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Posts posted by eltigredo

  1. eltigredo,

    You say that the name you were "raised with" is different from your "legal name" - as in different from the name on your birth certificate and your passport? Driver's license? Bank accounts and credit cards? Other types of documentation?

    Does "raised with" mean that most people, not only your fiancee, call you by this name? Is it the name that you typically use to introduce yourself? Not a 'pet' name used only by your fiancee?

    One of your names should be put on line 1, the other on line 7. Which name you chose to put on which line might depend on your answers to all of the questions I posed.


    That's right. I have a family name that is not on any official documents. It's the name I answer to at home, even to this day. All of my family and close family friends call me by this name and it's been this way all my life.

    So, no, it's not just a pet name. In many ways, this name is more real than my formal name.

  2. hi there

    i do the same thing with my husband i call him by his middle name which he prefers..and my name is shortened also

    but with anything official like applying for anything he always uses his birth name...because everything he has, is in his first namet eg. birth cert, drivers licence..

    i would use your proper name on filling the forms .... if its not legally changed...

    take care and good luck


    p.s. i would use your birth name

    Thanks, but what I'm talking about are the examples of letters and stuff like that. When I make a copy of a letter from her to me, should I clarify that this name is mine???

  3. I accidentally posted this in the wrong area:

    Hello everyone,

    In all of our correspondence, my fiance calls me by the name I was raised with. It's not a legal name and I wouldn't even be asking about it if it weren't for the fact that she NEVER uses my formal name.

    Is this what question seven is for????

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Thanks. That's the kind of info I'm looking for.

    I have another question now that I'm thinking about it......

    I'm going to be in her country for five weeks early next year. Is it possible for us to go to the embassy together and get a K-1 that way? When I first began thinking about this, it was because I was concerned about what would happen if I got a RFE while I was gone. I wouldn't be here to do anything about it. But then I began thinking about the possibility of us just going straight to the embassy while I'm there.

    So I guess that's two questions........

    What do I do if I get an RFE while I'm out of the country?


    Is it possible and/or advisable to go to the embassy together to get the visa while I'm there?

  5. Hello everyone,

    I have two questions I'm hoping someone can answer for me:

    First, what should be copied in this package and what should be original. The items I'm not sure about are:

    • Letters of intent
    • G-325A
    • Birth Certificate

    Some of the stuff I've read about this says to send copies. But I'm not sure if that applies to everything in the package.

    Second; I have not filed my income taxes for 2004 and 2005 yet. I plan on getting that done in the next week or so, but I'm wondering if the timing of this is significant. Do I need to have the taxes done FIRST and then file the petition? I read something somewhere about needing an explination if the taxes are filed late. I'm not sure what "late" means in this context. Does it mean after the petition is filed or just late in general?

    Thank you in advance for you answers,


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