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Lotts last won the day on December 18 2017

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1 Follower

About Lotts

  • Birthday September 15

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Baltimore MD
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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  1. Darn! Thank you for your answer.
  2. I meant that I'm not leaving the airport. That's why I asked Ah, gotcha. Thank you so much for your answer
  3. Hello there. My background: I entered the USA On a K1 visa. I upheld everything, got married within the 90 days but my then husband refused to uphold his end with the adjustment of status. After a few years, I returned back to the UK and got divorced with the courthouse over Zoom. I'm now barred from the USA for 10 years, I believe, but see nothing on my passport details on the border control website (I can't remember the letter and number 😅) Urgh. I feel like I've wasted a chunk of my life and a tonne of money. My question is, if I'm making a long haul flight (UK to NZ) but one of the layovers is in San Francisco, am I able to do that? I'm not technically entering the country. Or do I have to go the loooong, more expensive way? Thank you so much. I hope you're all well and life is being kind to you. 💜
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