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Ana Empey

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Posts posted by Ana Empey

  1. Hiya!

    My husband called them again , this time he spoke to a T2 representative,  this person told him it was a mistake on their part but he didn't know what it was  so he asked for a day or two to figure it out, next day my husband got an email from them  with some sort of "apology" saying it was a mistake on their part and that they were making sure he'd get the mail this time, so here we are waiting on them again, the only thing the T2 representative was able to tell us is that the RFE has a 6 month  time limit and on the email they said they'd be reseting the time for the RFE so we wouldn't be affected.


    I just hope this time we get it 

  2. Thank you, 

    We will try that again next week, I figured not getting the notification wasn't a big deal but since they told us it's an RFE  we are getting worried it's been almost a month and I think it's weird it's taking so long since they said they've sent it already.


    The due dates on the RFE change depending on what they are asking? 
    I'm sorry I'm bitting my finger nails over here because I don't know how do they expect us to send the information they are requesting if we don't know what it is that they need yet : (.



  3. Hello everyone,


    My husband sent our I-130 package on July 10 th ,  we read all the information provided on this forums, also consulted someone to help us review everything was ok and sent the package. Since the beginning we have been having nothing more than problems, we never got a notification  on the mail like we were supposed to, after 2 months we started to get worried so my husband called the USCIS, the lady that spoke to him told him it was weird we never got our case number because on her system it showed they've sent it already that she didn't know what the mistake was, we thought it was the mail but all the information was correct, she said she was going to make sure everything was sent again and gave us a number to check on their website, the number only worked that day it said they were processing our stuff,  after that day it never worked again... everytime we try it says its invalid. My husband decided to wait again to see if he was going to get the mail the lady told him he would, never got it

    He called again on October, same answer "we already sent a package",  verified the mail adress with them, all was good, told us to wait a couple days to get it and to check at their website again on that week because they were doing maintenance, neither worked. We called them again on November  6th  the person that talked to my husband told them " we sent the package yesterday, it's an RFE, you should get it in a couple days" It's december and nothing....


    We are a bit concerned, they have told us there is nothing wrong with the information we provided, the mail adress is fine,  there is no way for us to know the status or what we need hence we aren't getting anything in the mail and the website doesn't work for us. 

    Is this a normal situation ? Or should we be getting a lawyer?
    We know there is a due date on the RFE ,  we are feeling hands tied because we call them and they all tell us the same, we've explained we aren't getting anything and they tell us they don't know why but that we will next time and next time never comes . We've never done this and I don't know how smart it is to keep waiting  or if this is normal....

    I'd really appreciate your comments.


    Thank you~

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