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  • Immigration Status
    TN Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Seattle WA
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  1. Thanks for your generous answer OldUser. Appreciate you.
  2. "How long do you think? Also, what would the questioning be like? (Also, what can the officer do if you refuse to answer? De-naturalize you on the spot?)" When you answered my question with questions of your own. That threw me off. I am still active system administrator/auditor. I expect and appreciate straight answers to questions. Again thanks for your inputs.
  3. Harry St. Thanks for your feedback. I am sorry, but I dont understand the sarcasm in your comment "abandoning". I am NOT abandoning the country. https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/layoff-tsunami-2023-tech-companies-laid-off-226000-employees-to-date-40-more-than-in-2022-394245-2023-08-16 I will rather have a roof over my head, rather than living on the streets. Just looking for honest feedback. Again, thanks for your input.
  4. Hello All, I finally got my PPT after successful intervention by my Congressman. Thankful to all who have helped me in this journey which started with TN visa. However,I lost my job with the massive layoffs in the IT industry, I had to move out of my home in US because I ran out of rent/mortgage fund. So I had to return to Canada as I have somewhere there I can live untill I fnd a new gig in US. Question - how long can new USC live outside of US without questioning on return to home(US)?
  5. Hello All, I applied for passport at a Passport Office in Post Office in my town, and State Dept. received application on 06/05/2023. But then I had to move temporarily while the passport application was processing. Because I don't have a relative nearby I forwarded all my mails to rental box via USPS. In addition, on 06/19/2023 I also did a change of address with State Department by calling 1-877-487-2778 as follow: To: CA-PPT-HQCallCenter@state.gov 1. Applicant's Name (First, Middle, Last): My name 2. Relationship of Person Submitting Form (Self or Minor Child): SELF 3. Locator Number (If Known):00000000 (known) 4. Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX 5. Contact Phone Number: XXXXXXXXXX 6. Email Address: XXXXXXX@GMAIL.COM 7. Previous Address Given on Application (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code): XXXXXXXXXX, WA 9XXXX. 8. New Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, and In Care Of, if Applicable): PASSPORT OFFICE XXX MYTOWN AVE, MYT, WA 9XXXX (USPS OFFICE). Question: How can I confirm address change with State Department system? Can State Department forward passport to USPS PASSPORT OFFICE in my town's USPS office? Thanks for your attention in advance.
  6. Following up on this thread. Does address change/mail forwarding to USPS office also work? That is, I applied for passport at a Passport Office in Post Office in my town, and State Dept. received application on 06/05/2023. But then I had to move temporarily while the passport application was processing. Because I don't have a relative nearby I forwarded all my mails to rental box via USPS. In addition, on 06/19/2023 I also did a change of address with State Department by calling 1-877-487-2778 as follows: To: CA-PPT-HQCallCenter@state.gov 1. Applicant's Name (First, Middle, Last): My name 2. Relationship of Person Submitting Form (Self or Minor Child): SELF 3. Locator Number (If Known):00000000 (known) 4. Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX 5. Contact Phone Number: XXXXXXXXXX 6. Email Address: XXXXXXX@GMAIL.COM 7. Previous Address Given on Application (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code): XXXXXXXXXX, WA 9XXXX. 8. New Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, and In Care Of, if Applicable): PASSPORT OFFICE XXX MYTOWN AVE, MYT, WA 9XXXX (USPS OFFICE). Question: How can I confirm address change with State Department system? Can State Department forward passport to USPS PASSPORT OFFICE in my town's USPS office? Thanks for your attention in advance.
  7. Hello, I recently moved after applying for Passport with my old address. Temporarily staying with family friend. I have forwarded my mails to my new address, at USPS, to commercial private mail box. Question, will my passport be forwarded by USPS to my commercial private mail box?
  8. Thanks everyone for your generous inputs. I appreciate you all.
  9. Please note that the Oath has not be taken yet. Just wondering about emergency re-entry options after oath is taken.
  10. Hello, If one takes U.S. Citizenship Oath, and apply for U.S. Passport the same day. However, if one travels to Canada on emergency event before receiving US passport, can one return to US with Canadian passport and I551stamp on Canadian passport?
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