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Xinyu Tanya

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Posts posted by Xinyu Tanya

  1. 23 minutes ago, Perfect two 💑 said:


    Hi everyone, 


    First of all, I would like to thank you so much for your kind words when I needed support the most. You guys really motivating me. I know that I'm such a worry person. That might be because I really afraid to lose him. I worry every time I think all the possibility that might happen. I worry how I will go through this process again if we fail on our first try. 


    So, yesterday, my fiancé and I had a talk about this. I’m asking him whether he will be with me in person throughout the process if we need to go through this process again. Guess what? He said that he will! He will figure it out how to do it and he will be with me in person and he can’t be without me and he needs me in his life. Oh wow! Automatically, I realized how much he loves me and him actually willing to do everything for me. How stupid I am! I almost lose a guy that loves me so much (I love him more, of course!), my soulmate and my everything just because of my anxiety disorder. He even joking after that by saying “Don’t sabotage our interview though just so we can swim with elephants again, we can always do that when we come back” (we did plan to swim with elephants when he come here :lol:)


    I do appreciate what he has done to me before, I do love him super duper much before. But now, I will appreciate him more and I will love him more, more and more. I know he will be reading this. “My lovely and sweet fiancé, thank you so much for making me the happiest girl in the world. You are the best! But in our love competition, I still love you more than you love me! Of course. You need to keep loving me more, and more if you don’t want a big gap between us):wub:


    again, thank you so much everyone! Super duper excited waiting for our NOA2, no more worry after this, I just want to be happy with him! :dance:

    Awwww! How sweet is that!


    Though I am not certain what happened to you, I completely understand how you feel - as I felt the same way before, maybe I still will from time to time. Waiting for the visa is excruciating, for sure. However, as he proposed to you, he is committed to you! Don't worry! Find something else to do rather than focus on him all the time, love yourself, and do anything you would like to do by youself! 


    Happy for ya xxx



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