straight forward - that with an expired green card and a valid extension letter everything should be pretty smooth sailing, but after getting bad news everything feels a bit intimidating so I suppose I'm looking for someone else to confirm that!
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