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Loren Y

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Loren Y last won the day on April 7 2023

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About Loren Y

  • Birthday November 10

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  • City
    Las Vegas
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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Las Vegas NV
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  1. I am still doing the ceremonies and certificates in the same day here in Las Vegas. Copies are 25 here now, and the license is right around 100 dollars. If you are interested, just message me, and I can get you my contact info. As long as we do the ceremony on a Monday thru Friday when the clerks office is open, can get everything done in about an hour.
  2. I called my CBP friend currently working in Tampa. She said the only way they confiscate a passport is when you are taken into US custody, and then only until they can release you to to the authorities from your embassy. Just like a US passport is the property of the US government, your Passport ( Unless you had a US passport) is the property of your government agency that issues it. She said there is no way they would parole you into the country without any form of identification, that right there would get someone fired, along with taking something they legally have no right to do unless you are accused of a crime and in custody, and if that was the case, they would have notified your embassy that they have arrested a citizen of their country for x charges, and it would go from there. She said at the most, they could remove, or more than likely VOID the visa in the passport, and then admit you with a parole hearing date, but she is astounded that you are in the US, and CBP took your passport. So, just to be clear, you are inside the United States, with no form of identification? If so, I would get to your nearest embassy and file charges against the US. Bet that packet would show up really soon, like instantly. Your embassy should have a hotline to call, and they could probably figure this whole thing out quickly, or at the minimum get you a travel document to return to your home country.
  3. My now wife was denied a B2 in Thailand, they gave her the sheet, and the reason why. Had no problems doing the K1 even with the denial a year earlier. I would try to find out more if possible. And definitely more time in person.
  4. It could be they moved your file from one side of the desk to the other. If anyone even touches the file it triggers this message. Hope fully it means someone is reviewing it now, but wait for a notice to be sure.
  5. As others have stated. Keep it slim. I only sent copies of my entry and exit stamps from my passport. Don't get better proof than that, and it meets the requirements. Maybe throw in the boarding passes scanned and printed on a sheet of paper for a little extra evidence, but that should be enough.
  6. All the cards look the same after removal of the work authorization wording. When you Naturalize all you have to do is stop by the office with your certificate. They will update your status to citizen, then make a copy of your certificate for their records. Better to do this right after the ceremony before you tie up your certificate for 8 weeks getting a passport with it. And as a side note, you are limited to 10 replacement cards thru-out your lifetime. I don't know if this has ever been enforced, and you must really be forgetful if you lose your SS card more than 10 times( I still have mine from when I was 7 years old and my mom took me to get a SS number). Also, don't laminate the card either, it voids it( don't ask me why).
  7. Yes, this is an important step. You need the original. My wife and I went to the SS office right after her ceremony when she got the certificate and updated her SS status. That way the next day we went and did the passport application for her US passport. Back then they were taking 8-10 weeks to issue a passport, so you will be without your original Naturalization certificate until they mail it back to you after passport is issued. So definitely go to the SS office first thing, then passport next.
  8. As @Crazy Cat said, this was back in November 2018, so years ago, came thru LAX point of Entry at 7pm on a Sunday night, drove back to Vegas, got up at 8am the next morning, Monday, was in line at the local SSA office when they opened at 9am with paperwork all filled out. Got the number, and was called to window. showed the paperwork, and he immediately said you just arrived last night, there is no way you are in the system, come back in 2 weeks. I had to push a little bit as I knew it is an instant process when you come thru the POE from a few people I know at CBP, and the SS office higher ups. I convinced him to grudgingly get up from his chair and go to the computer on the desk like 10 feet away ( I know, it was a long walk for him). He keys a few things into the computer, and I see him look back with that look like your wasting my time. Next thing you know, the printer fires up next to the computer ( you can see the amazed look in his face, I just smile). he comes back to the desk with a few pages printed out, and finishes the application, and hands up the paper saying you applied for your SS number, and should have it in a week. He stamped the paper with a date and time stamp ( Make sure you keep this paper, as it acts as proof you applied and it is processing). we left and card was in the mailbox a week later. This was 5-6 years ago that the system updated within 14 hours of POE. If you give it 2-3 days, I'm sure you will be fine.
  9. 5 year plan means actually 15 in " Government Time" LOL.
  10. Don't worry, when you get to the N-400 for citizenship, it is all done online with uploading pdf's and everything. I have to say the N-400 was the easiest part of the whole journey, maybe that's why they save it for last, because by the time you get to that point, you need it to be easy.
  11. Wouldn't worry about it now, the officer (IO) will give you a chance before the interview starts, and ask you if there are any corrections that need to be made, you can mention it then.
  12. Are you sure they aren't asking for the passport photos you are supposed to send. You are supposed to include a few of you and your fiancee with names written on the back for the application. I also have never heard of them asking for information on photos you included in the evidence section, but if you forgot to include or write your names on the back of the passport photos, you will get a RFE.
  13. If you can get out to Vegas, I can get you married with a certificate in hand within an hour usually no problems. Feel free to message me if you are interested. I have picked people up at the airport at 9am, driven to the marriage bureau, got the license, went and did the ceremony, went and recorded the marriage and got the official marriage certificates in hand, and had them back to the airport for a flight out 4 hours later. Message me, and I will give you my contact information.
  14. You will have no issues. My wife used her AP so many times I thought the card would wear out. 3 times in a 4 month period right after it was received. We used it via Land crossing, Sea Crossing ( On a cruise), and of course by air. Here I am rolling with global entry, and Mobile passport, and she is flying thru immigration faster than me. The AP card worked better than a passport I think. That's what it is there for. Use it once you get it. As a side note, keep track of all your international travel on a excel spreadsheet or something. Will make things easier come citizenship time.
  15. I agree, 6 months hasn't been seen since about 2015-2016, maybe earlier, My wifes K1 took 9 months, and we filed November 2018.
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