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Posts posted by c4mpbell

  1. Myself and my American partner are about to start our CR-1 visa journey and we would like some further advice. 


    In 2014 i had to obtain a B2 visa to enter the states as I was previously arrested and charged. I was charged with assault aged 17 for punching someone in the face (now 30, worst mistake i ever made) No other crimes/arrests, not even a speeding fine. 


    I was able to obtain the B2 visa in 2014 and have visited the states since on it. So obviously then they deemed my crime to not involve moral turpitude. 


    Now my question is for the B2 visa I was not required to submit the court records. However my understanding is with an immigrant visa a court record is required to support the application. in 2014 I contact the court and requested the court record and they were unable to provide it and inst ad issued me with a letter saying the no longer hold the records. So I have no court records but a letter from the court in 2014 confirming no records (please see attached letter)


    No idea if this makes it even pointless starting the journey. Thanks for taking your time to read this :) Scott & Steven


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