Hello All,
I applied for passport at a Passport Office in Post Office in my town, and State Dept. received application on 06/05/2023. But then I had to move temporarily while the passport application was processing. Because I don't have a relative nearby I forwarded all my mails to rental box via USPS.
In addition, on 06/19/2023 I also did a change of address with State Department by calling 1-877-487-2778 as follow:
To: CA-PPT-HQCallCenter@state.gov
1. Applicant's Name (First, Middle, Last): My name
2. Relationship of Person Submitting Form (Self or Minor Child): SELF
3. Locator Number (If Known):00000000 (known)
4. Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX
5. Contact Phone Number: XXXXXXXXXX
6. Email Address: XXXXXXX@GMAIL.COM
7. Previous Address Given on Application (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code): XXXXXXXXXX, WA 9XXXX.
8. New Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, and In Care Of, if Applicable): PASSPORT OFFICE XXX MYTOWN AVE, MYT, WA 9XXXX (USPS OFFICE).
How can I confirm address change with State Department system?
Can State Department forward passport to USPS PASSPORT OFFICE in my town's USPS office?
Thanks for your attention in advance.