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Posts posted by jacklyn

  1. I have to say that I have pretty much just been a lurker here but this site and these forums have been so helpful its unreal. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to post and share their knowledge, I couldn't have made it this far without you!

    I really dont want to complain or be too worried because I know so many people have had to wait longer than me, but I guess I'm wondering when to start worrying. I got my NOA2 by snail mail with a Notice Date of November 1, 2006. I called the NVC today and they said they don't have it in their computer yet. The guy on the phone said it can take up to 90 days for the paperwork to get to the NVC and if it takes past 90 it might never get there. Is he just trying to freak me out? I know i'm still within the 4 week mark it says in the notice, so i guess I should just calm down. Sorry, I guess i just had to worry out loud a little bit.

    Thanks again and good luck to everyone waiting!


    Were on same boat!!My K1 approved last Nov.1 and until now i didn't receive anything from the NVC.Im starting to worry now!!!!

  2. hello there how do i know that my petition touch?Im just confused when i checked my status online today it says there an approval notice was sent well infact i already had an approval noticed received last nov.6..And supposed to be waiting for NVC letter its been 2 weeks now since i129f was approved.thanks!!

  3. ...do you think we will still have to wait another 120-150 days before they schedule a date from when they recieved it from the NVC a second time?...

    That is a very good question. I don't know the answer, but for some odd reason I'm thinking they will put you poor souls back on the waiting list. Just because this process sucks, and nobody really gives a dahamn! Please call the Manila Embassy and inquire because I'm very interested in their response. I still have to follow up on whether interview dates are schedule a maximum of 90 days out, which could be the rational for the prolonged period of inactivity as far as assigning interview dates. Cheers!!!


    Just want to know if how do i knnow if our NOA2 was already in NVC.Do the NVC people notified as soon as they received tha NOA2 or we need to call the NVC.

  4. So here's a question for you. Each partner is attracted to the other for various reasons. Of course much of this attraction is what we offer to each other in the form of love and affection. In the case of a USC marrying a non-USC, in many cases the USC also offers his/her partner the opportunity to live in the US and enjoy a more affluent lifestyle. Now some of you are going to say that isn't a part of your relationship, and some of you could be right about that. Some of you are fooling yourselves about that. The truth is that in most cases that is part of what you offer to your fiance(e). So, the question is, how much a part of it is it, 0, 1%, 50%, 99% or 100%? :unsure:

    Id offer my partner the opportunity to live in the Philippines. Do u really think that its that easy for us to leave everyone (family, friends, lifestyle, tradition, good food and my DOG) behind? Those who are trully in love (not those who are just looking for the "opportunity" to be offered) would have to make a BIG sacrifice and that is leaving everyone for the person he/she loves. So to answer your Q "how much a part of it is it, 0, 1%, 50%, 99% or 100%?" that would be 0 in our case. and again, id offer him the opportunity to live here.. lol :luv:

    I absolutely agreed on your views!!

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